Prophecy Regarding America.....

I've been keeping up with Mena Lee Grebin's Watchman on the Wall Blog and I find her last two post interesting, yet alarming especially with what's been happening. Just thought I'd share. Thanks for what you have shared and contributed to this thread. We need to stay prayerful. I really wish I knew how to hear God's voice for myself. I'm intentionally spending more time with Him, but I feel some type of way because scripture says, My Sheep Know My Voice. It honestly makes me sad because I don't know specifically how to hear God's voice, yet I still feel like I have discernment when it comes to certain things. I keep asking what's wrong with me that I don't hear God like others???? I hope I make sense.

Monday, June 27, 2016

At 1:45am this morning, I received a visitation from the Lord. I first found myself at a press conference. The conference contained about fifty people. We were all sitting at long tables in horizontal rows. I was located at the second seat in the last row, on the right. I saw Donald Trump sitting among the people; he was the only person in the crowd I recognized from behind. I only saw everyone's back from my view. In the front, I saw Obama pacing the floor. He seemed very agitated. He started saying, "They're pushing me...they're pushing me to cause drama!" He then walked over to a man seated three rows ahead of me. Obama looked at the man and said, "Kevin, they're pushing me to give them what they deserve! I will give them the chaos that they deserve!" The man, that seemed to go by the name "Kevin", frantically grab his notepad and begun to write on it. It was then that I looked on Obama's forehead, and notice that there was writing on it. It looked as though someone had taken a black sharpie and wrote across his forehead; it said, "Chaos is Coming".

The scenes changed, and I next found myself in a room. Ahead of me, about thirty feet, stood Jesus. He was clothed in a simple white robe that illuminated a soft white glow. His face was so clear; clearer than I had ever seen it in all the years he's visited me. It was like I zoomed in on His face. I studied His thick, dark-brown hair that rested on His shoulders, and the fullness of His beard. The expression on His face was that of sadness, yet stern. I noticed that there were tears streaming from His left eye. Within each tear, there was a fetus. The Lord spoke to me, but without moving His lips. He said, "They are constantly stealing the life that I have given." He paused for a moment, then continued, "There are those who are even unaware of their murder. Doctors have convinced some that this is there only choice; that the child is deformed, or will be born with abnormalities, so they steal the life that I have given."

I noticed that angels began to stand in formation behind Jesus. They were tall; between nine and ten feet in height. They were all golden; clothes, body and hair. It was fourteen of them. I inquired about the position they were taking. Jesus responded, "They are taking their positions for the twenty-one judgments; for they are about to begin. Time is short. I will not delay...I will not delay...I will not delay! My Bride is preparing Herself and I will soon call her to me". I thought to myself, "But there are only fourteen angels". Then Jesus quickly reminded me that the first seven seals are opened by Him.

Jesus then looked at me and with a stern voice said, "Within three to six months, total chaos will envelop America, and a pandemic will spread across the world." He then gave me understanding that the two events are separate, and I wasn't given a time frame for the pandemic.

I began to pray for the Bride, I prayed for wisdom and boldness. The Lord then spoke and said, "Psalm 12 for the chosen, for the obedient, and for the faithful".

This is a warning for the church, the Bride, and the nation. We need to prepare spiritually and physically for what's about to be unleashed...

Mena Lee Grebin
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries

Mena Lee Grebin at 4:29 PM

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

At 3:00am I went into a vision. In the vision I was downstairs in my livingroom, looking out the window. It was dawn, like around 5:00am, just when the light begins to creep above the horizon, chasing away the night. I looked up at the sky and noticed that dark clouds began to quickly roll in. All of a sudden, it got really dark. The darkness was that of when a thunderstorm comes in. I looked at the trees and noticed that they began to sway in the wind. Then, it seemed like a second wave of darkness rolled in. Now it was so dark that it looked like night time. I got spooked, and quickly walked down the hallway to look for a light switch to turn on. I then heard these words; "The Storm is Here".

Last year, the Lord instructed me to put out a video titled, "The Storm is Coming". In it, I talked about the judgement that was coming to America because of the sin.

This time, the Lord was letting me know that the storm is no longer "coming", but now is here.

Time's up...

Next I saw many tents going up; like tent revivals. I saw them going up in various places across the country. The Lord spoke to me and said; "The tents will be used to bring in my sheep, because all who have (church) buildings will be forced to conform to the government".

