Product Junkies or High Functioning Hoarders?


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think? I've never been too bad about this, but I definitely have my "product junkie" moments. So are all of us self-proclaimed "product junkies" really just high functioning hoarders? (And I say high functioning cause hopefully none of us let it interfere with our daily lives.)
Lol I love the title. I am not sure which I am but I have waaaay more products than I need or can use.
I'm not a hoarder, and I was only a product junkie for a short time. I HATE too much of ANYTHING around me. It all just starts looking like JUNK to me. :lachen:

I always give or sell stuff (mostly give away) to keep things to a livable minimum. I don't like clutter, so I cannot have too much stuff.....and I like it that way.:yep:
My stash is extremely organized. I will admit I started buying in bulk (hoarding) after a BF incident and I couldn't get what I wanted. I order primarily from handmade vendors which lends itself to buying in bulk bc you don't know when they will run out or how long it will take you to get it. Besides I have a fear of running out of stuff :look:.
Im happy to have dropped my little addiction :look:

I'm down to one of everything now, including stuff for my face regimen.

It feels great to browse and read the reviews on new products, but I love what works for my hair now :yep:
I am a high funtioning product junkie bills and savings come first then i play.
Yep, I definitely have more than I need, but I always keep bills & savings first. If I need a reality check, I just go look at the thread where people posted the pics of all their Skala products.
No. I'm def a product junky but I don't spend what I don't have. I don't hoard. Everything I don't like, I give away or which i'm doing more often now is returning it back to the store (used and everything); Surprised that most places will take used products back. Wish i woulda know that months ago.
High functioning hoarder here..i like the title backstocker much ,much better:lachen:

I am glad i did backstock..since i lost my job...that's the only good thing.:lachen:
:lachen:@ the title of this thread. Being unemployed has forced me to become an ex-junkie, but I don't think I ever kept more than one of the same type of item at a time (except VO5 Moisture Milk conditioner).
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I just announced to my family on Saturday that I'm not going to buy more condish 'til the end of the year. I need them to hold me accountable, lol.
No. I'm def a product junky but I don't spend what I don't have. I don't hoard. Everything I don't like, I give away or which i'm doing more often now is returning it back to the store (used and everything); Surprised that most places will take used products back. Wish i woulda know that months ago.

Really? What do you tell them?