Product Reviews


New Member
Lafier Honey Almond Conditioner - This was a good conditioner. Not a TON of slip, but no cones either. The smell was incredible, and I loved how soft it made my hair after it was dry. I left it on for 20 minutes, no heat. I'm going to try it with heat next time to see if that makes a difference. I give it a 7 out of 10 for now. It was basically a really good cholesterol conditioner. :ohwell:

Lafier Proteinol Conditioner - Same as above and same rating. But this gave less mositure and pliability and more strength and protection. You can definitely feel that it's a protein based conditioner. Again - it's still just a punched up cholesterol conditioner in my book. But it's ok... 7 out of 10.

LaFier Dezriol (sp?) Rinse - I didn't see the big deal, but I don't think I got the real deal product either....mine was in a clear bottle with no label. :confused: And it doesn't feel like the Dezriol that I'm used to getting when I go to the Dom. salon in NY. Maybe they add Olive Oil to it at the salon? I don't know - bu got little to no slip with the product and since it's a cream rinse and that's all I was expecting out of it, I will finish the bottle but probably won't repurchase. I give it a 5 out of 10.

Mane N Tail Detangler - this stuff was actually good. Again - not in your standard "oh my god there's so much slip!" way that we associate with "good" here at the board....but VERY little of my hair came out during my rollerset, and my hair had that strong treated-with-protein feeling to it that I like. It's great for giving fine hair some body and it did give a decent shine (although compared to the Sedal my hair was DULL! using this. Sedal really had it on this in the shine department). I noticed a marked reduction in breakage. And my hair looks good and has a lot of body today. 7 out of 10.

Sedal Lissage Leave In - LOVED this! It detangled beautifully and had decent slip. I needed far more water than I was using tho, so my rollerset was a bit of a challenge, but I loved how shiny and smooth my hair was coming out of the rollers. It's better on the dry side of the process than it is on the wet. If you're looking for something to improve the look and texture of your hair this is a good choice. Very much like Salerm - but without that slight coated feeling you get with it. And less slip in the combout. But I didn't mind that. I find Salerm makes it hard to rollerset because it's SOOOO slippery. Anyway - Sedal gets an 8 out of 10.
Thanks for the reviews Tracy...:up:

I think I'm gonna leave that Sedal alone for now... at least until I use up my Salerm 21 and/or Lacio Lacio... might give it a try in the future, though!! ;)

Would you say the Sedal is as good as Lacio Lacio??
You know Lindy....I didn't remember loving Lacio Lacio, so it might not be a fair comparison....but given the descriptions that I hear of it -that it's a lighter, less sticky version of Salerm - maybe it IS comparable....

You DO get MORE of this than you do of Lacio tho, so if you want to try it and u like Lacio, that ma

I can't tell you for sure tho, because I remember not being impressed at all with Lacio.... :ohwell:
Thanks for the reviews Tracy I was curious about the Lafier pink rinse.
I will probably try the Sedal line in the future.
THANK U, thank u, ThAnK U! I posted a question about Sedal after the dominican salon used it for my roller set. I will be sure to order some my next Sickbiz order.
It's always nice to read your reviews Tracy.

I've never tried the Lafier Honey and Almond Conditioner. However, I use and love the Lafier Honey and Almond Rinse. I had always wondered about the conditioner, and now I know.

I really wanted to try the Lafier Desrizol, but since it doesn't WOW you, it probably won't WOW me. I wonder what's up with the 'no label'. :confused: