Precious Lambs, I Think You're Gonna Like This One...

I am so glad for your post, Shimmie. It is serving as confirmation for me as well. I was instructed to read Isaiah and became depressed when I started reading about the famines and destruction that come on God's people or nations that turn away from God or reject Him. Now I am finally at the chapters where God tells Isaiah that if His people would turn to Him that He would restore them and provide for them. I am trusting in God to provide for us during this time of "recession"-not so that we can have material wealth but so that people around us can see the power and glory of God through us and our lives and hopefully be lead to give their lives to Christ.
Mrselle you post has brought confirmation to a word that has been in my spirit. Watch and pray. My eyes are more focused and clearer than ever! I feel a shift and a move from God coming!! I can feel it in my spirit and my eyes are open to what is about to unfold. :yep:

Thank you for bring that confirmation to the board. :) God is great and His name is worthy to be praised!

I'm glad. I've been asking God to use me. I'm glad you have confirmation. God really is doing something and He is awesome and magnificent. He is everything we need.
The Scriptures say, "God freely gives his gifts to the poor, and always does right." God gives seed to farmers and provides everyone with food.

He will increase what you have, so that you can give even more to those in need. You will be blessed in every way, and you will be able to keep on being generous. Then many people will thank God when we deliver your gift.

What you are doing is much more than a service that supplies God's people with what they need. It is something that will make many others thank God. ----- 2 Corinthians 9:9-12 CEV

We are not forsaken by God. The World has forsaken its self; look at the big giants of the world, begging congress to save them. When they should be bowing on their faces and seeking God to save them, instead.

Once again...Shimmie, the words above are more more confirmation for me. God has given me Genesis 12 to mediatate on and think about. I've been thinking about the many ways He has blessed me and how He is blessing me so I can bless others.
I am so glad for your post, Shimmie. It is serving as confirmation for me as well. I was instructed to read Isaiah and became depressed when I started reading about the famines and destruction that come on God's people or nations that turn away from God or reject Him. Now I am finally at the chapters where God tells Isaiah that if His people would turn to Him that He would restore them and provide for them. I am trusting in God to provide for us during this time of "recession"-not so that we can have material wealth but so that people around us can see the power and glory of God through us and our lives and hopefully be lead to give their lives to Christ.
Sashaa, you are so humble.... :kiss:

I'm still looking for diamonds. Recession or not, when I become engaged, I'm expecting diamonds, not Rhinestones, not ever Swarski Crystals will be acceptable. Diamonds and only Diamonds. Plus it's my birthstone...... :lol: :yep:

But yes, I see your humble heart and God adores it. :yep: Yes He does. He treasures that you do not have the 'spirit of the world.
Once again...Shimmie, the words above are more more confirmation for me. God has given me Genesis 12 to mediatate on and think about. I've been thinking about the many ways He has blessed me and how He is blessing me so I can bless others.
I am loving God so much; I always thought that I did, but being in other 'areas' where others don't love Him has made me appreciate Him and love Him all the more.

There are many who say that God has too many 'restrictions'. I have to say in final conclusion, that in God we have more Freedom and Liberty than anyone or anything else on this planet. I didn't realize just how blessed I am until I saw how sad this world truly is for those who have turned away from Him.

I don't mind giving up the sin I was in. Gee, who wants to live outside of God's arms, when we can live so freely and lovingly in them.

ETA: I just had this thought. When the Lord asks us to 'tighten our belts', it's not to give us less, but to secure what we already have in abundance.

AND........... to fit into a size 6 again. :lol:
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Okay, I'm squeezing everybody in to give you all a great big group hug...

ALL of you....:yep:

:love3: :circle: :grouphug2: :circle: :love3:
Sashaa, you are so humble.... :kiss:

I'm still looking for diamonds. Recession or not, when I become engaged, I'm expecting diamonds, not Rhinestones, not ever Swarski Crystals will be acceptable. Diamonds and only Diamonds. Plus it's my birthstone...... :lol: :yep:

But yes, I see your humble heart and God adores it. :yep: Yes He does. He treasures that you do not have the 'spirit of the world.

Diamonds are my birthstone as well! :kiss: Hello, fellow April Baby!

Thank you for your kinds words! You're so sweet.
Diamonds are my birthstone as well! :kiss: Hello, fellow April Baby!

Thank you for your kinds words! You're so sweet.
OMGoodness! Diamond Girls! I'm April 21, 19__ :blush3: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::lachen:

I'm only sweet when Jesus is around......:lachen:

I'll be back later with more scripture. He's really got a hold of me, lately. Better yet, I'm finally surrendering. :yep:
:kiss: For you.