I then saw families standing before me in various compilations. Some had a husband, wife and children. Others were that of single moms, or dads, and finally just couples. One by one, they began to vanish right in front of my eyes. I didn't understand why I was seeing this, so I questioned the vision. The Lord spoke and said, "You will continue to see entire families murdered for various causes. This is due to the increase of demonic activity over the earth. Tell my children to pray my protection over their families, and to take authority; for Satan is lurking at every corner, seeking whom he can devour."
The Lord also let me know that His army is preparing for battle.

We also need to pray for the state of Pennsylvania. We're about to see something unfold with the people there. I'm not sure what city it will be in, but Satan has plans for this state.

As always Saints, take all that I have given to prayer. Test the spirit with the Holy Spirit who only reveals truth. Darkness will continue to increase, so this is our opportunity to be beacon lights that pierce through the darkness, to lead out those who are lost.

Mena Lee Grebin
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries
I've been keeping up with Mena Lee Grebin's Watchman on the Wall Blog and I find her last two post interesting, yet alarming especially with what's been happening. Just thought I'd share. Thanks for what you have shared and contributed to this thread. We need to stay prayerful. I really wish I knew how to hear God's voice for myself. I'm intentionally spending more time with Him, but I feel some type of way because scripture says, My Sheep Know My Voice. It honestly makes me sad because I don't know specifically how to hear God's voice, yet I still feel like I have discernment when it comes to certain things. I keep asking what's wrong with me that I don't hear God like others???? I hope I make sense.

Monday, June 27, 2016

At 1:45am this morning, I received a visitation from the Lord. I first found myself at a press conference. The conference contained about fifty people. We were all sitting at long tables in horizontal rows. I was located at the second seat in the last row, on the right. I saw Donald Trump sitting among the people; he was the only person in the crowd I recognized from behind. I only saw everyone's back from my view. In the front, I saw Obama pacing the floor. He seemed very agitated. He started saying, "They're pushing me...they're pushing me to cause drama!" He then walked over to a man seated three rows ahead of me. Obama looked at the man and said, "Kevin, they're pushing me to give them what they deserve! I will give them the chaos that they deserve!" The man, that seemed to go by the name "Kevin", frantically grab his notepad and begun to write on it. It was then that I looked on Obama's forehead, and notice that there was writing on it. It looked as though someone had taken a black sharpie and wrote across his forehead; it said, "Chaos is Coming".

The scenes changed, and I next found myself in a room. Ahead of me, about thirty feet, stood Jesus. He was clothed in a simple white robe that illuminated a soft white glow. His face was so clear; clearer than I had ever seen it in all the years he's visited me. It was like I zoomed in on His face. I studied His thick, dark-brown hair that rested on His shoulders, and the fullness of His beard. The expression on His face was that of sadness, yet stern. I noticed that there were tears streaming from His left eye. Within each tear, there was a fetus. The Lord spoke to me, but without moving His lips. He said, "They are constantly stealing the life that I have given." He paused for a moment, then continued, "There are those who are even unaware of their murder. Doctors have convinced some that this is there only choice; that the child is deformed, or will be born with abnormalities, so they steal the life that I have given."

I noticed that angels began to stand in formation behind Jesus. They were tall; between nine and ten feet in height. They were all golden; clothes, body and hair. It was fourteen of them. I inquired about the position they were taking. Jesus responded, "They are taking their positions for the twenty-one judgments; for they are about to begin. Time is short. I will not delay...I will not delay...I will not delay! My Bride is preparing Herself and I will soon call her to me". I thought to myself, "But there are only fourteen angels". Then Jesus quickly reminded me that the first seven seals are opened by Him.

Jesus then looked at me and with a stern voice said, "Within three to six months, total chaos will envelop America, and a pandemic will spread across the world." He then gave me understanding that the two events are separate, and I wasn't given a time frame for the pandemic.

I began to pray for the Bride, I prayed for wisdom and boldness. The Lord then spoke and said, "Psalm 12 for the chosen, for the obedient, and for the faithful".

This is a warning for the church, the Bride, and the nation. We need to prepare spiritually and physically for what's about to be unleashed...

Mena Lee Grebin
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries

Mena Lee Grebin at 4:29 PM

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

At 3:00am I went into a vision. In the vision I was downstairs in my livingroom, looking out the window. It was dawn, like around 5:00am, just when the light begins to creep above the horizon, chasing away the night. I looked up at the sky and noticed that dark clouds began to quickly roll in. All of a sudden, it got really dark. The darkness was that of when a thunderstorm comes in. I looked at the trees and noticed that they began to sway in the wind. Then, it seemed like a second wave of darkness rolled in. Now it was so dark that it looked like night time. I got spooked, and quickly walked down the hallway to look for a light switch to turn on. I then heard these words; "The Storm is Here".

