Precious Lambs, I Think You're Gonna Like This One...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member

Thou shalt also DECREE A THING, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Job 22:28

The Words, Thou Shalt also Decree a Thing, rose up in my spirit and I had to look it up for clarity, now this entire chapter of Job (22) is minstering to my heart and soul.

God is such a Awesome God! I know..... :yep: We say that a lot, a whole lot, but He is indeed an Awesome God.

Look at the gift and the power that He has given us. We can literally 'Decree' a thing and it SHALL be established. It SHALL come to pass.

I've lived this. Often I have 'Decreed' something and God brought it into existance; and without delay.

I've decreed my children as Children of God and not of this world. God brought it to pass. I have 'little ones' who know how to pray and will rebuke the devil in a heartbeat.

Angels, here is where I wanted to bless you....... Woooooooo! I'm excited. Look at the rest of this verse...

"..... and the light shall shine upon thy ways."


Look what's in my spirit about what this says.

God's Favor is upon you

God is directing your 'sure' path

God's love is shining down upon you

God is watching over your path and your ways to perform whatever it is which you decree.

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaa :woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:

I am running with this. :woohoo2:

Isn't God's love wonderful? His Light is shining upon our ways. And to add this, When we commit our ways to Him, "He shall make our way perfect."

I'll be back with more. :yep:

I have to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to minister more of what God is saying about this. It's so wonderful. I am truly excited about this word. And yet, I've known this scripture for years. :lol: God always give us a new revelation; it's unending.

I'm excited about all of His word. And I'm very excited about each of you. For truly each of you are a pure and beautiful blessing to me.

Praise the Name of Jesus! Praise Him. :love2:

"Thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established....... :yep:

I decree salvation for those who are lost. For our President; although he says the name of 'Christ, I decree that he will know the name of Jesus and the voice and promptings of the Holy Spirit and will fully obey Him all the way.
This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, Shimmie! I know a lot of us need to hear this today.
Thank you for posting this. God has been dealing with me a lot lately...especially today. Thank you.
This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, Shimmie! I know a lot of us need to hear this today.
:kiss: For you.

Look what else He says: Job 22:25-28 --This is Good... I promise ;yep:

Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence, and thou shalt have plenty of silver.
For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God.
Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows

Sashaa, guess what the Lord is sharing with us about, 'pay thy vows'?

Sashaa, Are you ready for this? :meme:

Sashaa...............'We' will be able to pay all of our debts! All of our committments! The recession is NOT for 'us' who know and love the Lord!

God is providing for those who are His........... Debt free, Fear free, Worry Free!

And why?

Because He loves us.

Because God is beyond Faithful to us


We can decree a thing and it SHALL be established!

Woooooooooooo!!!!! :woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:

He's giving me more. And I shall return as the Holy Spirit flows through me. It's good and it's awesome.
Thank you for posting this. God has been dealing with me a lot lately...especially today. Thank you.
God has been dealing with me as well Mrselle. And you know what?

He's tearing down some strongholds, long overdue. Just for those who love Him, those like you. :yep:
:woohoo2: :woohoo2:

Your post was directly on point! I am so encouraged-thank you for letting the Lord use you.

I can't wait to read what else the Spirit gives you to share with us. :grin:
i'm believing this and thank you for your prophetic word. i needed to hear this. it just stirred somethings up in me. God is calling me to submit to Him and to trust Him. thank you!
Shimmie.....thank you .......for a fitly word (wonderfully divined prophecies)
spoken in season....I felt the Spirit in this thread and feel mighty mountains moving to make way for astonishing miracles and blessings
and the Lord smiling on us through your excitement in His love and Promises
I feel loved and refreshed and alive with new hope
I am running with this.
Keep running with it...

I'll be back with more
Speak Beloved Sister... speak

I can't wait to read what else the Spirit gives you to share with us.

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Thank You Shimmie!
I love the way God is using you to minister his word. You are truly a Blessing to us all. Keep on running with it Sista! God Bless!:woohoo2::woohoo2::woohoo2::woohoo2:
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For each and everyone of you.....'ALL' of you, :blowkiss: :bighug:

Angels, hold on to this. If God says that we can decree a thing and that it shall be established, this let your decreeing begin and know that God is in it and bringing it to pass.

Do you know what the 'Recessession' really means? Get ready, for this mountain is about to blow it's top full steam.

