Purpose Driven Deception!

Amen Wavy! The prosperity gospel had lulled us to sleep - it is time for us to wake up from our slumber!

Thanks for posting!
Amen Wavy! The prosperity gospel had lulled us to sleep - it is time for us to wake up from our slumber!

Thanks for posting!
Thank you, momi.

My purpose for this thread also is for those who are on this forum to be aware of some 'deceptive words' that are being used here and how we need to see it for what it is and come against it.

When two are more are gathered in His Name (Jesus), there I AM is in the midst of us!
Hallelujah! Right before I read this I made this declaration to myself (different wording). We're on the same wavelength. God bless you!

And in declaring the truth we must KNOW the truth. Knowing the truth requiring knowing the word of God. Ladies, to whom it may concern, stop relying on church to teach you the Truth. I would assume that we all have bibles. Read it. Get a book that can jump start you walk with God like Purpose Driven Life[Just found out its an awful book]. Apply it to your life everyday and share it as much as possible. Make time to spend QUALITY time with him. I am sorry to say but I doubt he'll appreciate 5mins a day when he instructs we mediate day and night. God is watching and testing you with everything. When Jesus returns, and you are found lost and you have been deceived, it will be no one fault but your own. You had access to the same bible those who are living eternally with the Father do.

Nothing can remove me from the position that God, the God of the Bible, has placed me in....nothing and no one...hallelujah!

The Bible forewarned us about deception, so it shouldn't come to us as a surprise. We can't depend on others to declare the truth, we must be willing to declare it as well, even here in a Hair Forum...who would have thunk it..huh?
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I know someone who read the book Purpose driven life, and she posted a page a day, I went through it with her, and although it was a long time ago, there was some good to it, and some seemed just 'off' I dont know how else to put it, and I cant say what it was-it was so long ago, but I had to guard her at times in her perception of what was being said in that book, I can say today, the book did nothing for her ......really, I guess at least at the time it was something for her to focus on, but she seemed to still come away from it empty and unfed with no real tools for 'that purpose driven life' because I think its impossible to have a purpose driven life, that is God led unless you are surrendered to him and seeking your purpose from him, I mean anyone can have a purpose driven life, to get this job, marry this man, buy this house, take this trip, have this amount in the bank etc etc. all empty purpose outside of the Lord's purpose for your life, just my input and opinion .....is all

But I believe our purpose can only be made known by the one that purposed it for us in the first place
Thank you so much. You are truly an end time voice. Please keep sharing this with believer's and non-believer's. Today there is a focus on self and this higher being stuff. If we could save ourselves then there would be no reason for Jesus Christ. Many are blinded by the world system, which worships everything but our heavenly Father. That is why the bible teaches us to be in the world but not of the world.

I have been debating about starting a blog and teaching others about our Father and his plan for us. Many have a misconception of him because they do not read the bible but take bits and pieces of what they hear and distort it. Thanks for the encouragement.

I am also an end time voice who is like Jonah, in hiding but we all must come out and speak the truth.
Thank you so much. You are truly an end time voice. Please keep sharing this with believer's and non-believer's. Today there is a focus on self and this higher being stuff. If we could save ourselves then there would be no reason for Jesus Christ. Many are blinded by the world system, which worships everything but our heavenly Father. That is why the bible teaches us to be in the world but not of the world.

I have been debating about starting a blog and teaching others about our Father and his plan for us. Many have a misconception of him because they do not read the bible but take bits and pieces of what they hear and distort it. Thanks for the encouragement.

I am also an end time voice who is like Jonah, in hiding but we all must come out and speak the truth.

If we could save ourselves then there would be no reason for Jesus Christ.

This would make a GREAT t-shirt slogan.

And you are no longer in hiding, like Jonah, you seemed to have been spat out of that whales belly from hiding. :yep:
I know someone who read the book Purpose driven life, and she posted a page a day, I went through it with her, and although it was a long time ago, there was some good to it, and some seemed just 'off' I dont know how else to put it, and I cant say what it was-it was so long ago, but I had to guard her at times in her perception of what was being said in that book, I can say today, the book did nothing for her ......really, I guess at least at the time it was something for her to focus on, but she seemed to still come away from it empty and unfed with no real tools for 'that purpose driven life' because I think its impossible to have a purpose driven life, that is God led unless you are surrendered to him and seeking your purpose from him, I mean anyone can have a purpose driven life, to get this job, marry this man, buy this house, take this trip, have this amount in the bank etc etc. all empty purpose outside of the Lord's purpose for your life, just my input and opinion .....is all

But I believe our purpose can only be made known by the one that purposed it for us in the first place

I read the book too. I had the book, the journal and the small book too. It is off. God told me my purpose. Everything else that I do should be to align myself with HIS will for my life. It's not about what I want to happen, it's what He wants me to do. I don't recommend that book to anyone. :nono:
I've never heard reviews of that nature about the book. This is my second time reading it. the first I read it, I wasn't ready for what it had to say. I believe this book is for those at a certain place in life. I've reached that place I believe. These books arent intended to replace what God or the bible says for your life. They simply facilitate. But there's tons of books available to help give those ready for a closer walk with God a starting point. Choose that challenges you and is biblical based.

