Prophecy Regarding America.....


Active Member
Do you follow any of the prophetic words regarding America? What have you heard? What do you think/believe? Let's discuss.....

Things I heard from prophets:

Something is going to happen in which Obama will not leave office in January. Obama is not who we think he is. He was put in office for a specific purpose. I will leave it at that. (People get angry when they hear things about Obama that don't involve praise lol )

There will be corruption surrounding the elections that will cause some type of delay. Hillary will win by default (electoral vote), but Trump will get the popular vote, which will cause a huge uproar and chaos in this country. Possibly violent protest. This election is some type of decoy to what's happening behind the scenes with the elite. That's how we ended up with Hillary and Trump.

Its a reason Trump is having the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Ohio. It's majority black, crime ridden city, democratic. Why did he choose Cleveland?????

The stock market will crash and banks will fail (people will loose their retirement funds). The stock market numbers are being propped up and fabricated right now to delay the crash, but that can only last so long. This is a judgement from God because America lost their love for Him. They love their titles, jobs, possessions, people, and the "live your best life now" sermons/focus. People need to keep cash on hand because there will be a period of time where you will not be able to access money because the banks will shut down for some time like during the Great Depression.

There are some natural catastrophes coming- tsunami on the east coast, earth quake along New Madrid Fault, and of course the San Andreas Fault- California.

God does not give dates so do not believe prophets giving dates. He gives seasons or something like that, but not exact dates.

We are in a Jubilee year so when it ends in October, God's judgement on America will speed up and more things will began to happen. One of these events is going to cause Martial Law to be implemented.

Something is going to happen to cause food shortages. Possibly before the year is out. Maybe a natural catastrophe.

We are the last generation starting in 1948 when Israel became a nation. So sometime within the next 40-50 years is then end. Rapture and Jesus Returns.

America is either not in the Bible or is mystery Babylon, which means either way, we are destroyed. We will be invaded. Possibly in WWIII. Russia will attack us and China will turn on us and maybe join forces with Russia.

I am definitely keeping watch. Not here to argue with anyone, but to discuss. If you don't follow or believe in prophetic words, feel free to exit the thread.
I was just thinking of this earlier. I really believe something life changing will be happening with this election. The fact that Putin supports Trump makes me uneasy.

Venezuela already have a food shortage and I wont be surprised if America succumbs to the same fate. ..

I will be following this thread...
I will embed videos tomorrow along with the names, plus some scripture. Like you said, either these things will happen or they won't. My eyes and ears are definitely opened. I don't believe everything I here because there are many false prophets saying, "thus said the Lord" and the Lord ain't told them nothing. I have peace about the prophets I listen to, but I always pray for discernment for myself. Nobody's perfect so there is a possibility of error versus deception. If something seems off, I simply dismiss it. Be back tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A couple of weeks ago, I had a visitation from the Lord. He came to me, reached out His hand and said; "Come, I want to show you something..." I placed my hand in His, and we began to travel. We ended up on a shoreline, more like a beach; it was dusk. Jesus pointed up towards the sky, and my eyes followed His lead. I beheld the beautiful colors of the sky, as evening time settled in.

All of a sudden, I saw a red object coming in from the atmosphere. It got bigger and bigger as it drew was an asteroid! It was on fire, and looked like a burning, hot coal. I watched in horror as it pounded into the ocean far away. The Lord looked at me and said, "When it hits, they will have thirty minutes, to an hour out to evacuate". After He said this, I saw the water coming in; a tsunami.

Last week, the Lord spoke to me and said, "What I'm about to do, no man can take credit for. Over time, I have allowed man, and through Satan using them, to believe that they are in control, and have dominion. But now is the time for America to know that I AM. What will be unleashed, even the elite have no idea about, and in the end, even a few of them will fall on their knees and cry out to me".

This is the third time the Lord has shown me a tsunami. I posted my first dream roughly three years ago. The second one, I did not post, which occurred in the later part of 2014. Shortly after returning to Charlotte (after living in the DC area for a year and a half), I was in my new home, unpacking boxes when the Lord spoke to me in an audible voice and said, "You do not believe that I will send a tsunami!" I paused for a moment and searched my thoughts and feelings. I knew to do this because you cannot lie to God. My heart was racing from the sternness in His voice. "No, Lord. I do not believe this will happen before the rapture. You're right. I've been pushing the thought away in doubt" I responded. The Lord then answered and said, "But I will send a tsunami; it will come!"

