One year progress pictures. Yes there are pictures

As always, great progress! We aren't the same hair type but you are still my motivation to go from NL to APL in one year. Off topic, but do you think switching to more natural products helped your progression?
I love it girl! Ain't shrinkage a mutha? I remember your chop. It's so cool watching everyone "mature".
Girl: First of all, You Don't "Yap" "Yap" "Yap":look: You Discuss & Share.

Anyway, I enjoy it.:giggle:

Thanks For Sharing Your Progress. Beautiful! Healthy! Shiny and Strong! Very Inspiring.:congrats:

May you Reach your 2010 Hair Goals!:yep:
As always, great progress! We aren't the same hair type but you are still my motivation to go from NL to APL in one year. Off topic, but do you think switching to more natural products helped your progression?

I think that doing my own hair and not relying on hairdressers is the main reason why I retain most of my length. I definitely use better products than I did just 4 years ago. My hair was never more than shoulder length, scraggly ends and its because I wasn't protecting my hair. I'd use stuff like Do Gro LOL for shine and now its only shea butter. I also stopped relaxing my hair and that's helped. I know that won't be true for everybody, but for me putting down the relaxer has helped tremendously.

I do use more natural products now, but its still a balance of me being consistent in my hair regimen. Thank you BTW!
Pretty! Your hair seems like it grows fast! And you have a lot of shrinkage!

Shrinkage stinks!! I have passed milestones APL, BSL, MBL... but I have been shoulder length curly for over a year LOL :nono: I love my curly hair but that drives me crazy. Thank God for progress pics.

You are waist length or an inch away, congrats.

Yeah I have no idea. I think the tail is touching WSL so I'm gonna claim it :grin: But in my head I'm bald and I hate hair anorexia so bad LOL :wallbash: But next year is it and then I'll just concentrate on maintaining my length once I hit tailbone.