[Just read the reviews on Purpose Driven Life. Glad I found out now, I'm only on day 6. Its a biblical tailored book and is not recommended by most reviewers.]
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Yall are on fire in this thread! I'm loving it... pure truth! The Bible said that IT is the final authority, and IT is sufficient.. .Therefore, nothing shall be added or taken away from it. All these preachers preaching this feel-good gospel full of half-truths, sensationalism and everything else is completely leading people down the path to destruction and falling away from the faith. I dont know how many friends I had in the past that were part of this word-faith movement of speaking things into existence who haven't realized this stuff is borderline witchcraft, if not completely so... The Bible directs us and instructs us in such matters... People think because it works then it must be from God, and I think where is your reason. God gave us reason, discernment and intellect for a reason. But how many preachers are telling people to leave theri intellect and reason at the door when they enter the church.. .BEcause they dont want you to think and use your head and discern God's truth, and the fact that they are not preaching it.. Matthew 23 (?) tells us that in the end times there will be deceivers and liars who will preach a false gospel to those with itching ears to hear what they want to hear and to go after their own lusts, and that they will be able to mock all of the miracles Jesus has performed, and that Satan would appear as an angel of light, all of this would cause believers to fall away from teh faith, from their first love BECAUSE they did not have the LOVE of the TRUTH in their hearts.... We have to have the guts and desire to long for and love truth in it's most purest form, and keep it sacred and above all things... God's Word is true through and through.... But a lie only has to contain a little bit of truth to be believable...

The purpose driven life is a bunch of hogwash, and many other books out here professing to be Christian... Even the book The Shack, and a bunch of others.... Ladies, if you want good apologetic reviews on Christian books and theology, go here. http://www.discerningreader.com/book-reviews/the-purpose-driven-life ...... There are whole lots of books there that have been reviewed by some great people with amazing discernment and bibilical knowledge... Also, for other apologetics issues, visit www.letusreason.org. The writer is Hawaiian, and his English isn't perfect, so show a little gracde, but you'll definitely get the point...

I tell people a lot when they get mad at me for being honest with them and letting them know what's up about the church is this.. When you're at work, and your boss requires you to do a whole bunch of stuff not related to your job, and stuff that's quite unnecessary, dont you just get mad... Cause aren't there so many pressing issues in yoru life that deserve your time and attention, and we allk now how precious our time is. We dont get an endless amount of it... So in the same respect, why do we get mad when churches and pastors want us to do all this nonsense in the name of God, supposedly, like sowing seeds, reading all of these blasphemous books, doing this, doing that, praising God this way, barking like dogs, laughing and falling out and rolling around, when the Bible clearly tells us that we must just confess our sin, believe in faith that Jesus died for our sins, and that we are saved... and that we walk out our salvation by pursuing God and holiness for the rest of our lives, and that he strengthens us to do so... And he also asks that we have a childlike faith... Our faith isn't works centered, and certainly we can't control God by sowing seeds demanding that he resopnd. AFter all, He's God! Who are we to tell Him what to do! Sow all the seeds you want, but God is God, adn He will decide when to give adn when to take away... How can one preach Grace, but then think we can manipulate or control God based on our giving or what we do... We simply cannot do enough to ever earn the Lord's Grace and Mercy...and certainly, giving to get will never bless us or Him as well... It's conditional,a nd the Lord asks that we give without condition, and that He loves a cheerful giver...

HOw many poeple would continue to sow seed offerings, and name this and claim that, if they knew half of the things they asked for God was in no condition to grant... These pastors are worrked about their "flocks" having cars, money, clothes this and that, while they are spiritually dead and thirsty for a real relationship and encounter with the Lord. God isn't our sugardaddy or fairy godmother dispensing gifts at our beckon call... How dare we disrespect Him as so and reduce Him to a mere santa claus... Let me stop here.. cause I get fired up... hahaha.. but I know yall feel me
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One more thought before I really jump off this soap box... Talking about God being a santa claus to so many.... If primarily He's God, the Father... How many dads relish at theri kids always asking them for things? I mean, at some point, don't our parents get tired of us begging them for things when most often than not, they just want to love on us, teach us, instruct us, discipline us, and have a relationship wtih us. Yes, it is no doubt that a parent loves to bless theri children with things, but first and foremost, they want to be a parent and have relationship with us, prepare us for life, and certainly teach us in teh ways we should go for our salvation. Is God not the same tyep of Father, who desires relationship... Don't we owe Him more than just asking for things all the time, and speaking everything into existence and giving to him conditionally... If he experiences emotion in it's full array, and he desires that we love him and have relationship wtih Him, then wouldn't it grieve the Lord if all we wanted was to figure out ways to manipulate his word, use it out of context just to get things from him... If I were that parent, it would certainly grieve me. The Lord wants us to know him and for us to be known by Him.. that is the essence of relaitonship, to know and to be known... How many churches are really preaching that???? But rather, they want us to see God as Santa..... nothing more.. it's ridiculous.. I'm sure you all agree.
Can someone explain to me why Purpose driven life is not recommended?

I've read it years ago, but I think the sentiment is that no book, other than the Holy Bible itself can actually tell you your purpose in life. God created us for a purpose and that purpose is in his word. PDL is a bit selfish in that it is about making ones self feel good about what you are doing rather than doing whatever God's will is for you, whether or not it makes you feel good.

mt 6:33 explains my opinion
3But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Can someone explain to me why Purpose driven life is not recommended?

For me it's the reckless tailoring of scripture. He frequently quotes half a scripture to get his point across. But when you read or just happen to know the context AND the entire scripture it doesn't 'fit' his agenda.
Thank you ladies. I always listened to people talk about the book but never looked at reviews online. Its a completely different review. I am glad someone said something, thank you so much. First time I read it, I didnt finish it and forgot almost everything I read. I have been so eager to get into doing God's will for my life that I like Lord I'll do anything....I guess I was foolish in believing that a minister wouldnt publishing something deceiving. I have trouble following the bible sometimes...
And book recommendations (i love books)? There's alot of books on this site you listed, I dont know where to start...
I've read it years ago, but I think the sentiment is that no book, other than the Holy Bible itself can actually tell you your purpose in life. God created us for a purpose and that purpose is in his word. PDL is a bit selfish in that it is about making ones self feel good about what you are doing rather than doing whatever God's will is for you, whether or not it makes you feel good.

mt 6:33 explains my opinion
3But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

See here.. http://www.discerningreader.com/book-reviews/the-purpose-driven-life

Better explanation than I can put into words HTH

For me it's the reckless tailoring of scripture. He frequently quotes half a scripture to get his point across. But when you read or just happen to know the context AND the entire scripture it doesn't 'fit' his agenda.
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Thank you ladies. I always listened to people talk about the book but never looked at reviews online. Its a completely different review. I am glad someone said something, thank you so much. First time I read it, I didnt finish it and forgot almost everything I read. I have been so eager to get into doing God's will for my life that I like Lord I'll do anything....I guess I was foolish in believing that a minister wouldnt publishing something deceiving. I have trouble following the bible sometimes...
And book recommendations (i love books)? There's alot of books on this site you listed, I dont know where to start...

Best book to accompany the Bible is a good Strongs Concordance. That way you can do word/subject studies based upon what the Holy Spirit leads you to study. That, along with some humble prayer asking God to teach you is the best.
I have one and I used it. What I am talking about is something the read like a sermon, if that makes sense. Like if the author mission was to take you through the life of Jesus, it could explain in depth certain points. Not a bible replacement but something to help me understand some of the difficult parts.
Best book to accompany the Bible is a good Strongs Concordance. That way you can do word/subject studies based upon what the Holy Spirit leads you to study. That, along with some humble prayer asking God to teach you is the best.
I have one and I used it. What I am talking about is something the read like a sermon, if that makes sense. Like if the author mission was to take you through the life of Jesus, it could explain in depth certain points. Not a bible replacement but something to help me understand some of the difficult parts.

Oh, I see, I don't have any suggestions off the top of my head. Do you have a home church?
Best book to accompany the Bible is a good Strongs Concordance. That way you can do word/subject studies based upon what the Holy Spirit leads you to study. That, along with some humble prayer asking God to teach you is the best.

And may I humbly add... Reading and understanding the Bible takes study and perseverance. The Bible was meant to cause us to spend time learning what's there... It was meant to require thought, discernment and reason. Therefore, we are not to be deterred from reading it because it is difficult. But I do understand when a person says they struggle reading it. A great resource to is getting a study Bible. I have the New King James Study Bible by Zondervan. It's really good because as I read along, I go to the bottom and read the study notes on what I'm reading. It explains a lot of things thoroughly. As SuperNova suggested, a concordance is great as well.