The second dream that I never posted revealed a tsunami coming to the east coast. This dream was more vivid than the first one I had, which also occurred on the east coast. I saw how high the waves will be. There are two waves, and it will not be as high as some have seen, where half of the country is under water and millions of lives are lost. No, this will not happen because God will not punish the wicked with the just. However, there will be much infrastructure damage; billions of dollars. And many lives will be lost. This will only be the beginning of a domino effect that will collapse the entire country from within.

I am posting these things not to frighten, but to forewarn. Too many Christians are asleep at the wheel, and we're about to drive right off a cliff. We are living in an illusion that "good times" will come back to this country, but this is a lie. America doesn't deserve better times. We have not repented of our rebellion, arrogance, greed, perversion, murder or witchcraft. The Lord has not given up on America, this is why He is bringing judgment; so that we will repent.

Make sure that your lamps are filled saints. Night soon approaches...

Mena Lee Grebin
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries
These are just a few that are recent. Most of these videos are long, but worth listening to. I will continue to add to this thread. FYI~ there is a difference between the gift of prophecy, which is a gift of the Holy Spirit and the office of prophet. The gift of prophesying is for edification and building the body of Christ. The office of prophet operate as the prophets in the Bible. Their job was to teach and warn of coming judgement without repentance. Many people who are prophesying call themselves prophets and they are not. There are also many prophesying out of familiar spirits (false prophets) and divination, yet they claim the title of Prophet. Real prophets direct you toward God and holiness, not glorify themselves. They don't seek to profit off their gift or office. Real prophets tell you to seek to hear from God for yourself as well. The Bible tells us that many will be deceived, even the very elect will be deceived by false prophets and there will be many. As far as the videos that I've posted, I have peace that they really have heard from the Lord. If you decide to watch and don't feel peace, no love lost. David Wilkerson also has a video out about the future of America and Christianity that was made years ago before he passed. He was not a Prophet, but I will post it when I find it. Some of these Prophets I posted are in agreement about his prophecy.
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America will be gone.. it the daughter of Babylon. I know it hard for people to understand that. We have to leave before it gets destruction. I seen it people leave America in white as they come out of the water. Day visions.. I been have visions like this all my life. Plus I never dream when I sleep's always black when I sleep. I only have nightmares and visions. Another is the black sleep.i
Hi everybody

I had a weird dream about a eagle... I call the name of Ahayah ... I been having nightmares 3 nights back to back. Something bad is going to happen.... It pray time.
It's definitely Prayer Time and even more it's time to honor and to trust and obey God. The one true God in Heaven above.

Jesus said, 'Fear not, for He is with us...always. Praise God for His promises. Fear not.
We are the last generation starting in 1948 when Israel became a nation. So sometime within the next 40-50 years is then end. Rapture and Jesus Returns.

America is either not in the Bible or is mystery Babylon, which means either way, we are destroyed. We will be invaded. Possibly in WWIII. Russia will attack us and China will turn on us and maybe join forces with Russia.

I am definitely keeping watch. Not here to argue with anyone, but to discuss. If you don't follow or believe in prophetic words, feel free to exit the thread.
So the only prophetic words we can believe in is the word of God. Of the other stuff you posted. I can't speak on any of that, as I never read it in the word, I guess it can be put under all the tradgedys and natural disasters that are here and have been here since the 50's. But have increases as the word says it would.

The bible speaks about America it is one of the horns. Revelation 13:11-18 It means that this new nation would arise in an area of the world that had been virtually unpopulated before the late 1700's. It could not arise among the crowded and struggling nations of the Old World. It had to come up in a sparsely populated continent. Horns represent kings and kingdoms, or governments, Daniel 7:24, this is a study if your interested let me know. I will not speak more on this because to many folks refuse to see themselves in the word of God and want to do all they can to make sure no one else sees it either and its to much. There also is no longer a mystery to Babylon either. It takes careful prayerful study to find the truths hidden in the bible. So thats all I am going to say on it unless you want to know more. send me a note.

