Promoting Hair Growth With Essential Oils


I thought this was interesting and i was wondering if anyone has ever tried this and did it work????

Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender and Cedarwood
An exciting study in the Archives of Dermatology (1998; 134:1349-1352) finds that aromatherapy can promote new hair growth and safely and effectively treat temporary hair loss due to alopecia areata. The study was performed by Scottish researchers who had half of their patients massage thyme, rosemary, lavender, and cedarwood essential oils onto their scalps each day. The other patients massaged in "carrier" oils jojoba and grapeseed oil.
The Results
After seven months of treatment, 44% of the patients using the essential oils showed significant improvement in hair growth. The group using carrier oils showed just 15% improvement. In addition, the aromatherapy caused no significant side effects. Researchers concluded that not only did the aromatherapy work, it was also far safer than traditional alopecia treatments including conventional steroids.
etapassilem said:
I thought this was interesting and i was wondering if anyone has ever tried this and did it work????

Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender and Cedarwood
An exciting study in the Archives of Dermatology (1998; 134:1349-1352) finds that aromatherapy can promote new hair growth and safely and effectively treat temporary hair loss due to alopecia areata. The study was performed by Scottish researchers who had half of their patients massage thyme, rosemary, lavender, and cedarwood essential oils onto their scalps each day. The other patients massaged in "carrier" oils jojoba and grapeseed oil.
The Results
After seven months of treatment, 44% of the patients using the essential oils showed significant improvement in hair growth. The group using carrier oils showed just 15% improvement. In addition, the aromatherapy caused no significant side effects. Researchers concluded that not only did the aromatherapy work, it was also far safer than traditional alopecia treatments including conventional steroids.

I use EOs on my scalp so I'll have to keep you posted (will check in August) One recipe includes cedarwood, rosemary, bay, lavender and peppermint oil (what an overpowering mix!) but I'm currently using a spritz with a little vodka, water, peppermint oil, rosemary and lavender so we'll have to wait and see. (great tingle, by the way)
Shaniquah said:
I use EOs on my scalp so I'll have to keep you posted (will check in August) One recipe includes cedarwood, rosemary, bay, lavender and peppermint oil (what an overpowering mix!) but I'm currently using a spritz with a little vodka, water, peppermint oil, rosemary and lavender so we'll have to wait and see. (great tingle, by the way)

What does vodka do for your hair???
I've been using this essential oil blend (I added emu oil and cinnamon oil) for over a year. My hair has grown and grown! I gave the article to my dermatologist and she said that prior to Rogaine, essential oils and steroid shots were really the only thing Dr's recommended. I've also added a few drops of this blend into my deep conditioner. My hair is always very soft.
Vitale has Essential Oils

I was thinking of picking it up this past weekend.. Its only 4.99 compared to what 65 bucks :lol:
vickid said:
I've been using this essential oil blend (I added emu oil and cinnamon oil) for over a year. My hair has grown and grown! I gave the article to my dermatologist and she said that prior to Rogaine, essential oils and steroid shots were really the only thing Dr's recommended. I've also added a few drops of this blend into my deep conditioner. My hair is always very soft.

I have used emu oil and currently using it but it doesn't seem to give me moisture i dont know what it does to my hair , but i still use it.
wicky2828 said:
What does vodka do for your hair???

It helps to stimulate the scalp. It feels really good on my scalp, especially with the peppermint oil. Also, it makes my new growth pretty soft.
Yep, they work. They got my slow growing, front half, of my head growing at twice it's normal rate. :woot: I've been using them for nearly a year about 3x per week.
I believe there is some bit of truth to this. I used Asha's Roots that pretty much has the essential oils listed above for about two to three months faithfully at one time and experienced a good amount of growth after a big cut. I believe it was a combination of scalp massages and using the stimulating oils.

The only reason I stopped is because I have trouble sticking to using the product consistantly to get optimal results (bad attention span). I'm definitely considering picking it back up. I wouldn't say these oils perform a miracle where you'll get inches and inches of growth a month, lol, but I definitely feel using certain essential oils support healthy hair growth by stimulation, and keeping the scalp in great condition providing a wonderful environment for the hair to grow in.
vickid said:
I've been using this essential oil blend (I added emu oil and cinnamon oil) for over a year. My hair has grown and grown! I gave the article to my dermatologist and she said that prior to Rogaine, essential oils and steroid shots were really the only thing Dr's recommended. I've also added a few drops of this blend into my deep conditioner. My hair is always very soft.