Look what else He says: Job 22:25-28 --This is Good... I promise ;yep:

Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence, and thou shalt have plenty of silver.
For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God.
Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows

Sashaa, guess what the Lord is sharing with us about, 'pay thy vows'?

Sashaa, Are you ready for this? :meme:

Sashaa...............'We' will be able to pay all of our debts! All of our committments! The recession is NOT for 'us' who know and love the Lord!

God is providing for those who are His........... Debt free, Fear free, Worry Free!

And why?

Because He loves us.

Because God is beyond Faithful to us


We can decree a thing and it SHALL be established!

Woooooooooooo!!!!! :woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:

He's giving me more. And I shall return as the Holy Spirit flows through me. It's good and it's awesome.

Shimmie you are da' bomb! Thank you for reminding me that our economy is not Gods economy. I really needed to hear this! Thank you!
Hi 'Sweetie" :kiss: :giveheart: :grouphug2:

For you and your beautiful family. God loves you so much. He's pouring out His favor and blessings upon you in much abundance. Much!


Thanks SIS!
Shimmie you are da' bomb! Thank you for reminding me that our economy is not Gods economy. I really needed to hear this! Thank you!

Bless you Honi and your beautiful loved ones. :kiss:

Famines are nothing new to this country. It's simply hitting the 'rich' and greedy for a change. They are fearful, for they are losing their big milllion dollar bonuses and may have to forgo a mansion or a yacht or two. Sell a private jet and feed those truly in need.

This news that we are hearing are not the cries of the poor, but the fears of the rich, high and mighty's who refused to get their acts together.

What god have they chosen to serve and now see how their god has deserted them.

OUR God, the Lord Jesus Christ has fed many a 5000 with a few loaves and fishes, and our grandmothers and great grandmothers made one fish into a meal for families of 25 and more members. And we 'all' still ate and survived.

Yeah, they had some 'gathering' to do, but they survived and we are the living proof of their survival. None of us were born scrawney and sickly. We came out strong, big and with hair on our heads. :yep:

God never failed us and He never will. He has all of our needs right there in His hands and they are freely open to each of us.

This 'Recession' is 'their' (the world's) Depression, not ours, not God's. :yep:
April 21st is a special day. That is also my wedding anniversary.

Shimmie, you were born in 1984 right? You'll be celebrating your 25th. Hee, hee

:wow: April 21, your Wedding Day! Congratulations and very special blessings.

Very special. :love4:

As for 1984....... ( softly clears throat hmmm, hmmmm ) :grin:

Tee hee..... :giggle: I want to say 1989 then I'd be 19... ...:rofl:

Well I can 'dream' can't I :sleep2: Oh the sweet days of youth.... :lol:

I can say that I dance like a 19 year old, even younger. :reddancer: It pays to eat seaweed and other weird foods that my 'friend' calls tree bark and twigs. He's afraid of what I may put into the spagetti sauce. :sekret: :lol:

To you and your hubby, "Happy April Love" and beyond. :love3:
This is really good stuff. Thank you God for speaking Shimmie, in Jesus name. Amen.

I don't know, but despite all I have went through this past year and last year, I still have faith. I mean, my faith has remained strong. I just believe what God says with all my heart. Yeah, sometimes I cry and ask "what is going on" but I continue to push on and believe in God and his word.
Dearest Ones, Whom God loves so very, very much.....

This is for you:

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your LABOUR is not in vain in the Lord.

I Corinthians 15:57-58

Be not weary in all of your well -doing, for God has seen your works, all of your hard labour, your weary nights and tears of exhaustion. He's watched how you've overstretched your limits, your budgets, your dreams; yiour hopes of having 'better'; your hopes of having progress for all you've given into your dreams, goals, just plain working to merely survive.

Yet He says unto you...

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.--- Hebrews 4:9

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. ------------ Hebrews 6:10

Dearest Ones, Whom God Loves....

Now it's time for you to rest; rest in Jesus. For you've given all of your best, from your hearts and from your treasures. So little it seemed, for you never felt you've given enough, yet God sees your labour as the finest gifts of all, for it was given with all of your heart.

So Rest, for God is preserving you and renewing you, replenishing your storehouses. And you will never be empty to give again.

Chicanella keep pressing towards the mark and just hang in there. At last night's bible study the sermon was "Can you stand to be blessed?". When you accept Christ in your life you will become illuminated and the life that you once had will no longer exist. After receiving Christ and becoming illuminated with His word, there are some areas in your life that will come under attack:

1. Your faith 2. Your family 3. Your finances 4. Your former life (you know how people like to speak of the way you were before accepting Christ :rolleyes:). The devil will his best to make us backslide by attacking the 4 areas of our life.

Hebrews 10:32 But recall the fomer days in which, after you were illuminated you endured great struggle with suffering.