Last year, the Lord instructed me to put out a video titled, "The Storm is Coming". In it, I talked about the judgement that was coming to America because of the sin.

This time, the Lord was letting me know that the storm is no longer "coming", but now is here.

Time's up...

Next I saw many tents going up; like tent revivals. I saw them going up in various places across the country. The Lord spoke to me and said; "The tents will be used to bring in my sheep, because all who have (church) buildings will be forced to conform to the government".

I then saw families standing before me in various compilations. Some had a husband, wife and children. Others were that of single moms, or dads, and finally just couples. One by one, they began to vanish right in front of my eyes. I didn't understand why I was seeing this, so I questioned the vision. The Lord spoke and said, "You will continue to see entire families murdered for various causes. This is due to the increase of demonic activity over the earth. Tell my children to pray my protection over their families, and to take authority; for Satan is lurking at every corner, seeking whom he can devour."
The Lord also let me know that His army is preparing for battle.

We also need to pray for the state of Pennsylvania. We're about to see something unfold with the people there. I'm not sure what city it will be in, but Satan has plans for this state.

As always Saints, take all that I have given to prayer. Test the spirit with the Holy Spirit who only reveals truth. Darkness will continue to increase, so this is our opportunity to be beacon lights that pierce through the darkness, to lead out those who are lost.

Mena Lee Grebin
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries
It time for the tribe of Levi to step out of the shadows. and do what they was called to do. Pray for them and keep your eyes open. The giants are coming next. That the evil spirits was let out last Sept 20. I been waiting 20 years for this. It time for all tribes to walk in calling. Leave the playing church at home.what will shock you, will be people you think. Serve God is real serve Satan(Baal, Jehovah). We all will be tried.
Hi @lalah,

Perhaps it's just an oversight and it's not my intention to put you on the spot; but for the sake of others reading, it's important to note that God's Elect cannot be deceived. The deception will be that great that if it were possible, the Elect would be deceived but they cannot be. God's Holy Spirit is the great Revealer.

Matt 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.


These are just a few that are recent. Most of these videos are long, but worth listening to. I will continue to add to this thread. FYI~ there is a difference between the gift of prophecy, which is a gift of the Holy Spirit and the office of prophet. The gift of prophesying is for edification and building the body of Christ. The office of prophet operate as the prophets in the Bible. Their job was to teach and warn of coming judgement without repentance. Many people who are prophesying call themselves prophets and they are not. There are also many prophesying out of familiar spirits (false prophets) and divination, yet they claim the title of Prophet. Real prophets direct you toward God and holiness, not glorify themselves. They don't seek to profit off their gift or office. Real prophets tell you to seek to hear from God for yourself as well. The Bible tells us that many will be deceived, even the very elect will be deceived by false prophets and there will be many. As far as the videos that I've posted, I have peace that they really have heard from the Lord. If you decide to watch and don't feel peace, no love lost. David Wilkerson also has a video out about the future of America and Christianity that was made years ago before he passed. He was not a Prophet, but I will post it when I find it. Some of these Prophets I posted are in agreement about his prophecy.
Hi @lalah,

Perhaps it's just an oversight and it's not my intention to put you on the spot; but for the sake of others reading, it's important to note that God's Elect cannot be deceived. The deception will be that great that if it were possible, the Elect would be deceived but they cannot be. God's Holy Spirit is the great Revealer.

Matt 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.


Thanks for the reminder! It just amazes me because people who claim to here from God and live holy lives and really love the the Lord support pastors who I have discerned as false teachers. I'm talking about people who I perceive as more spiritual than myself or have a more deeper and personal relationship with the Lord. They speak in tongues and are baptized by the Holy Spirit and operate in the gifts of the Spirit. I then wonder how come these people support theese well known pastors who are obvious false teachers or prosperity preachers. I can discern and I consider myself a babe in Christ. I don't speak in tongues or operate in the gifts of the Spirit, but for some reason I can discern false teaching, doctrines, and when their fruit is just not lining up with scripture.
Thanks for the reminder! It just amazes me because people who claim to here from God and live holy lives and really love the the Lord support pastors who I have discerned as false teachers. I'm talking about people who I perceive as more spiritual than myself or have a more deeper and personal relationship with the Lord. They speak in tongues and are baptized by the Holy Spirit and operate in the gifts of the Spirit. I then wonder how come these people support theese well known pastors who are obvious false teachers or prosperity preachers. I can discern and I consider myself a babe in Christ. I don't speak in tongues or operate in the gifts of the Spirit, but for some reason I can discern false teaching, doctrines, and when their fruit is just not lining up with scripture.

