Protein,Reconstructors and Thinning


New Member
Can protein treatments help thicken hair? I have naturally thick hair but due to damage it has thinned out. I don't want to do a big chop, so I'm going to salvage what I can. Do any of you have any tips on what I can do?Answer the question about protein? Bump any posts?

Protein helps to strenghten hair, but too much protein can cause breakage. I will bump a thread up about the different types of protein. Also do you know what caused your hair to thin out?
Alright, as far as anti thinning products, there are shampoos and conditioners that are marketed for that. I dont know any off hand..might wanna search for that one.

Also some people have had success with Surge, scalp massages,and essential oils for thinning areas.

Oh and air drying helps to thicken hair as well..
My hair is naturally thick. I thinned it out real bad before I came to LHCF with a LOT of heat damage - blow dryers and hot combs constantly on my relaxed hair. Last July, I threw those appliances away and stayed away from heat completely, air drying my hair, washing it more frequently (every 3 days for me) and keeping it moisturized at all times. Stretching out my relaxers as much as I could before breakage happened seemed to make a difference also. The thickness came back.

Protein does break hair off if used too much, like Pink Flower said. You probably need to stay away from heat, at least for a while and maybe try something nutritionally to thicken your hair. There is a Carrot Juice challenge going on since last week - drinking carrot juice will thicken hair. Vit B5 (also called Pantothenic Acid) does also and I learned recently from another poster that it may take a few months before you notice.
The only protein treatment that I feel help thicken up my hair is Dudley Drc-28.
I also had good sucess with b5 and air drying has help tremendously.
Surge has made a difference too.
I agree w/the Surge usage. It has definitely made a difference in my thickness. It's the only product I've used that has successfully done so. I'm also doing the Carrot Juice Challenge, I dont' know if that's helping but it tastes great so....