Each Generation is 40 years long. We are the last Generation our young children will remove Christ from the Church and we are helping them. Each Generation has changed the concept of service, they are doing things in service now that is hard to imagine and folks are standing back proud. Its disgusting and many agree with that nonsense, they say oh child that choir was on point, i felt the spirit moving. It wasn't the holy spirit, he was long gone, if he was ever in the building. When I was growing up there was no drums, no horns, no dancing, very little contemporary music but when that song was introduced it was without drums. Going up Yonder was contemporary. yeah let them do this or that we want to bring the young folks in the Church, Which many members do not get is God will increase his church, playing this music or having this activity does not increase your church for long. It will not bring the sincere, it will bring more chaos to the church. light and darkness have nothing in common.
Nominees don't choose the location of the convention, the parties do. These are major events that have to be planned well in advance. Cleveland was chosen before the primaries. Also, cities bid to be chosen because it boosts tourism revenue. Sorry for not having a more spiritual input, but that stood out to me.
Love this thread.

Even before the Ambush in Dallas, Pastor said that this will be the most violent summer in America. He said that chaos has to come before restoration. Cleveland will be terrible. Killer hurricane will hit america he thinks San Fransico. Also the city where the democratic convention is going to be hit hard with violence. He said destruction has come to America but by the end of this year prayer and bibles will return to school.
Now, as far as Obama remaining in the office I've heard that also.

Also heard that Clinton would be in the office for longer than two terms, heard that when bill clinton was in office. Now I see how it's possible.

who: Sylvia Brown, she is dead now.
America will be gone.. it the daughter of Babylon. I know it hard for people to understand that. We have to leave before it gets destruction. I seen it people leave America in white as they come out of the water. Day visions.. I been have visions like this all my life. Plus I never dream when I sleep's always black when I sleep. I only have nightmares and visions. Another is the black sleep.i

Chazz, where do you live? what's the plan?
  • higher chances for a very destructive nature disaster( strong quake) is during first half of October
  • There is an increased probability of a strong nature disaster this weekend
  • A chain of political deaths may continue
  • the current expected bounce in the US markets is a fake head,, sell last week of July
  • as expected the markets bounced after July 4 and will continue uptrend until the end of July creating the top for a year.
  • we either wont have a clear winner on 11/9 night since no one would get over 270 electoral votes with the house electing the potus
  • intensification of war actions( with nato involvement in the second half of the year...July 23 is in focus for a trigger there is a possibility of changes, big terror acts from mid august into October. mid September when a REAL PROBLEM apparently should hit
Now, as far as Obama remaining in the office I've heard that also.

Also heard that Clinton would be in the office for longer than two terms, heard that when bill clinton was in office. Now I see how it's possible.

who: Sylvia Brown, she is dead now.
I agree with all of this ... it time to leave the daughter of Babylon
Discernment is necessary. Not all visions are from G-d. I do believe there will be mass destruction on this earth but I also think we can avoid it if we convert our hearts. These are held as valid prophecies by Our Lady and approved by the Church. Individual visions and dreams can be dangerous.

Now, there is my Native side and I have elders telling me that there will come a time for Black people to be put to the slaughter worldwide. I hope that doesn't scare people. Take it with a grain of salt or just ignore it. Just saying that there are elders with those types of visions.
I talk with my elders about my vision before i talking about it. If someone are having dreams or vision it need line up with the word. then pray for the most high to confirm it. After that talk with elder of your church.
Discernment is necessary. Not all visions are from G-d. I do believe there will be mass destruction on this earth but I also think we can avoid it if we convert our hearts. These are held as valid prophecies by Our Lady and approved by the Church. Individual visions and dreams can be dangerous.

Now, there is my Native side and I have elders telling me that there will come a time for Black people to be put to the slaughter worldwide. I hope that doesn't scare people. Take it with a grain of salt or just ignore it. Just saying that there are elders with those types of visions.
Second the Bible tell us to flee the daughter of Babylon in Revelations.
................... I will back out of this discussion with asking if it might be plausible that much of the so-called prophesies about Obama being anti-Christ are linked to racist caricaturizations of him and that some Black ministers/prophets don't realize they are taking their cue from those? Whites were fearful of a Black man in power and came up with all kinds of "prophesies" that are based upon psychological fears and emotionalism. My two beads.
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The church I am familiar with has booklets on this topic. If you'd like to request one I'll send you the link if you pm me. They also have it online but I think the book is better that way you can read it and compare the scripture.