Purity Rings


Well-Known Member
I want to make a marriage commitment to God. I heard about this purity ring thing along time ago and I was just reminded of it the other day. I want to get one. For those that dont know, a little background:

Purity rings (also known as chastity rings or promise rings) originated in the United States in the 1990s among Christian affiliated sexual abstinence groups. The rings are sold to adolescents, or to parents so that the rings may be given to their adolescent children as gifts.
Wearing a purity ring is typically accompanied by a religiousvow to practice celibacy until marriage. The ring is usually worn on the left ring finger (but can be worn on the right ring finger) with the implication that the wearer will remain abstinent until it is replaced with a wedding ring. There is no particular style for purity rings; however, many worn by Christians have a cross in their design in reference to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. There can be sayings engraved onto the rings such as 'True Love Waits' or 'One Life One Love'.
If you could have a purity ring, what would you want it to say? I see alot of great ones and my likes right now are:

  1. Purity
  2. True Love Waits
  3. I have decided
  4. I will wait for my beloved
I have found a scripture to solidify the convenant either. Im still searching for the one that expresses my heart to God. Any suggestions?

I decided on this one.

now to enscribe it.
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No suggestions about what to put on it. Mine only has the date that I made my promise to Jesus on it. I just had my second anniversary last month. I wear it on my left ring finger. I think it is an awesome demonstration of one's commitment to remain pure. :yep:
No suggestions about what to put on it. Mine only has the date that I made my promise to Jesus on it. I just had my second anniversary last month. I wear it on my left ring finger. I think it is an awesome demonstration of one's commitment to remain pure. :yep:
Actually thats a great suggestion...the day I made the commitment. Umm...thinking....

Okay, how do they do that at the top with the ads? It always sends chills down my spine...purity rings lol! Tags?

I'm a web programmer so I wont get to geek-nerd on you but I think its very cool. Because of course the people in the thread are potential customers. Marketing at its best.
I ordered my ring. Im excited to get it. I know it will be a great conversation starting and I can share with people my beliefs.

I am having engraved inside the band:
SOS 6:3 Purity GEN 2:23
Song of Solomon 6:3 "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine..."
Genesis 2:23 "...bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh..."
This scripture just caught my eye at church this evening.
Isaiah 54:5
For your husband is your Maker — His name is Yahweh of Hosts— and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth
I like that one. I want one in gold too. I am gonna consider this one.
This scripture just caught my eye at church this evening.
Isaiah 54:5
For your husband is your Maker — His name is Yahweh of Hosts— and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; He is called the God of all the earth