"Progress?" I need your opinions LHCFers


Well-Known Member
Ladies and Gents, I really need some opinions. The following pictures are my "progress" pictures dating from (first to last) May 2009 and now December 2009. Pardon my last picture, my hair is look HAM right now and needs to be retouched. Im wondering what length my hair would be classified at right now and whether or not my hair has grown in comparison to the May picture. My hair needs a miracle and a prayer right now because I've lost A LOT of hair at the back due to stretching and tons of breakage.


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you have had some growth from the first pic it looks like u were brushing SL and now your past SL. I think you should do another comparison shot once you relax to see your true lenghth.
Thank you, this gives me some hope :grin: I sure will, I'll be relaxing in a week or so. Im 2 and a half months post but I was underprocessed the last time.
you have had some growth from the first pic it looks like u were brushing SL and now your past SL. I think you should do another comparison shot once you relax to see your true lenghth.
Ladies and Gents, I really need some opinions. The following pictures are my "progress" pictures dating from (first to last) May 2009 and now December 2009. Pardon my last picture, my hair is look HAM right now and needs to be retouched. Im wondering what length my hair would be classified at right now and whether or not my hair has grown in comparison to the May picture. My hair needs a miracle and a prayer right now because I've lost A LOT of hair at the back due to stretching and tons of breakage.

It looks like it's grown to me. Your back doesn't look like you've had a lot of breakage, unless the breakage on the top part that gathered on your head. During my first stretch I was very paranoid and thought because of the amount of hair I saw when detangling that I'd broken off alot of hair and damaged it terribly. But I was wrong, because I airdried so much while stretching and then bunned my hair it gave a look that it needed alot of TLC. Don't count your hair out yet, when you relax you may be surprised to see your hair is not in as bad of shape as you think.
you have had some growth from the first pic it looks like u were brushing SL and now your past SL. I think you should do another comparison shot once you relax to see your true lenghth.

I agree with Shoediva. You've made progress, but you'll really see it when you relax :yep:
It looks like it's grown to me. Your back doesn't look like you've had a lot of breakage, unless the breakage on the top part that gathered on your head. During my first stretch I was very paranoid and thought because of the amount of hair I saw when detangling that I'd broken off alot of hair and damaged it terribly. But I was wrong, because I airdried so much while stretching and then bunned my hair it gave a look that it needed alot of TLC. Don't count your hair out yet, when you relax you may be surprised to see your hair is not in as bad of shape as you think.

I agree with the bolded and I would say you are maybe CBL. When you stretch it down in the front does it touch your collarbone. Looks like it may even be just a smidge past it to.
I think it's grown. Not sure if it's SL though. You might want to take progress pics wearing the same shirt each time so that you can really tell.
Hi Ashlee!

In the May pic, your length looks like it's grazing SL and in the December pic you're definitely SL. I hope the retouch goes well and you can fix the breakage problem so that you can keep growing!
Congratulations! Your hair has grown a lot. I would say you went from neck length to two inches above APL.
It's a bit difficult to see the real length and the thickness, maybe you should wait until you relax and post pictures.
Wow thank you, thats a major relieve!

And thank you ladies, Im making a measuring shirt so that I dont have to switch up my shirts all the time. Thank you once again :)
It looks like it's grown to me. Your back doesn't look like you've had a lot of breakage, unless the breakage on the top part that gathered on your head. During my first stretch I was very paranoid and thought because of the amount of hair I saw when detangling that I'd broken off alot of hair and damaged it terribly. But I was wrong, because I airdried so much while stretching and then bunned my hair it gave a look that it needed alot of TLC. Don't count your hair out yet, when you relax you may be surprised to see your hair is not in as bad of shape as you think.