Protein and my forever wet hair


Well-Known Member
I sweat so much when I workout 5-6 days a week that I started co-washing 5-6x/ week & putting my hair into a wet bun. my hair is always up and I rarely put heat on it, if I do it's a rollerset.

My fine hair retains so much moisture that if I keep it in the bun after I co-wash, it takes 4 days for it to dry.

Lately I've noticed that my hair is shedding something awful and I think it's because it's always wet and has too much moisture.

I use Aubrey products and used the GPB this morning and the shedding was less, but how often should I use it? I'm thinking my hair needs more protein cuz when I bought that Ovation stuff and just put it on my scalp every morning my hair didn't shed at all.

I'd prefer to continue to use more natural products, which is why I didn't get more Ovation when I ran out.


Four words: Roux Porosity Control Conditioner.

A few more: Read Sistaslick's article on porousity and see if you have the issue she describes. I did and use of the above product helped fix it in no time.

HTH. Good Luck!
I would suggest trying eggs and yogurt. My hair loves these proteins more than commercial products and it is easy to use moisturizing ingredients with them if you want to maintain after you have achieved the right moisture/protein balance.

I think that only you will be able to tell how often you need to use protein - listen to your hair and give it what it needs. You might try using a conditioner with some protein when bunning, letting your hair dry more before bunning, or alternating moisturizing and protein/moisturizing dc's.