The thing is everyone gift is not the same and speaking in tongues, I don't get the hype at all., Speaking in tongues is just speaking another language thats it. Anything else is the devil, Our gifts develop as we grow in our relationship with Christ, Do you have a study morning and night, do you set aside time for prayer every day all day? this is how you develop your relationship with the Lord, you will start to remember certain scriptures at certain times, that is how God speaks to you. Anything more then that is not from God, no matter who tells you, as you have seen for yourself these folks that say all this stuff are not living a life that reflects what they are saying or doing in the Church, I seen it my entire life.

Making God apart of your daily life is how you develop your relationship, studying the word day and night is how you begin to understand, knowing the scriptures brings things to life and then those words will come to you at certain times, like when your pondering this or that. I was scared to drive, terrified. Oh sure I can drive its easy, but I have an illness that makes it hard for me at times, The car I had to drive was way to big for me, so I thought, but I had been really growing in my faith and trusting God to handle it that I forgot to be scared. I just got the keys and started up the car and then I remembered to pray and I drove with no issues at all. But normally no, I let that car sit for 2 years, to afraid to drive it. But the more time I spend with God and practicing what he has promised me the stronger I get that things that uses to terrify me fades away. God has not given me a spirit of fear, which crossed my mind when i needed it most. you see that is how God communicates with you. Through his word and as you trust in his words and do it, you will start to see Gods hand more and more in your life.

Knowing that Jesus is right there with you certainly makes it come out alright and then talking. I spend a lot of time talking to God out loud, just saying what I think about this or that, or what is the best move for this or that. I enjoy it.
@blazingthru Thanks! I spend time daily in prayer and reading the Bible, but admit that I feel God is calling me to spend even more time than I normally allow. However, I am confused as to what you are saying regarding the only way God speaks to us. Are you saying He only speaks through scriptures alone? The Bible/scriptures tells us differently....

“No, what you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike— and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below— blood and fire and clouds of smoke.”
‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭2:16-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Something is going to happen in which Obama will not leave office in January. Obama is not who we think he is. He was put in office for a specific purpose. I will leave it at that. (People get angry when they hear things about Obama that don't involve praise lol )

There will be corruption surrounding the elections that will cause some type of delay. Hillary will win by default (electoral vote), but Trump will get the popular vote, which will cause a huge uproar and chaos in this country. Possibly violent protest. This election is some type of decoy to what's happening behind the scenes with the elite. That's how we ended up with Hillary and Trump.
Now, as far as Obama remaining in the office I've heard that also.

Also heard that Clinton would be in the office for longer than two terms, heard that when bill clinton was in office. Now I see how it's possible.

What is making people think this about the upcoming presidency?
Well hello there PoohBear,

I've heard from secular people as well as pastors in the pulpit that on NOV 9th it will be pure chaos in america and that it starts this summer. Well if the attack on police is any indication than it is true. Also I am watching the Rep Convention, it should run smoothly for all the security they have. But there has also be mention of the Dem convention.

I listen to the videos up thread and they are worth listening to.
@blazingthru Thanks! I spend time daily in prayer and reading the Bible, but admit that I feel God is calling me to spend even more time than I normally allow. However, I am confused as to what you are saying regarding the only way God speaks to us. Are you saying He only speaks through scriptures alone? The Bible/scriptures tells us differently....

“No, what you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike— and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below— blood and fire and clouds of smoke.”
‭‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭2:16-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The scriptures do not tell you differently, This is how God communicates with you, as your studies get deeper the more God reveals of himself to you. It is through your diligence is how God decides how he will use you.

