promoting growth by keeping ends trimmed

Re: ends trimming

I don't know if this really works. But I have decided to give it a try, based upon the Lunar cycles, when I do need a trim. It doesn't hurt to try!

Ballet Bun ...
Re: ends trimming

Nope it doesn't hurt to try. Now after doing that consistently my raggedy thin ends are gone. I,ve decided for the winter I would mainly be wearing a bun and air drying, I want to see now if I can trim every other relaxer every 4 to 5 months or so.
Re: ends trimming

I just got a perm (might I add the best one in a looooooooooooooooooooooong time) Anyway, my friend did it. She is good with hair and she knows her stuff. So I told her to cut of all of my split ends. That's right I said ALL. (Well not all because if we cut off all then we would all be bald......... but you get the picture) So basically I lost between 1 and 2 inches, maybe 2.5 I don't know. But I know when my hair grows back to that length (I'm guessing late December early January, it will look better than ever) Plus I curled my hair and the curls looked so good. So I'm not complaining. However if anybody knows me they know that I love long hair so you know I had to add some tracks in (only 4) Until my hair grows back that's what I will have to do. But I would rather have healthy looking hair than ratty scraggly long hair.