Progress Pics-13 Months Post, straightened for 1st time!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies! So I've been itching to straighten my hair lately since buying my Solia. I've been in crochets and took them out last Sunday. I kept debating on straightening since it's in the middle of summer and sooo HOT in Florida. But curiosity got the best of me and I straightened my hair last night. I'm 13 months post and doing a long term transition w/o the BC. This is my first time using direct heat during my transition. I didn't press bone straight, but straight enough for me to see how much my hair has really grown since last year!! I started my HHJ barely SL.

Here's my thread from last month when I made 1 year post:, but wanted to share with you all pics of my straightened hair. I did a roller set and saran wrap. I then straightened my new growth. The ends still had curl from the rollerset. I wrapped my hair last night and this morning did another saran wrap for about 15 mins to get it a little straighter since I flat ironed it and last night and went to bed. Oh the only products I used were Chi Silk Infusion and VO5 heat protectant. So glad I found this forum, you ladies are the best!! This is the longest my hair has ever been and it really for the first time is starting to feel kinda long! lol :)

Ok enough rambling...on to the pics!

My starting pic:


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Excellent progress...what's your regi

Aww...thanks! I should be asking you what your regi is with your long pretty hair. :grin: But my regi is pretty simple:

My reggie is simple:

-Shampoo with CON 1 time a week. I sometimes alternate shampooing for ACV rinse.
-DC with ORS mixed with EVOO and EVCO 1 time a week.
-Co wash maybe 1 -2 times a week w/VO5 Moistures Milk.
- Do Aphogee 2 min, every blue moon.

-Protective styles! Wore half wigs, lace fronts and phony ponies alot the 1st 6 months of hhj. Last 6 months have done mainly sew-ins and crochets. For the last few months when not in a sew in or crochets, I've been wearing and enjoying my own hair and doing buns, curly puff, experimenting with twist outs, and/or hair up in a clip.

That's basically it. I only comb on wash day, and just use NTM as my moisturizer and seal with EVCO (When in sew in or crochets mix NTM/water or VO5/water in spray bottle.) Use castor oil for edges.

Wow!! That's some great growth!! Did you wear crochet braids for the whole 13 months?

Aww thanks! No I didn't do crochets the whole time just the last couple months. See above for regi. :)

Wonderful progress! When I first saw the pics, I said woww out loud! lol Grow on, girlie!:grin:

LOL too funny!! :lachen: Thanks Stella B!
Gurl, I fell out my chair. WTH! This was one year? SL to BSL? Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going back to read your reggie.

Beautiful ponytail!

I was just thinking the same thing! She's very close to BSL, might already be there. Girl you better change your name to soon2mbl

Lo thanks!! Good name suggestion! Yep I made bsl a little over a month ago. Since I didn't flat iron bone straight its harder to tell from the pics. I usually just pull my hair down to do a length check and my longest layer actually grazes the bottom of my bra strap. Can't wait to get where you are! :)
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