promoting growth by keeping ends trimmed


New Member
Is there anyone that can see the benefits of trimming the ends frequently to promote fast/steady healthy hair growth?
My sister keeps her ends trimmed every 6-8 weeks.
Her hair has grown drastically
on a consistant basis since she began.
I on the other hand, trim every 12 weeks. I've seen drastic hair growth as well.

I believe you loose some, but you grow more with trims while keeping a healthy hair regimen.
Has trimming ends played a vital role in the growing out process to anyone else or am I in a class by myself?

Different strokes for different folks. <font color="purple"> </font>
i had a friend whose hair was down to her waist and she said that she believes that getting trims is very important. but you know that what goes for one person doesn't necessarily go for another. i do think that trimming your ends is important but i only do it when it is needed. when my ends are not damaged or too dry then i won't get a trim. when i have reached my goal then i will get my ends trimmed on a regular basis.
I get my ends trimmed with every relaxer (6-7 weeks)
She doesn't CUT. She only trims. Since January of this year, I have noticed SO much growth.
My hair is not as thin as it used to be. It looks so healthy! At first, I was against these trims, but for me it has worked so well.

My hair was pretty damaged when I first started going to her. The hair in the crown was not as long as the rest of my hair. Now it's all even.
newgrowth- I'm a trimming junkie now... I'm am just soo in love with my cut hair that I'm thinking of keeping it this length for a while. Weirdly enough my hair *seems* to grow faster when its trimmed. It looks like i've gained a full inch this month.

I think that for some, trimming puts the strands at an optimal level of health, hence allowing an overall more ideal environment for growth. I dont think it does a thing as far as scalp stuimulation, but it certainly does impact MY growth overall.

I will be trimming again in november, a light trim every 10-12 weeks is what i have planned.
I am experiencing excessive breakage and my ends are not as smooth as they should be, I'm thinking of doing an aphogee treatment and getting a trim to try to combat all this breakage. I wanted to only trim twice a year but this post is making me think it'll be alright.
beana3---What length is your hair cut? I'm seriously thinking about cutting my hair also. What style do you have? Just being nosey!!
newgrowth said:

Is there anyone that can see the benefits of trimming the ends frequently to promote fast/steady healthy hair growth?
My sister keeps her ends trimmed every 6-8 weeks.
Her hair has grown drastically
on a consistant basis since she began.
I on the other hand, trim every 12 weeks. I've seen drastic hair growth as well.

I believe you loose some, but you grow more with trims while keeping a healthy hair regimen.
Has trimming ends played a vital role in the growing out process to anyone else or am I in a class by myself?

Different strokes for different folks. <font color="purple"> </font>

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Welcome Newgrowth!

What kind of drastic growth are you getting? And do you think it is just because of your trims?
A year ago I made the commitment to get a regular relaxer and trim every eight weeks. At that point my hair was ok but i couldn't keep any length past my shoulders. My hair is now thick all the way to the ends and well past my shoulders. I am now at the point where I am stretching my relaxers to 10 weeks and I want to see if I can maintain my hair well enough to trim (1/4 inch) every 2 relaxers or 16 to 20 wks instead of every 8 to 10. I am going to have to baby these ends and butter them like toast. we will see.....
Re: tragic story

Good subject.

I went to the salon last week and the hairdresser told me I needed to keep up with my trims every 6-8 weeks. I wanted to cuss her out, but when she trimmed my hair, there wasn't much of nothing on the floor, so I couldn't complain.

What do ya'll think?
Re: ends trimming

I don't know if it is 'required' but I think for ME, it helps to trim occasionally, on an as needed basis. I have a real serious trim or maybe slight cut twice a year, and then I dust infrequently. For me, this cuts down on tangling and keeps a clean, even look to my hair. I hate scragglies.
Re: ends trimming

I have gotten good results from the once every 6-8 weeks trim. I think the difference is the ends are almost always kept neat with more frequent trims. I don't think it is a necessity if you are wearing protective styles. You should just trim on an as needed basis.
Re: ends trimming

I only trim my hair on as needed basis and this has worked
out pretty well for my hair.
Re: ends trimming

I have not had my hair trimmed in years. The first, and the last time I got it trimmed my beautician "trimmed" about 6 inches of my hair off. I cried for hours. So I don't trust anyone near my hair with scissors. The beautician I have now has never mentioned trims to me. And I haven't had any problems. My ends are super healthy.
Re: ends trimming

For me, since I was using heat in my hair regularly, it was essential that I kept my ends trimmed regularly. Otherwise, I would have had long, damaged, uneven hair.

However, if you're not using heat, and using protective hairstyles, trimming "regularly" is not a necessity, IMO, simply b/c they are't necessarily "needed."
Re: ends trimming

Trimming doesn't make your hair grow; it may help retain length by preventing split ends. I trim my own hair, usually every 8-10 weeks (I used to go to this one stylist, but my last visit there, she got too scissor happy for me, so now I do it myself). I wear protective styles 95% of the time, but a trim still makes my hair look &amp; behave better.
Re: tragic story

Thank you for sharing your experiences Newgrowth. I believe you when you said you and your sister received drastic growth. I may experiment with trimming my bangs to see first hand if anything changes regarding growth.

It's interesting that there doesn't seem to be any basis to back this up except for people's experiences. Cathy Howse says she does not trim her hair and that it's not necessary.
Re: tragic story

I was avoiding trims like the plague but finally couldnt take my horrid ends anymore and gave myself a self trim in July. then with my recent touch up I let my hairdresser give me another trim. I am truely amazed that it came out so well as you can see by my pics and I really think I got a lot of growth to make up for the missing ends to the point that this was the first trim in years that I've been happy with!
Re: tragic story

I can attest to the trimming myself. I usually trim every 6 weeks but have slacked off because I don't go to my stylist routinely anymore (money shortage). I do try to go in every six weeks around after I put my perm in and she trims and I'm out.

I have noticed a big difference even before I started back my MSM. Now with the MSM, the growth is tremendously noticeable.
Re: ends trimming

hairlove said:
For me, since I was using heat in my hair regularly, it was essential that I kept my ends trimmed regularly. Otherwise, I would have had long, damaged, uneven hair.

However, if you're not using heat, and using protective hairstyles, trimming "regularly" is not a necessity, IMO, simply b/c they are't necessarily "needed."

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Re: ends trimming

Tebby1017 said:
hairlove said:
For me, since I was using heat in my hair regularly, it was essential that I kept my ends trimmed regularly. Otherwise, I would have had long, damaged, uneven hair.

However, if you're not using heat, and using protective hairstyles, trimming "regularly" is not a necessity, IMO, simply b/c they are't necessarily "needed."

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ditto!! plus my hair doesn't grow fast enough to trim that often...
Re: ends trimming

adrienne0914 said:
Tebby1017 said:
hairlove said:
For me, since I was using heat in my hair regularly, it was essential that I kept my ends trimmed regularly. Otherwise, I would have had long, damaged, uneven hair.

However, if you're not using heat, and using protective hairstyles, trimming "regularly" is not a necessity, IMO, simply b/c they are't necessarily "needed."

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ditto!! plus my hair doesn't grow fast enough to trim that often...

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Neither does mine.
Re: ends trimming

When I was doing it, about every 8 weeks. I would only trim about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch. So in 2 months I would gain about 3/4 of an inch which was great for me. But back then I wasn't wearing protective styles. I was wearing my hair down everyday and flat ironing once a week.