PROVEN oil blend that stimulates hair growth!!

I've been using this blend since April & have gotten great results, even better than the 6 months of steroid cream & shots from Jan- June in 2012. After the steroids I started using SuperPotent JBCO ( from Amazon ) & got good results but things really took off when I made this oil mix & used it on my nape & temples every day. Now the hair is growing in well. I really recommend trying this mix. It was easy for me to make because I already had lavender & rosemary.

image-1883518743.jpg April 2013

image-994520004.jpg November 2013.

The image got reversed but both sides of my nape looked like the April photo & now they look like the November one. Hope they come out OK !

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Solila Good to know!

I was using it daily earlier tihs year. It was hard to tell how much it helped because I lost a lot of hair due to postpartum shedding, but those areas did grow back thicker (but no real length, yet). Then I changed to Emu oil due based on things that I read on this site. Not sure if I noticed a difference between the effectiveness of the two.

The damage to my temples from extentions years ago, seems to remain the same (to me). I'm trying this blend now to see if it helps, but maybe the damage is permanent.

In the meantime, I seal with castor oil almost daily, so we'll see how that goes...

NubianPrize Oh wow! That's a huge difference! Great growth!
Thanks so much for this. I just made some massage oil with rosemary, lavender, ylang ylang, and jasmine.

Sailor Saturn the lost scout
Solila Good to know!

I was using it daily earlier tihs year. It was hard to tell how much it helped because I lost a lot of hair due to postpartum shedding, but those areas did grow back thicker (but no real length, yet). Then I changed to Emu oil due based on things that I read on this site. Not sure if I noticed a difference between the effectiveness of the two.

The damage to my temples from extentions years ago, seems to remain the same (to me). I'm trying this blend now to see if it helps, but maybe the damage is permanent.

In the meantime, I seal with castor oil almost daily, so we'll see how that goes...

NubianPrize Oh wow! That's a huge difference! Great growth!

snoop How is it so far?
Solila. Found out that I'm pg (still waiting for confirmation) but all of the EOs in that blend are :nono: I'll at least have a bottle ready to help with that shedding!
I just mixed this up to try it again. The first time I thought my scalp had a reaction and I got scared but I'm desperate for something.
I use it to try to keep my follicles alive, not accelerate growth. I use ylang ylang and tea tree, too, and need to get some more thyme.
Hi...I'm new here, but I'll just jump in.

You said, "2- They list some oils twice from different countries. (ie. Essential Oil: Lavender, Water Soluble, Spain Essential Oil: Lavender, Bulgaria)"

It DOES make a difference about the origins of an oil. Their potency and even species vary based on where they come from. Remember that these things are all of an organic nature, so many things will affect their potency and overall quality.

BTW....I'd recommed the Lavender from's a very nice scent and is one of the best that FNWL offers.

"How do I know which one is the right one?"

For the more common oils, such as lavender, you can't go too wrong, but if you start getting into the more obscure (ex. spikenard) or precious oils (rose or jasmine), I'd learn as much as I can about it. Please remember that these things are VERY potent and have serious affects on the body, both good and bad.

"3- What instruments are you using to measure these amounts when you mix them? A measuring cup or spoons or what?"


"4- And is there a special kind of dropper that is used? When you say "drops" do you literally mean a drop of do you mean dropper fulls?"

LOL....a measuring cup? Essential oils are far too expensive and potent. Seriously tho, you measure EOs by the drop, they LITERALLY mean drops. Many of the more precious oils come in bottles that will distribute by the drop (most like this will say so in the description).....however, it's a good thing to buy a dropper or 2 that are dedicated to measuring out your oils. Many times, the oils will just come in bottles w/ a wide neck, so you'll need a dropper. They are available from FNWL and many other online places as well as health food stores. They cost anywhere from between $.50 and $1.50, depending on what size you get. For this, you'll probably only need a 1 oz dropper.

Buying a little bottle w/ a dropper included might be a good investment if you plan to work w/ essentail oil blends. They are handy for mixing them.

"5- Should I use this mixture instead of my daily Wild Growth Oil or Hot Six Oil? Or should I do it in addition?"

You can do either OR you can simply mix your essential oils into whatever carrier oil you already use and like. They'll only improve your existing product.

"6- Is this something to be used every night or once a week?"

It all depens on how you wear your hair now...processed-unprocessed, braided-dreded, etc.... depends on if you like/need a bit of oil in your hair and how often.

IMHO, there's no problem if you choose a daily application or however often you find/desire necessary.
Good morning sis. It’s so good to see that you are still here. So many haven't been here in well over a decade. How did you like this oil blend? I’d love to know your results.
Hi...I'm new here, but I'll just jump in.

You said, "2- They list some oils twice from different countries. (ie. Essential Oil: Lavender, Water Soluble, Spain Essential Oil: Lavender, Bulgaria)"

It DOES make a difference about the origins of an oil. Their potency and even species vary based on where they come from. Remember that these things are all of an organic nature, so many things will affect their potency and overall quality.

BTW....I'd recommed the Lavender from's a very nice scent and is one of the best that FNWL offers.

"How do I know which one is the right one?"

For the more common oils, such as lavender, you can't go too wrong, but if you start getting into the more obscure (ex. spikenard) or precious oils (rose or jasmine), I'd learn as much as I can about it. Please remember that these things are VERY potent and have serious affects on the body, both good and bad.

"3- What instruments are you using to measure these amounts when you mix them? A measuring cup or spoons or what?"


"4- And is there a special kind of dropper that is used? When you say "drops" do you literally mean a drop of do you mean dropper fulls?"