Vickid--just emu oil and cinnamon oil for the blend? I need something to soften up my unruly newgrowth.
KhandiB said:
Vitale Mo Body Essential Oils

A natural botanical oil for hair and skin with Vitamin A, D, & E

A blend of natural, botanical oils, rich in amino acids and vitamins A, D & E. Provides nature's answer to problem drry hair, scalp, skin and conditioning for chemicals and blowdrying.

Hot or Cold Oil Treatments
Massage into dry hair and scalp. Leave on hair under hot dryer or plastic cap for 3 minutes and shampoo out. Proceed to condition or style hair.

Blow drying or Hot Curling
Apply a few drops of oil into palm and massage into hair, especially hair ends. Blowdry or hot curl.
Sheen and Hairdress
Massage a few drops into scalp, hair and hair ends. Proceed to comb, brush or style.
Skin Care
Smooth a few drops into palms and massage onto skin, especially dry areas, hands and feet.

This is all i could find
planodiva said:
Vickid--just emu oil and cinnamon oil for the blend? I need something to soften up my unruly newgrowth.

This is my recipe--
1. Thyme essential oil - 2 drops
2. Atlas cedarwood essential oil - 2 drops
3. Lavender essential oil -3 drops
4. Rosemary essential oil -3 drops
5. Cinnamon oil-3 drops
6. Jojoba oil - ½ teaspoon
7. Grapeseed oil - 4 teaspoons
8. Emu oil -3 teaspoons
Add the first four ingredients into a small glass jar. Mix well. Now add the remaining two ingredients. Mix thoroughly.
Massage this mixture into your scalp for at least two minutes every night.

Emu oil is a "pusher" oil. It pushes the other oils deeper into the scalp.
vickid said:
This is my recipe--
1. Thyme essential oil - 2 drops
2. Atlas cedarwood essential oil - 2 drops
3. Lavender essential oil -3 drops
4. Rosemary essential oil -3 drops
5. Cinnamon oil-3 drops
6. Jojoba oil - ½ teaspoon
7. Grapeseed oil - 4 teaspoons
8. Emu oil -3 teaspoons
Add the first four ingredients into a small glass jar. Mix well. Now add the remaining two ingredients. Mix thoroughly.
Massage this mixture into your scalp for at least two minutes every night.

Emu oil is a "pusher" oil. It pushes the other oils deeper into the scalp.

That's only 6 oils. You've listed 8. Jojoba and Emu are both carrier oils. Do you necessarily have to have both? I'm not sure what Grapeseed oil does....
I made the original recipe and one of the essential oils, the thyme I think it was, really smelled strong. I still have all of these oils so I may do this again.

Here is another article that was posted earlier last year about this:
Here is the recipe from that article:
Hay and researchers recruited 84 people with diagnosed alopecia areata. During the seven-month trial, participants suspended use of topical or oral alopecia medications. Instead, half used a blend of cedarwood (2 drops, 94 mg), lavender (3 drops, 108 mg), rosemary (3 drops, 114 mg) and thyme (2 drops, 88 mg) in a carrier oil mix of jojoba (3 mL) and grapeseed (20 mL). The placebo group used just the carrier oils. Subjects were taught to rub the oil into the bare areas of their scalp for two minutes each evening and then to wrap a warm towel around their head to enhance absorption.
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etapassilem said:
what kind of results did you get?
If you mean me, I didn't keep up on it. I got a headache from the thyme oil that lasted a long time - I sniffed out of the bottle :ill: I would like to try this again though, without sniffing.;)
Isis said:
If you mean me, I didn't keep up on it. I got a headache from the thyme oil that lasted a long time - I sniffed out of the bottle :ill: I would like to try this again though, without sniffing.;)

where did you get your oils , cause i know to buy all those oils to blend is expensive?
etapassilem said:
where did you get your oils , cause i know to buy all those oils to blend is expensive?
I get my essential oils at the health food store, in this case the NOW brand, although I also have Aura Cacia brand. I also order online (if the store runs out) at
Puritan's Pride sells EO and they are having a buy one get 3 sale. For those who live close to each other this is a VERY cheap way to try this treatment:grin:
I hear burdock root oil is supposed to really make your hair grow, but I can't seem to find it.