Progress Pics


Well-Known Member
Hi girls!

So I have some progress pics for you. The first picture was taken in Aug 08, and the last two were taken today after I got it pressed. I would like my hair to grow in thicker, which is the reason why I keep doing trims (to get that blunt look). Do any of you have any suggestions on how to grow hair thicker and full as you go along? I know many people on this board do not trim regularly....and I use to think this way, but everytime when it comes to doing a trim after a couple of months, I always had to cut more than usual. So now I'm thinking to trim every 4 weeks like clock work so my hair will always look even and full....any suggestions/products?




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Great progress! I don't know how to thicken up hair, never had to learn. Trimming every month? That sounds kinda excessive to me. I trim every 2 months. To each her own I guess.
You hair is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! It looks full as well so you must be doing something right. I am using JBCO at least 3x a week right now to try and increase the density of my hair. Personally, I am cutting back on my trimming because I tend to go overboard. I believe if you S&D or dust you can hold out on getting to a blunt look until after you reach your goal lengths. That works for me because I do not wear my hair out or straight.
Your hair is beautiful and the ends are thick and pretty. How much are you planning on trimming every month? You don't want to not retain any length because you are cutting it off. How about dusting your ends about 1/4" every 6 to 8 weeks. I tried the no trimming thing and it is just not for me. My hair suffered and I had to get a lot cut in the end. Trimming on a regular is a must for me.
Your hair looks amazing! Hair doesn't grow at even rates throughout your head. Since I'm scissor happy I used to trim and "dust" so frequently that I never saw any progress. Now that I'm protecting my hair under wigs after a very throughout search & destroy, I find that I keeping the splits away is much easier and I'm retaining length. I also regularly go through my hair and search out split ends while keeping the healthy hair intact. As long as I'm under wigs, I plan to do "official" trims every 3-4 months to keep the hemline thick.
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Your hair looks flawless.

Please don't trim every month! Maybe you have to try some styling options that won't stress your ends?
Yourt hair looks great pet, nice and thick at the ends but not much longer in almost 2 years. But maybe you don't really want it any longer, just thick and that's cool too.

I haven't trimmed my hair since May of last year and have no intentions of cutting it right now - I am trainsitioning to texlaxed by the way. I do intend to do a major cut whenever I decide to put a scissor to it again however.

Honestly, I can't wait to trim off the fragile ends in hopes for a thicker head of hair:look:.
If you're trimming every month, you need to find better protective styles to keep them up. That does sound pretty excessive. Find a regimen that better suits your ends and you should be good to go.

Do you baggy your ends? I use a dab of Profective Healthy Ends just to keep them in check. It has protein but it keeps those ends healthy and strong.
Great Hair. BEAUTIFUL ! I am attempting to trim every 3 months to get the blunt look. I bun until it's time to trim. I may need to get trims closer together since I am transition and I am trying to stave away breakage. I use castor oil for thickness every 2-3 days.
Hi girls!

So I have some progress pics for you. The first picture was taken in Aug 08, and the last two were taken today after I got it pressed. I would like my hair to grow in thicker, which is the reason why I keep doing trims (to get that blunt look). Do any of you have any suggestions on how to grow hair thicker and full as you go along? I know many people on this board do not trim regularly....and I use to think this way, but everytime when it comes to doing a trim after a couple of months, I always had to cut more than usual. So now I'm thinking to trim every 4 weeks like clock work so my hair will always look even and full....any suggestions/products?



Great progress with your hair. Your hair is very thick in the pictures, I think. Share your regimen with us please?
Thanks everyone for the great recommendations! So, maybe I won't trim every month....maybe every two months, or dust every two months. I do need to come up with a plan for my ends, that's for sure!

Someone mentioned that my hair hasn't grown much within the year and a half, and that's because I trim often...LOL. I am more into thickness and health rather than length. There are too many people that let their hair grow, grow, and grow, and the last 2 inches of their hair looks stringy, and when they trim they still have to end up cutting it off and I don't want that. So, I will say rather than getting a lot of length, I did get more thickness.

Now, the reason why I asked for recommendations is that I have seen many members on this board start out with shorter hair (with a blunt cut) and then they grew it out very nicely with blunt ends....not the stringy scraggly growing out. This is how I want to grow out my hair. So I want a plan to retain my ends nicely and to grow it out full at the same time, and they only way I see that happening is at least dusting often.

As for my regimen (I forgot who asked):

I wash my hair every two weeks with Creme of Nature shampoo, and I condition with Hairveda Strinillah. I use a dab of CHI and Ultra Sheen Pressing Creme to blowdry, and then I press with Ultra Sheen. I oil my hair once a week with Shikakai Oil from Hairveda. That's it!

Thanks again!
I love blunt ends! :grin: Your hair looks great!
I'm sympathetic to the cutting often camp, but suggest that you consider upgrading your hair shears (if this isn't something you've already done).

I'm also growing my hair out while obsessing over neat ends and thickness, and getting a better pair of shears definitely makes a difference. I actually haven't trimmed since I cut my hair in January, when before I probably would have at least dusted twice by now. My old scissors were Conair ones I got for under $10 at Target or something. My new pair isn't super top of the line, but they are Hot Tools professional shears I got at Ulta.

Also, you don't need to trim on a specific month schedule. Do it when it looks to you like it needs to be done, regardless of how soon or late that is :yep: