Hair constantly wet??

when your mom started growing out of the curl, how did she wear her hair? did she continue to use the curl activator? again, i don't think the style (or chemical process) is what helped people with jheri curls grow their hair. it was the moisture of the curl activator. so if she stopped using that along with not getting a curl, i could see where her hair would start to break. she was going from mega moisture to maybe little to none... see what i'm saying?

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I never said it was the "Style", it was the constant wet, which basically was the style. I think while it was growing out she still sprayed the ends but not the roots if I remember right. But I do remember all the people I knew who had that constant wet style all had the same problem, when transitioning.

I know the regimine works for you and others. And I'm not knocking it, I don't know if it would work for me because I have not tried it on consistent basis. As long as it's working for you I don't assume you would stop, you would be crazy to stop getting the results your getting, sooo, I guess we won't know if you'd have any ill effects or not.

By all means, whatever works...
oh yeah, how could i forget the Vaseline? that has really been key for me too. i've tried the baggie technique with just the curl activator/gel mix. my ends just don't stay as moist as they do with the Vaseline on top of it. thanks for mentioning that, lee.

Tin Sing, anyone?

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Ummmm, did you get my PM?

to no one in particular: i've always wondered how people who do the baggie thing and the washing everyday thing or even the rinsing thing, how does that work in everyday life? for those of you who work or go to school or do something everyday, how do you keep up appearances at work or school? don't certain jobs require a certain "look" for lack of a better word...

i'm curious because i'll be starting work and i can't see myself going to work with wet hair and maintaining that coiffed proffesional look.

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Sylivia, I wear my hair in a nice, smooth bun every day and the only way for my hair to be nice and smooth is if I rinse it every morning. When I do the baggie trick, I usually cover my hair with a little stocking cap and a scrunchie to hide the stocking. Or, I have a short drawstring ponytail I wear to hide the baggie. My hair always look nice and neat...a bit boring, but neat none-the-less.

Same here lee...I rinse at night because it saves me time in the morning...but I tie my hair down at night while it's wet and in the morning it's still slightly damp and the ends are very damp....

I either do the baggie and the drawstring OR I've made a recent discovery that if I let the ends dry a little more while I get dressed, I can then braid my hair after putting it in a ponytail and adding conditioner and kemi oil, twist into a bun so that the ends are underneath the rest of the hair and then put a scrunchie around the bun and it looks really neat. The bun looks a lot fuller braided and it contains the strands that get "caught" when I'm trying to make the bun....if that makes sense. I stole the braided bun idea from Adreinne too....

OH! And to Adrienne....

I saw from your pics in your drawstring pony instructions that you are using BOLITAS (the ponytail holders that are secured with two "balls" that interlock? that's what we call them in spanish, that's the only term I know, hope you know what I mean) to secure your hair before you put it up. I have lost NO hair doing this as opposed to that I definitely owe you a
! Losing hair from "ouchless" elastics was one of the primary obstacles (well, that and my moon face
) to doing neat updos....
