Thou shalt also DECREE A THING, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Job 22:28
The Words, Thou Shalt also Decree a Thing, rose up in my spirit and I had to look it up for clarity, now this entire chapter of Job (22) is minstering to my heart and soul.
God is such a Awesome God! I know..... We say that a lot, a whole lot, but He is indeed an Awesome God.
Look at the gift and the power that He has given us. We can literally 'Decree' a thing and it SHALL be established. It SHALL come to pass.
I've lived this. Often I have 'Decreed' something and God brought it into existance; and without delay.
I've decreed my children as Children of God and not of this world. God brought it to pass. I have 'little ones' who know how to pray and will rebuke the devil in a heartbeat.
Angels, here is where I wanted to bless you....... Woooooooo! I'm excited. Look at the rest of this verse...
"..... and the light shall shine upon thy ways."
Look what's in my spirit about what this says.
God's Favor is upon you
God is directing your 'sure' path
God's love is shining down upon you
God is watching over your path and your ways to perform whatever it is which you decree.
Whoooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaa :woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:
I am running with this. :woohoo2:
Isn't God's love wonderful? His Light is shining upon our ways. And to add this, When we commit our ways to Him, "He shall make our way perfect."
I'll be back with more.
I have to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to minister more of what God is saying about this. It's so wonderful. I am truly excited about this word. And yet, I've known this scripture for years. God always give us a new revelation; it's unending.
I'm excited about all of His word. And I'm very excited about each of you. For truly each of you are a pure and beautiful blessing to me.
Praise the Name of Jesus! Praise Him.
"Thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established.......
I decree salvation for those who are lost. For our President; although he says the name of 'Christ, I decree that he will know the name of Jesus and the voice and promptings of the Holy Spirit and will fully obey Him all the way.