Products you use.......that staaank?

I don't like the way Chi Silk Infusion smells but I use it anyways because it works.

When I first read reviews about Chi Silk Infusion on Folica, people liked the product but a lot of people complained that it smells too much like men's cologne. :look: Chi has probably received some complaints about this and hopefully they will end up changing the scent.
I'd have to say WGHO! I stopped using it for a while and ran across it again recently and wondered should I throw it out. So instead of throwing it out, I added a few drops of peppermint oil and it smells mucho better.

This is what I was gonna say. When I first started using it I had to stop because the smell actually made me nauseous, but I found out later that if you apply it right after you wash your hair somehow the smell is not that bad.
Believe it or not, the Aphogee 2 step used to smell WAY worse back in the day (late 80's to early 90's). I smell it now and I'm like, wow, they have REALLY improved on the smell!:lachen:

Co-sign!! I've used the original Aphogee in the 90s and let me tell you ... that stuff smelled like a wet dog in heat. The new stuff pales by comparison.

When I first read reviews about Chi Silk Infusion on Folica, people liked the product but a lot of people complained that it smells too much like men's cologne. :look: Chi has probably received some complaints about this and hopefully they will end up changing the scent.

Yeppers it sure does ... but that's probably why I like it. :look:
I can't do it :nono:

I have eliminated all bad smelling products for the sake of my mental health :lol:

My nose it too sensitive.

I have 1 full bottle of aphogee 2 step and another bottle that is 3/4 full and I don't know what to do with it, cuz it is not going anywhere near my hair anymore.
when I used to use Dr Miracle, the products smells were sooo nasty! I have limited myself to just using the Relaxed Hair Potion 5.

I agree,i was really looking forward to using their stuff after all those amazing pictures, but wow that stuff had me feeling sick!!

I gave it away! (leave in treatment and conditioner)
I haven't tried about 89% of what's been posted but I must admit that MTG's smell has never bothered me. My friends on the other hand......
I must be the only one that likes the smell of chi silk infusion lol but err the smelliest I've encountered so far is definitely MTG.
Neem oil, hands down. If garlic had an arse, this is what it would smell like.


ETA: Amla oil is the single nastiest smelling thing EVER. Someone could take a greasy dump right on the floor and it wouldn't smell as bad as that stuff. Puke. It's horrid. One time my DD almost spilled a whole bottle on the carpet. DH literally flew through the air to catch it before one drop hit the carpet... I've never seen him move that fast. Shoot, we'd have to either replace the carpet or move away!
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ETA: Amla oil is the single nastiest smelling thing EVER. Someone could take a greasy dump right on the floor and it wouldn't smell as bad as that stuff. Puke. It's horrid. One time my DD almost spilled a whole bottle on the carpet. DH literally flew through the air to catch it before one drop hit the carpet... I've never seen him move that fast. Shoot, we'd have to either replace the carpet or move away!

My shikakai shampoo bar smells like a urinal! The scent doesn't linger on your hair (thank goodness) but if I forget and leave it in the shower... forget about it. My whole bathroom smells like someone peed on the floor. I keep the bar in a ziplock baggie.
My shikakai bars do not smell bad, but the shikakai oil is another story. I HATE the smell, but I LOVE the benefits.
SAA (Silk Amino Acids) smell like strong P.
It is so gross. One time I forgot it smelled bad and used it "after" I had put in my leave in. OMG:barf: :giggle:

Raw Shea Butter or whipped Shea Butter without fragrance.. Ewweee. Stank.

Honeyquat stinks too.

I agree with whomever said Alma oil. That stuff does not smell good.
Neem oil, hands down. If garlic had an arse, this is what it would smell like.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: THANK YOU!! I have a huge bottle of that stuff, and I have NO CLUE what I will use it for.

I can't do it :nono:

I have eliminated all bad smelling products for the sake of my mental health :lol:

My nose it too sensitive.

I have 1 full bottle of aphogee 2 step and another bottle that is 3/4 full and I don't know what to do with it, cuz it is not going anywhere near my hair anymore.

Exactly that. I can't - I can't - heck, I'm debating stopping using the V05 stuff because while it doesn't smell bad, the perfume smell is so strong it makes my eyes water!

SAA (Silk Amino Acids) smell like strong P.
It is so gross. One time I forgot it smelled bad and used it "after" I had put in my leave in. OMG:barf: :giggle:

Raw Shea Butter or whipped Shea Butter without fragrance.. Ewweee. Stank.

Honeyquat stinks too.

I agree with whomever said Alma oil. That stuff does not smell good.

:rofl: Yeah, SAA does have a slightly fishy funk smell - I find that if I can smell it, that means I used too much. And I NEVER use it straight. :nono: I haven't noticed HQ having a funky odor, though - now I'm gonna be shoving my nose in it. :lol:

I actually like the smell of henna and shea butter. :lol: They smell 'earthy' to me.
:lachen: :lachen:

:rofl: Yeah, SAA does have a slightly fishy funk smell - I find that if I can smell it, that means I used too much. And I NEVER use it straight. :nono: I haven't noticed HQ having a funky odor, though - now I'm gonna be shoving my nose in it. :lol:

I actually like the smell of henna and shea butter. :lol: They smell 'earthy' to me.

Who culda been for the simple fact I mixed it with the SAA and that stinky stuff took over... :rofl:. All I know is that it stank....
Wild growth oil.

The first time i used it, I put it my hair and layed down on my silk pillow for sleep. The motion of laying down and hitting the pillow must have brought the smell to my face and I gagged ( I dont know why i didnt smell it when i opened it or was applying it :rolleyes: )I jumped up looking around my bed for a dead animal or something...then i finally put my fingers on my scalp, brought it to my nose and gagged again..then went to the bottle and put it straight to my nose and gagged again :nono:..It was like a horror movie, every way i turned in my bed i smelled it...then i wrapped my hair in like 5 bandanas...still smelt it on my pillowcase, changed that and somehow the smell was on my bed sheet...and i could still smell it through my bandana's :nono: :nono:

This was before I knew you could wash your hair everyday (thought 2x a week max)....So the next day it was august like 90 degrees outside...thought maybe no-one could smell it....Me and my friends went for a ride in my car..We rode for about 15 min. w/the air on before anyone said anything...then everyone rolled their window down because of the smell.
So we were all sweating and hot...and of course I was sweating from my scalp and the smell was all in my nose. :nono:

Now it doesnt bother me at all! :grin: But i use it wet, and have another one i use on dry hair but its mixed with another oil LOL

Also I hate

Refined coconut oil and ghee (have about the same smell), also castor oil.
MTG may stank but it is helping me grow:auto: n I like the smell of chi:burning: the smell of aphogee protein is okay. Dems iz my stankies............
ETA: Amla oil is the single nastiest smelling thing EVER. Someone could take a greasy dump right on the floor and it wouldn't smell as bad as that stuff. Puke. It's horrid. One time my DD almost spilled a whole bottle on the carpet. DH literally flew through the air to catch it before one drop hit the carpet... I've never seen him move that fast. Shoot, we'd have to either replace the carpet or move away!

Superman! :lachen::lachen:This made me laugh so hard, I cried:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

This entire thread has me :lachen:.
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fluffy: that was a funny story. LOLOL im mad u were lookin around for a dead animal!....i can just picture this...bwahahahahaha......and then putting on 5 bandanas when u found out holding my laugh cuz im at work but good lawd thats funny