The devil wants to discourage us from reaching our future and accepting our destiny! The devil is a liar!!! :hardslap:

Times may be hard but here are some affirmations that I wrote down last night and would like to share with you:

"My best days are ahead"

"I am ARMED AND DANGEROUS! For I have been called for such a time as this!" Esther 4:14

"I elect not to participate in the recession"

"God released me at the right time to come into this very moment"

"Anything done out of timing of God's order will fail. I choose to wait on God!"

I came across this verse today and it has really blessed my soul:
Hebrews 10:35-38 - Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: "For yet a little while, and He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in Him".

Keep the faith for God is pleased. :rosebud:

This is really good stuff. Thank you God for speaking Shimmie, in Jesus name. Amen.

I don't know, but despite all I have went through this past year and last year, I still have faith. I mean, my faith has remained strong. I just believe what God says with all my heart. Yeah, sometimes I cry and ask "what is going on" but I continue to push on and believe in God and his word.
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Chicanella keep pressing towards the mark and just hang in there. At last night's bible study the sermon was "Can you stand to be blessed?". When you accept Christ in your life you will become illuminated and the life that you once had will no longer exist. After receiving Christ and becoming illuminated with His word, there are some areas in your life that will come under attack:

1. Your faith 2. Your family 3. Your finances 4. Your former life (you know how people like to speak of the way you were before accepting Christ :rolleyes:). The devil will his best to make us backslide by attacking the 4 areas of our life.

Hebrews 10:32 But recall the fomer days in which, after you were illuminated you endured great struggle with suffering.

The devil wants to discourage us from reaching our future and accepting our destiny! The devil is a liar!!! :hardslap:

Times may be hard but here are some affirmations that I wrote down last night and would like to share with you:

"My best days are ahead"

"I am ARMED AND DANGEROUS! For I have been called for such a time as this!" Esther 4:14

"I elect not to participate in the recession"

"God released me at the right time to come into this very moment"

"Anything done out of timing of God's order will fail. I choose to wait on God!"

I came across this verse today and it has really blessed my soul:
Hebrews 10:35-38 - Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: "For yet a little while, and He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in Him".

Keep the faith for God is pleased. :rosebud:

Awesome word, Natasha. You are so annointed and this truly blesses me and I know it blesses our 'sister' Chicacanella and everyone who will read this.

God has trully showing Himself 'strong' and very present among and within us. Recession is not our Father's and we are His children whom He cares for completely. Bless His Holy Name Forever.

Bless you forever, Natasha. Your word does more for me than just a written post. It lifts my heart.

Again, God bless you. :giveheart:
WOW Shimmie your post is right on time in my life. This help me to know that The Lord our Abba Father, in heaven "will Never leave nor forsake us"! I love that about our Father in heaven. I am always inspired by your posts and it is always a blessing to read them. I am still a little baby in Christ. I love no matter what I can ALWAYS love and just Trust God! Thank you for your posts again they have been a joyful blessing to me and my life =)
Bless you Honi and your beautiful loved ones. :kiss:

Famines are nothing new to this country. It's simply hitting the 'rich' and greedy for a change. They are fearful, for they are losing their big milllion dollar bonuses and may have to forgo a mansion or a yacht or two. Sell a private jet and feed those truly in need.

This news that we are hearing are not the cries of the poor, but the fears of the rich, high and mighty's who refused to get their acts together.

What god have they chosen to serve and now see how their god has deserted them.

OUR God, the Lord Jesus Christ has fed many a 5000 with a few loaves and fishes, and our grandmothers and great grandmothers made one fish into a meal for families of 25 and more members. And we 'all' still ate and survived.

Yeah, they had some 'gathering' to do, but they survived and we are the living proof of their survival. None of us were born scrawney and sickly. We came out strong, big and with hair on our heads. :yep:

God never failed us and He never will. He has all of our needs right there in His hands and they are freely open to each of us.

This 'Recession' is 'their' (the world's) Depression, not ours, not God's. :yep:

WOW What you are saying is so true. That is why it pays to stay humble in these times and Never Turn our backs from God's word no matter how big we get. God is Good all the time. I am so blessed that God has humbled me down in this life. I learned in my wilderness times to Just God I came out a lot better. Trusting God is so real for me now more than ever. Thank you again for this.
Dearest Ones, Whom God loves so very, very much.....

This is for you:

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your LABOUR is not in vain in the Lord.

I Corinthians 15:57-58

Be not weary in all of your well -doing, for God has seen your works, all of your hard labour, your weary nights and tears of exhaustion. He's watched how you've overstretched your limits, your budgets, your dreams; yiour hopes of having 'better'; your hopes of having progress for all you've given into your dreams, goals, just plain working to merely survive.

Yet He says unto you...

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.--- Hebrews 4:9

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. ------------ Hebrews 6:10

Dearest Ones, Whom God Loves....

Now it's time for you to rest; rest in Jesus. For you've given all of your best, from your hearts and from your treasures. So little it seemed, for you never felt you've given enough, yet God sees your labour as the finest gifts of all, for it was given with all of your heart.

So Rest, for God is preserving you and renewing you, replenishing your storehouses. And you will never be empty to give again.


Yes, I am so blessed to come across this one you wrote. I am going to trust and rest on the Lord! Thank You for this confrimation.
Dearest Ones, Whom God loves so very, very much.....

This is for you:

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your LABOUR is not in vain in the Lord.

I Corinthians 15:57-58

Be not weary in all of your well -doing, for God has seen your works, all of your hard labour, your weary nights and tears of exhaustion. He's watched how you've overstretched your limits, your budgets, your dreams; yiour hopes of having 'better'; your hopes of having progress for all you've given into your dreams, goals, just plain working to merely survive.

Yet He says unto you...

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.--- Hebrews 4:9

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. ------------ Hebrews 6:10

Dearest Ones, Whom God Loves....

Now it's time for you to rest; rest in Jesus. For you've given all of your best, from your hearts and from your treasures. So little it seemed, for you never felt you've given enough, yet God sees your labour as the finest gifts of all, for it was given with all of your heart.

So Rest, for God is preserving you and renewing you, replenishing your storehouses. And you will never be empty to give again.


Shimmie, I just want to thank God for you right now, this post has been a blessing, especially the above. Keep dwelling in your secret place with the Most High, you are a blessing to those who read your posts which encourage the flock, and reiterate the power in God's word.
Shimmie, I just want to thank God for you right now, this post has been a blessing, especially the above. Keep dwelling in your secret place with the Most High, you are a blessing to those who read your posts which encourage the flock, and reiterate the power in God's word.

thank you shimmie this post is just what I needed. Im going through some tough times.
Thank you ... Precious Lambs of God's Heart. I couldn't be more blessed knowing that this message has ministered to both of you. To God be the glory.

Don't give up on your Dreams and Prayers....they truly do come true. :yep:
Yes, I am so blessed to come across this one you wrote. I am going to trust and rest on the Lord! Thank You for this confrimation.

:kiss: For you angel, from God's loving heart. For you are truly Highly Favored of Him.... :giveheart:

Thou shalt also DECREE A THING, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Job 22:28

The Words, Thou Shalt also Decree a Thing, rose up in my spirit and I had to look it up for clarity, now this entire chapter of Job (22) is minstering to my heart and soul.

God is such a Awesome God! I know..... :yep: We say that a lot, a whole lot, but He is indeed an Awesome God.

Look at the gift and the power that He has given us. We can literally 'Decree' a thing and it SHALL be established. It SHALL come to pass.

I've lived this. Often I have 'Decreed' something and God brought it into existance; and without delay.

I've decreed my children as Children of God and not of this world. God brought it to pass. I have 'little ones' who know how to pray and will rebuke the devil in a heartbeat.

Angels, here is where I wanted to bless you....... Woooooooo! I'm excited. Look at the rest of this verse...

"..... and the light shall shine upon thy ways."


Look what's in my spirit about what this says.

God's Favor is upon you

God is directing your 'sure' path

God's love is shining down upon you

God is watching over your path and your ways to perform whatever it is which you decree.

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaa :woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:

I am running with this. :woohoo2:

Isn't God's love wonderful? His Light is shining upon our ways. And to add this, When we commit our ways to Him, "He shall make our way perfect."

I'll be back with more. :yep:

I have to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to minister more of what God is saying about this. It's so wonderful. I am truly excited about this word. And yet, I've known this scripture for years. :lol: God always give us a new revelation; it's unending.

I'm excited about all of His word. And I'm very excited about each of you. For truly each of you are a pure and beautiful blessing to me.

Praise the Name of Jesus! Praise Him. :love2:

"Thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established....... :yep:

I decree salvation for those who are lost. For our President; although he says the name of 'Christ, I decree that he will know the name of Jesus and the voice and promptings of the Holy Spirit and will fully obey Him all the way.

thanks so much for confirming this, even though i know this verse and declare and decree all the times it felt so good to my spirit when i read your post........
thanks so much for confirming this, even though i know this verse and declare and decree all the times it felt so good to my spirit when i read your post........
God's word is always refreshing no matter how many times we hear it or read it, it's always like a wonderful fresh 'Spring Breeze'. ..

Which is what you are to our Lord; a sweet fragrance to Him wherever you are. :giveheart: God bless you, Precious Spring Breeze...