There are great Bible study guides out there, but when one studys the Bible, one must study things in proper context. Like for instance, you dont focus on a particular verse outside of the context it was written. And so it is better to read the chapter and focus on teh chapter, and also the history of the time, what was going on politically, historically... But these things are all listed in my study Bible. So when I read a chapter or begin a book, my Bible tells me who wrote the book, what time it was written, what the essence of the book was about, why they wrote it, and hwat was going on in the society during that time that reflects what teh book was being written for, as well as why God inspired the person to write what they wrote.

Finding a good apologetics site is also great, because if it is correct, it explains many of the discrepancies and confusions peopel have with certain bible passages. A good site to go to is www.letusreason.org. There are many others if you want to email me, I"ll find them for you.. [email protected].

The Bible commands us to study and show thyself approved... That means we have the responsibility to learning and knowing God's Word. We can't love a God truly that we dont know, but it is also for our benefit and edification that we have understanding.

There are some great books, written by sound theologists regarding Biblical doctrine, the church, etc... Some good authors are John Piper, John Thomas, Jonathan Edwards to name a few. Another book, Systematic Theology, although rather lengthy, and probably not good to start exactly there, is a book you'd want to definitely read.. Also, Scripture Alone by James R. White.... These are ones I can think of off the top of my head... But start in the apologetics section of www.letusreason.org. I think there is a post in there about how to study the Bible for those getting started... HTH
This is good information. Thank you.

I have the Nelson's Complete Study System bible. Maybe I'm simple but I laugh sometimes because 1/3 of the page is scripture and the rest is analysis. I read through it mostly but I always like imaginative writing.

I guess thats way I like books because I like to read people's point of views regarding scripture. I am much more careful not to let the book replace reading scripture everyday. And not that I let books determine my walk. I always eventually make a choice to continue to read or not. Like that Steve Harvey book...done after first chapter but it wasnt a christain book anyway so what was i thinking?

Though Ive been in church all my life, my real Christian walk is just beginning and I want to please God as best I can. Re-evaluating everything I've ever been taught. I am finding my flaw is not being careful of the things I take in that claim to be sound christian books. Pray for me on that. Last thing I need in these last days is to continue to believe the lies of the world. It can literally have eternal ramifications.

You ladies are such a blessing.

And may I humbly add... Reading and understanding the Bible takes study and perseverance. The Bible was meant to cause us to spend time learning what's there... It was meant to require thought, discernment and reason. Therefore, we are not to be deterred from reading it because it is difficult. But I do understand when a person says they struggle reading it. A great resource to is getting a study Bible. I have the New King James Study Bible by Zondervan. It's really good because as I read along, I go to the bottom and read the study notes on what I'm reading. It explains a lot of things thoroughly. As SuperNova suggested, a concordance is great as well.

There are great Bible study guides out there, but when one studys the Bible, one must study things in proper context. Like for instance, you dont focus on a particular verse outside of the context it was written. And so it is better to read the chapter and focus on teh chapter, and also the history of the time, what was going on politically, historically... But these things are all listed in my study Bible. So when I read a chapter or begin a book, my Bible tells me who wrote the book, what time it was written, what the essence of the book was about, why they wrote it, and hwat was going on in the society during that time that reflects what teh book was being written for, as well as why God inspired the person to write what they wrote.

Finding a good apologetics site is also great, because if it is correct, it explains many of the discrepancies and confusions peopel have with certain bible passages. A good site to go to is www.letusreason.org. There are many others if you want to email me, I"ll find them for you.. [email protected].

The Bible commands us to study and show thyself approved... That means we have the responsibility to learning and knowing God's Word. We can't love a God truly that we dont know, but it is also for our benefit and edification that we have understanding.

There are some great books, written by sound theologists regarding Biblical doctrine, the church, etc... Some good authors are John Piper, John Thomas, Jonathan Edwards to name a few. Another book, Systematic Theology, although rather lengthy, and probably not good to start exactly there, is a book you'd want to definitely read.. Also, Scripture Alone by James R. White.... These are ones I can think of off the top of my head... But start in the apologetics section of www.letusreason.org. I think there is a post in there about how to study the Bible for those getting started... HTH
Sure do. First Baptist Church of Glenarden. I was just asking you guys. I'll talk to some people tomorrow. Thanks.