Angels, the 'current recession' says what God has been telling us in His word all along. That those one in power --- large kingdoms -- big and mighty empires ---- would all fall. HOWEVER, but they who know their God would triumph.

I don't know why God 'hit' me like this; neither why my spirit is bubbling over with joy and my ears are open and alert as never before. But the truth is surely before our faces, all in the news, that the 'World' has exhausted its self and it's resources.

BUT the Children of God shall be triumphant and shall prevail. None of God's children will be shamed. None of you. Not one.

Guess Why? Because the 'World's god' has surely 'FAILED' them. Those who turned their backs on God, those who chose to seek other gods; those who said God was not God and not Lord of All; those who mocked and sneered and jeered and cursed the God of All Creation, has chosen the god of their destruction and yet, we have chosen the God of our Salvation.

I wish no harm nor evil upon anyone. Neither does God, our Father. This is a heartbreaker for Him to see anyone suffer. But all it takes is for anyone is to acknowledge that God is who He says He is and bow down and worship Him.

Man cannot 'fix' this economy; they are the ones who wore it down. But God in all of His Goodness and Mercy which follows us all the days of our lives, is the One and ONLY One who can bring and turn this thing around.

Look at the Children of Israel. Each time they turned away from God, calamity and disaster came upon them. Yet when they turned their hearts back to God, God blessed and restored them. He used the book of Hosea to illustrate this perfectly.

God isn't vengeful when people turn away, if so He'd would have never given of Himself to us through Jesus. Yet when the world has chosen themselves and satan as their god, then they have left God out of their lives to bless them. If satan is their choice than what comes from satan comes to those who follow him. Gee whiz, anyone who makes their bed in the middle of the highway, will surely get hit by a Trailer Truck sooner if not later. We chose our Destiny but the choice of our God/god.

Precious Lambs, be of good cheer. For you have chosen God as your God and none other. And those of you who are with Him are sheltered under His wings; covered by His warm and tender feathers, and in total secure in His Secret Place of the Most High.

No evil shall ever befall you, neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling. At famine and destruction, you shall laugh, for it is not your gain, in Jesus's Name. Amen and Amen.

With all of God's Heart just for each of you...... Amen. Praise Him forever and ever. :heart2:
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For each and everyone of you.....'ALL' of you, :blowkiss: :bighug:

Angels, hold on to this. If God says that we can decree a thing and that it shall be established, this let your decreeing begin and know that God is in it and bringing it to pass.

Do you know what the 'Recessession' really means? Get ready, for this mountain is about to blow it's top full steam.

Angels, the 'current recession' says what God has been telling us in His word all along. That those one in power --- large kingdoms -- big and mighty empires ---- would all fall. HOWEVER, but they who know their God would triumph.

I don't know why God 'hit' me like this; neither why my spirit is bubbling over with joy and my ears are open and alert as never before. But the truth is surely before our faces, all in the news, that the 'World' has exhausted its self and it's resources.

BUT the Children of God shall be triumphant and shall prevail. None of God's children will be shamed. None of you. Not one.

Guess Why? Because the 'World's god' has surely 'FAILED' them. Those who turned their backs on God, those who chose to seek other gods; those who said God was not God and not Lord of All; those who mocked and sneered and jeered and cursed the God of All Creation, has chosen the god of their destruction and yet, we have chosen the God of our Salvation.

I wish no harm nor evil upon anyone. Neither does God, our Father. This is a heartbreaker for Him to see anyone suffer. But all it takes is for anyone is to acknowledge that God is who He says He is and bow down and worship Him.

Man cannot 'fix' this economy; they are the ones who wore it down. But God in all of His Goodness and Mercy which follows us all the days of our lives, is the One and ONLY One who can bring and turn this thing around.

Look at the Children of Israel. Each time they turned away from God, calamity and disaster came upon them. Yet when they turned their hearts back to God, God blessed and restored them. He used the book of Hosea to illustrate this perfectly.

God isn't vengeful when people turn away, if so He'd would have never given of Himself to us through Jesus. Yet when the world has chosen themselves and satan as their god, then they have left God out of their lives to bless them. If satan is their choice than what comes from satan comes to those who follow him. Gee whiz, anyone who makes their bed in the middle of the highway, will surely get hit by a Trailer Truck sooner if not later. We chose our Destiny but the choice of our God/god.

Precious Lambs, be of good cheer. For you have chosen God as your God and none other. And those of you who are with Him are sheltered under His wings; covered by His warm and tender feathers, and in total secure in His Secret Place of the Most High.