LOL....a measuring cup? Essential oils are far too expensive and potent. Seriously tho, you measure EOs by the drop, they LITERALLY mean drops. Many of the more precious oils come in bottles that will distribute by the drop (most like this will say so in the description).....however, it's a good thing to buy a dropper or 2 that are dedicated to measuring out your oils. Many times, the oils will just come in bottles w/ a wide neck, so you'll need a dropper. They are available from FNWL and many other online places as well as health food stores. They cost anywhere from between $.50 and $1.50, depending on what size you get. For this, you'll probably only need a 1 oz dropper.

Buying a little bottle w/ a dropper included might be a good investment if you plan to work w/ essentail oil blends. They are handy for mixing them.

"5- Should I use this mixture instead of my daily Wild Growth Oil or Hot Six Oil? Or should I do it in addition?"

You can do either OR you can simply mix your essential oils into whatever carrier oil you already use and like. They'll only improve your existing product.

"6- Is this something to be used every night or once a week?"

It all depens on how you wear your hair now...processed-unprocessed, braided-dreded, etc.... depends on if you like/need a bit of oil in your hair and how often.

IMHO, there's no problem if you choose a daily application or however often you find/desire necessary.
One more question, what is FNWL? Thank you.
Good morning sis. It’s so good to see that you are still here. So many haven't been here in well over a decade. How did you like this oil blend? I’d love to know your results.

I know that this question wasn't directed at me, but I have used this on and off over the years with results. I have been on a couple of months break of my recent use -- not sure why because I made a HUGE batch of a growth serum using it and literally just put it in the cupboard and left it alone. I will start again this week! Hold me accountable! :drunk:

I feel like the list of specific oils I got from this thread years ago, as per the study that they'd linked to. Here is what I use and I have been using it on my edges were were damaged since HS. Edges also take forever to grow back. In addition to my edges, I'd just put the serum on the rest of my head, since...well...why not.

Cedarwood(Cedrus atlantica)
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

I know that this question wasn't directed at me, but I have used this on and off over the years with results. I have been on a couple of months break of my recent use -- not sure why because I made a HUGE batch of a growth serum using it and literally just put it in the cupboard and left it alone. I will start again this week! Hold me accountable! :drunk:

I feel like the list of specific oils I got from this thread years ago, as per the study that they'd linked to. Here is what I use and I have been using it on my edges were were damaged since HS. Edges also take forever to grow back. In addition to my edges, I'd just put the serum on the rest of my head, since...well...why not.

Cedarwood(Cedrus atlantica)
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

View attachment 473789

ETA: I had been pretty consistent with my use up until about the end of May, but I can't find any comparison photos after Feb... I'm sure that I have some somewhere...
ETA: I had been pretty consistent with my use up until about the end of May, but I can't find any comparison photos after Feb... I'm sure that I have some somewhere...
I’m glad you replied!! Thank you so much I love when people add to the discussion. Some of the herb businesses that were mentioned have dead links. I was so sad. Where do you order your herbs from? I want to order soon. Before I forget. I have so many different oils/rinses/herbs that I want to order. And I forget.
thanks i was trying to get these oils when i first heard about them in the spring but i wasnt in the city so i couldnt get them as readily and i dont like the whole credit card internet thing. now i can at least try them out. thanks again.

madison: i'm in manhattan but the more places i know the better. its always good to stock up. /images/graemlins/wink.gif God bless you all.
Boy have times changed! Isn’t it something how comfortable we’ve become with spending on the interwebs?
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I’m glad you replied!! Thank you so much I love when people add to the discussion. Some of the herb businesses that were mentioned have dead links. I was so sad. Where do you order your herbs from? I want to order soon. Before I forget. I have so many different oils/rinses/herbs that I want to order. And I forget.

I'm in Canada so I'm not sure if my suppliers would be the best option for you to purchase from...
I know that this question wasn't directed at me, but I have used this on and off over the years with results. I have been on a couple of months break of my recent use -- not sure why because I made a HUGE batch of a growth serum using it and literally just put it in the cupboard and left it alone. I will start again this week! Hold me accountable! :drunk:

I feel like the list of specific oils I got from this thread years ago, as per the study that they'd linked to. Here is what I use and I have been using it on my edges were were damaged since HS. Edges also take forever to grow back. In addition to my edges, I'd just put the serum on the rest of my head, since...well...why not.

Cedarwood(Cedrus atlantica)
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

View attachment 473789
And I meant to mention that hair growth. It filled and moved past the original line of demarcation. Very good work sticking to it. Thanks for sharing.
That's so encouraging Imogin3! I bought the ingredients today at Whole Foods and just mixed up a small batch. I want to use it all over my scalp, but the smell... My husband will fall out of the bed with this one. I've been using all kinds of things on my hair this past month and the smells haven't all been pleasant. Maybe I should buy him a gas mask! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Hello. How successful was the oil for tor hair?
I just realized that my results from the first time I tried (2013/14) are further up on this page.

@KenyafromCT I buy my EOs from New Directions Aromatics. They have a US facing store.
i have a mixture of essential oils if anyone is interested in buying it,just pm me. ( they are expensive to buy all of the different eo's) i call it peppermint delight. it's very stimulating to the scalp. it has peppermint, rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, lemon, and ylang ylang eo's and jojoba, evoo, and emu carrier oils.
I just realized that my results from the first time I tried (2013/14) are further up on this page.

@KenyafromCT I buy my EOs from New Directions Aromatics. They have a US facing store.
Looking at them now.