Hey PrettyFace,
How close are you to Capitol Hill? I see you live in the DMV? I do too.. I go to Capitoil Hill Baptist... Excellent teaching, sound doctrine! they are passionate about the purity of the gospel and keeping doctrine as the most important thing in their church.. the teaching is awesome... and you will find a lot of learning resources there and those willing to help you... the elders and laypeople are really committed to biblical truths and understanding and spreading that amongst the congregation... the worship is a little sleepy for me, but the singing of hymns always moves my heart because of the words... they really bring you to a heart of repentance and joy for knowing the Lord.. but the music is the least of our worries.. we should definitely and foremost be worried about the teaching at a church, and you will find excellent teaching there... let me know.. i'll be there tomorrow if you're interested in coming,a nd i'll be there next week too.. i'm in the process of joining... i love it there...
This is good information. Thank you.

I have the Nelson's Complete Study System bible. Maybe I'm simple but I laugh sometimes because 1/3 of the page is scripture and the rest is analysis. I read through it mostly but I always like imaginative writing.

I guess thats way I like books because I like to read people's point of views regarding scripture. I am much more careful not to let the book replace reading scripture everyday. And not that I let books determine my walk. I always eventually make a choice to continue to read or not. Like that Steve Harvey book...done after first chapter but it wasnt a christain book anyway so what was i thinking?

Though Ive been in church all my life, my real Christian walk is just beginning and I want to please God as best I can. Re-evaluating everything I've ever been taught. I am finding my flaw is not being careful of the things I take in that claim to be sound christian books. Pray for me on that. Last thing I need in these last days is to continue to believe the lies of the world. It can literally have eternal ramifications.

You ladies are such a blessing.

YOu're so right... it does seem a lot more interesting to read peoples viewpoints on things but what's important is a person's approach... One thing too, if you are not solidly grounded in the truth of the word, whether you read something and decide toput it down or not, if you dont have solid theology, you can easily be swayed because you have no foundation on which to rightfully judge that what you're reading is true or not... My recommendation is to focus on the Word, and a few of the books I suggested about doctrine, and you'll be fine.. but get solidly grounded in the Word.. .reading allthe books about the Bible in the world will never be better than reading the bible itself. We have Bible study Wednesday night.. it's so important ot be in a chuch with good teaching, because therefore you will benefit greatly from the bible study.
CHeck this out... http://adrianwarnock.com/2005/04/books-every-christian-should-read_01.htm

Also, there is a reading list suggestion on the site discerningreader.com.... check it out.. a lot of these books are recommended by the pastors and elders at my church, we also have in our bookstore... but also, ify oulook at the bottom of the page, it says recommendations by 9 Marks, well that is a ministry at my church... It has a list of books that are highly suggested... Most of tehm are the same you will see on the other lists... These are excelletn books to read...

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This is so true. I need to get grounded in this word and Im not quite there. God has been protecting me though. I thought PDL was a good book and it stop that. I've been seeing ALOT of God intervening over the past 2 months. He's doing something in me and making decisions for me I wouldnt make for myself. But I know its because I wake up praying and go to sleep praying and pray and think about Him all in between. He's protecting me and Glory to God for his protection.

YOu're so right... it does seem a lot more interesting to read peoples viewpoints on things but what's important is a person's approach... One thing too, if you are not solidly grounded in the truth of the word, whether you read something and decide toput it down or not, if you dont have solid theology, you can easily be swayed because you have no foundation on which to rightfully judge that what you're reading is true or not... My recommendation is to focus on the Word, and a few of the books I suggested about doctrine, and you'll be fine.. but get solidly grounded in the Word.. .reading allthe books about the Bible in the world will never be better than reading the bible itself. We have Bible study Wednesday night.. it's so important ot be in a chuch with good teaching, because therefore you will benefit greatly from the bible study.
I read the book too. I had the book, the journal and the small book too. It is off. God told me my purpose. Everything else that I do should be to align myself with HIS will for my life. It's not about what I want to happen, it's what He wants me to do. I don't recommend that book to anyone. :nono:

I also purchased this book. It was boring to me and I could not finish it. I guess the Holy Spirit would not let me go any further. Thank You Jesus. I threw it in the trash along with my other books by Juanita Bynum.:yep: I'm tired of listening to all theses voices. It's God's time now to speak to us through his word.:grin:
Yeah, this is exactly what I'm looking for. Something help guide you through the bible in a organized way to understand certain concepts. I am going to see my church bookstore has this.

Purchase a commentary, concordance and biblical dictionary. This may help. Just start reading in Genesis and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Purchase a commentary, concordance and biblical dictionary. This may help. Just start reading in Genesis and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

I tried this when I first started gettting my walk in line. Needless to say it didnt help too much.