So many of you do not know this, speaking of things like what you posted and most what I posted is becoming forbidden, there are going to be folks breaking the Law. they are going to be telling you the truth about what is really going on with a loud cry. it will be against the Law, they are starting to call this hate crimes. (God is looking for those who will lay down their lives to tell the truth) I believe that the 144,000.00 are those folks who will give the last and final cry and the end will come, but we know its coming quickly. Evil is growing at an alarming rate and a lot of it will be afflicted on the Christians, the first time I saw it used against Christians in such a shocking way was here in the US over the incident in Florida. Blamed on the Christians and I heard (didn't' look it up) they were changing the bible to remove those things that say we are forbidden to do, since it hurts those who practices such things. AMAZING!!!
Do you follow any of the prophetic words regarding America? What have you heard? What do you think/believe? Let's discuss.....

Things I heard from prophets:

Something is going to happen in which Obama will not leave office in January. Obama is not who we think he is. He was put in office for a specific purpose. I will leave it at that. (People get angry when they hear things about Obama that don't involve praise lol )

There will be corruption surrounding the elections that will cause some type of delay. Hillary will win by default (electoral vote), but Trump will get the popular vote, which will cause a huge uproar and chaos in this country. Possibly violent protest. This election is some type of decoy to what's happening behind the scenes with the elite. That's how we ended up with Hillary and Trump.

Its a reason Trump is having the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Ohio. It's majority black, crime ridden city, democratic. Why did he choose Cleveland?????

The stock market will crash and banks will fail (people will loose their retirement funds). The stock market numbers are being propped up and fabricated right now to delay the crash, but that can only last so long. This is a judgement from God because America lost their love for Him. They love their titles, jobs, possessions, people, and the "live your best life now" sermons/focus. People need to keep cash on hand because there will be a period of time where you will not be able to access money because the banks will shut down for some time like during the Great Depression.

There are some natural catastrophes coming- tsunami on the east coast, earth quake along New Madrid Fault, and of course the San Andreas Fault- California.

God does not give dates so do not believe prophets giving dates. He gives seasons or something like that, but not exact dates.

We are in a Jubilee year so when it ends in October, God's judgement on America will speed up and more things will began to happen. One of these events is going to cause Martial Law to be implemented.

Something is going to happen to cause food shortages. Possibly before the year is out. Maybe a natural catastrophe.

We are the last generation starting in 1948 when Israel became a nation. So sometime within the next 40-50 years is then end. Rapture and Jesus Returns.

America is either not in the Bible or is mystery Babylon, which means either way, we are destroyed. We will be invaded. Possibly in WWIII. Russia will attack us and China will turn on us and maybe join forces with Russia.

I am definitely keeping watch. Not here to argue with anyone, but to discuss. If you don't follow or believe in prophetic words, feel free to exit the thread.

There is a prophecy concerning America. There's a system being enacted where the entire world will be under one government. Look deeply into what is going on with the United Nations and the Global Climate change laws (Paris agreement).

I have more info, so I'll get and be back. It's Revelation 13.

This is an article written on the subject there are more, and even more recent showing a clear outline of what's REALLY going on.’s-Final-Address-to-UN-Echoes-Pope-Francis’-Call-For-One-World-Govt-and-One-World-Religion

Here's one that breaks down the symbols in Revelation:

How the Paris agreement ties in:
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I have nothing against prophecy but some of this, in the OP and other places, is just scary and turned out to be utterly wrong. Be careful who you get your info from.

This thread was started to be a discussion about prophetic words that people were hearing for those of us who were interested in discussing. I listed things I've heard and was welcome to hear and discuss what others have heard. It was not started to say these things were 100% truth and that people have to believe what they hear or what I've heard. I do take into consideration some of the prophetic words I hear and watch to see what happens. If those things don't happen, I'm okay with that too. I know that there are false prophets and that people can prophesy from familiar spirits or in error. Most importantly, I read and believe the Bible, which is the unchanging Word of God .
I have nothing against prophecy but some of this, in the OP and other places, is just scary and turned out to be utterly wrong. Be careful who you get your info from.

I have nothing against prophecy either but I had some family members who didn't see the point in voting in this election since the outcome was already predetermined. I know its not the intention but sometimes prophecies like this produce a fatalistic attitude that cause people to become passive in a "what's the point" kind of way.
I remember reading a prophecy on the elijah list in which the prophet said that lightening would strike the Washington monument 3 times while Obama was in the office (that came to pass) an that was going to be a sign of the times going back to 1967 or some certain year. The thought was that folks of color would not be allowed to vote because of some outdated bill that had to be extended. But I think that time is now. I will search for the article.
Peeking in for a second then going back into lurking mode.

Any thoughts regarding the Revelations 12 sign that is supposed to be seen in the sky next year in September?