purpose of hot oil treatments


New Member
I was wondering this
1)If you put oil on your hair what does it actually do?
2)Does it really moisturizes the hair?
3)And if you wash it with shampoo won't it just wash all the benefits away?
4)Should the oil be warm or not?
5)And if you put it on your hair should your hair be damp or dry?
6)In what cases should you do a hot oil treatment?

I know I have a lot of questions but I really want to know
I don't do hot oil treatments because I do conditioner washes, but here's my understanding of them

Oil helps to keep moisture in the hair from drying up, it doesn't moisturize, it locks moisture in. The purpose of heating the oil is so that the hair cuticles will open and allow some of the oil to get inside, so when you wash your hair, some of the oil remains inside. The oil also makes the shampoo less harsh on your hair. It's personal preference if you want to do it with wet or dry hair. Some people believe that if you do it with dry hair, the oil can penetrate the hair better because it wouldn't be saturated with water already. The main benefits of hot oil treatments are extra moisture and extra protection from shampoos.
hot oils are designed to condition damaged hair/endz and to add shine to dull, lifeless hair.
I use hot oil treatments each week and I use the kind that you put in your hair after the shampoo/ deep conditioning. The kind I use is by proclima and I also you hot oil made by ion. These types are made to be put on the hair at the end. They work well for me!
I LOVE the Ion hot oil

To answer the questions--I think that hot oils are just another method of conditioning. I'm speaking of the hot oil treatments that are specifically made for hair--not like heating up your own Olive oil & such. That tends to work better as a pre-shampoo treatment.