Pro-Active Christian Dating..Online & Off..Dating Veterans Advice Please


Well-Known Member
:sunshine:Summer officially starts next week! Fun in the sun!!!! Wondering what are the pro-active-actions that can be taken to be open to and facilitate dating that is fun, lighthearted,sober and of God. For me,that serious relationship with one person...but seeing/going on an outing with a few different men at various times..casually...with no physical intimacy. :dinner: :click: :cool2:
Dating the above way is still new for me!

I had The Serial Dating Disease man at a time for months though he was dating... I (all by myself lol) was in a "committed relationship" And when he got involved with a woman exclusively.. I was the devastated party .even though we were
So NOW ..I am redefining dating..and it's GREAT talking with half a dozen men when I want to ...if I want to and not committed ANYBODY.
My commitment to GOD is first and foremost and that's feels loving and right.
It feels good,too about the guyS. The men know there are others and I am not concerned about the feelings on that...because when I was putting his feelings above my needs.... I got burned

Wondering what dating and/or pro-active Christian dating means to others?
any goals for dating? :ie new friendships,or potential significant partnerships,or casual socializing..or marriage
Also wondering about bottom lines?:stop: personal red flags? :naughty: deal breakers? :eek2:
along with my own self sabotaging stuff. Maybe we cld support each other on the willd wild west world of dating.
I loved Supergirl's post about courtship books all of which I plan to read cover to cover. That's a GOOD start for me. Reading all threads abt dating
I was semi-involved with someone and that's on hold :giveup:...
because of that Serial Dating Disease I had caught
I am talking to a bunch of guys that seem very interested now..some from online and some from IRL...all have asked me out and I've been putting them all off. Last year I dated a few different men until my dad passed. Since then,mourning my father's passing, shut down and was reclusive. Also my business was really consuming and in a critical place.. but I promised myself in mid-July I will make myself get back out there,and start accepting the dates. I AM SO NERVOUS.....
I guess my own goals would sure be dating purely as part of a balanced healthy adult social life and yet also for
a kindredship and heartfelt connection leading to what God has in store and I'm content with that idea for now. Not anxious about the future... more about the new culture of just dating casually used to going for the romantic a security or something..I dunno

A friend and I made a commitment to get gussied up..and together as support,....check out one new prime place each weekend where the upwardly eligible single guys are.... after diligent researching during the week. We also promised each other if one of us is chatted up by a man, the other would discreetly melt in the background the other if needed.

These are some of the actions I am taking..also going to church outings my church and other churches...not to suss guys but to be open if God opens that opportunity..also attending new special interest writing or book clubs..
hoping the veteran daters will chime in and share the wisdom
~~tia and happy dating
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single girls just be aware of guys who say that they are single and a christian while on line my husband got busted doing this he told me that he was only playing around but i told him that you don't play like that!
single girls just be aware of guys who say that they are single and a christian while on line my husband got busted doing this he told me that he was only playing around but i told him that you don't play like that!

Thank you...something to cheating....

Well my friend and I went officially to check out some places the come back on a weekend night..and...while innocently dining al fresco.. got attention:yep: lots of it

..and on the way home a trio of guys stopped to comment on great her hair looked.

We'll see.... next week is happy hour hang out..
I don't drink but I can still be... happy:grin: at least for an hour