Product and other updates!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I recently updated the products in my fotki album. The same password "progress" can access all albums EXCEPT for the new "The Aftermath" album, the password to this is "curve".

Still waiting on my Elucence to arrive :-D

Link in Siggy
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so1913 said:
Hi ladies,

I recently updated the products in my fotki album. The same password "progress" can access all albums EXCEPT for the new "The Aftermath" album, the password to this is "curve".

Still waiting on my Elucence to arrive :-D

Link in Siggy

HI! Your hair looks really cute! I'm really impressed with your curve product results. I just got my Elucence but won't be able to use them until I take down these twists. I waited a really loooong time for these things to come, I took a whiff and I must say that they smell diviiiiine! Like Champaign and strawberries! I also noticed that you use some of the BBD products, do you think that the stretch creme helped you with controlling NG and Breakage?
Alli77 said:
HI! Your hair looks really cute! I'm really impressed with your curve product results. I just got my Elucence but won't be able to use them until I take down these twists. I waited a really loooong time for these things to come, I took a whiff and I must say that they smell diviiiiine! Like Champaign and strawberries! I also noticed that you use some of the BBD products, do you think that the stretch creme helped you with controlling NG and Breakage?

I can't wait till I get my stuff!!! Well...I've always used BBD Stretch as a preventative treatment, rather than corrective, so I'm not sure of what kind of "miracle" it works on damaged hair.

What do you mean when you ask controlling NG? Does NG=New Growth? If so, since I'm natural, new growth is all the same as the rest of my hair :)

(I'm behind on the abbreviations these days)
so1913 said:
I can't wait till I get my stuff!!! Well...I've always used BBD Stretch as a preventative treatment, rather than corrective, so I'm not sure of what kind of "miracle" it works on damaged hair.

What do you mean when you ask controlling NG? Does NG=New Growth? If so, since I'm natural, new growth is all the same as the rest of my hair :)

(I'm behind on the abbreviations these days)

No problem. Your right, NG means New Growth. I also wanted to know, do you think that the BBD product keep your hair soft or does it get alittle hard as most protein cremes do?
Alli77 said:
No problem. Your right, NG means New Growth. I also wanted to know, do you think that the BBD product keep your hair soft or does it get alittle hard as most protein cremes do?

Definitely soft....doesn't make my hair hard at all. I used it for the first time as a deep conditioner last weekend and after rinsing, my hair was VERY soft :)
I absolutely LOVE your hair! Can you please post your regimen? When was your last relaxer? Mine was April 2004 and I want to figure out if my hair will be as long as your when I big chop.
caligirl said:
I absolutely LOVE your hair! Can you please post your regimen? When was your last relaxer? Mine was April 2004 and I want to figure out if my hair will be as long as your when I big chop.

Awww, thanks! Well, regimines aren't my forte, at least sticking to them, lol. For the past few months I was just conditioning washing daily and wearing my hair in a pony tail using Asha's Mane Attraction, Paul Mitchel Conditioning Styling Foam and IC Protein Gel to slick back. About two weeks ago, I got my hair cut and I'm working on a new regimine and am excited about growing it out. My last relaxer was December 2002 and I probably cut the remaining of my relaxer out in March or April of 2003. Between then and now, I've done quite a few major chops, but none that really shaped my hair correctly or got rid of all the damage hair I had from constant heat styling during my transition. My mom commented yesterday "I would think your hair would be longer by now?!?" completely puzzled why after being natural so long my hair is as short as it is. I laughed and just told her it's because I'm always cutting it and just got it cut the weekend before last. Then it was "ahhhh, I see...ok" the end of the night, my mother was talking about going natural!!! :-D

So to answer your question, my new regimine is washing about 2x's per week, now using Treseme Moisture Rich Shampoo and Conditioner, but will switch to Elucence products when they arrive, and using BBD Stretch once a week as a 30 min deep conditioner under the dryer. I will either do flat twist sets or fingerstyling with Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding and massage Asha's Roots 3 times a week. To maintain, I will use Miss Jessie's Buttercreme or Asha's Mane Attraction. At night, I will sleep with a satin cap.