No evil shall ever befall you, neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling. At famine and destruction, you shall laugh, for it is not your gain, in Jesus's Name. Amen and Amen.

With all of God's Heart just for each of you...... Amen. Praise Him forever and ever. :heart2:

Ummm, just so you know.... I have scripture to back up what I said.... :yep:

Yer' gonna' love this. :woohoo2:

It's more from Job and it's another '22'..... Yup :yep:

Lookie, Look ...... :giggle: I love this..... ;reddancer:

Job 5: 22

At destruction and famine THOU SHALT LAUGH: neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth.

I'm finna to fall out in the Holy Ghost. Somebody catch me and bring the cloth to cover my 'dress' ... :thud:

God is so good to us. Precious Lambs, God loves you and doesn't want any of you to be afraid. He's finna to bless you more than you ever knew before.

For He has prepared a table before you in the presence of thine enemies. :love2:

He loves you with an everlasting Love.... Love everlasting. Forever you within His heart. :heart2:
Bless His Holy Name...Amen

Thank you Shimmie for this message. I have been waiting for you to come back and give us part 2 before I responded. I so needed this on today! With so many things going on in the world - recession, famine, terrorist attacks, talks of suffering throughout the nation - I wonder what does the future hold? Not only for me but for my child? These thoughts have been running through my mind for the past couple of days and then ON THIS day God gave you a word that would bring peace and comfort to my troubled mind.

I am a child of God and it is in Him that I trust. I know that if He is brought me this far, He has no plans of leaving me!

Quick story - I was talking to my uncle on Thanksgiving and he was questioning his faith. He said that he grew up in the church but for some reason strayed away. He felt bad because he wasn't receiving the Word of God in his life like he should. He made a declaration on that day to start attending church again. Today, my boss was overheard talking about religion. He grew up Jewish but began practicing Buddhism in his late 20's. He stated that eventually he fell off the path and now he is questioning his faith and how to start over again. He has two small kids and stated that he knows that it is unfair to raise them without God's word. He is going to attend a non-denominational church and get back on track.

I believe that God is calling His people by name and its time to answer his call. Those that have turned away are hearing their masters voice and are ready to listen. God is Omnipresent, Omniscent and Omnipotent!!!

Nothing God does is without purpose. Whenever I am going through a trial my mind thinks of Joseph. Joseph went through so much but kept the love of God in his heart and knew that all the evil he endured was actually for his good.

Genesis 50:19-21
19But Joseph said to them, "Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones."Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

Thank You Seasoned Shimmie :)
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you are so on it tonight! what you have said to me is confirmation in my life.


God has more....:yep:

I've been fighting with the devil long enough. The Holy Spirit wants HIS time.

We have our Black president, but God is still the ONE on the throne. Not man, be he Black or White. God rules, not man. Not any president or other form of leadership.

Elijah the Prophet made it plain to the children of Baal, if Baal be god, serve him; If God be God, serve Him.

The word of the Lord who tells us to trust Him no matter what it looks like, to show Himself strong and mighty....

"Wet it"

"Wet it again"

"Wet it a third time"

No water has ever stopped God's flame. No recession can stake your claim. God still rules your Destiny. And do not give up on your husbands (those present/those future). don't give up.... Wet it again a third time.

High on Jesus.... I'm meditating upon His Word.... :meditate: :pray: :notworthy: :love2:
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Ummm, just so you know.... I have scripture to back up what I said.... :yep:

Yer' gonna' love this. :woohoo2:

It's more from Job and it's another '22'..... Yup :yep:

Lookie, Look ...... :giggle: I love this..... ;reddancer:

Job 5: 22

At destruction and famine THOU SHALT LAUGH: neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth.

I'm finna to fall out in the Holy Ghost. Somebody catch me and bring the cloth to cover my 'dress' ... :thud:

God is so good to us. Precious Lambs, God loves you and doesn't want any of you to be afraid. He's finna to bless you more than you ever knew before.

For He has prepared a table before you in the presence of thine enemies. :love2:

He loves you with an everlasting Love.... Love everlasting. Forever you within His heart. :heart2:

God has more....:yep:

I've been fighting with the devil long enough. The Holy Spirit wants HIS time.

We have our Black president, but God is still the ONE on the throne. Not man, be he Black or White. God rules, not man. Not any president or other form of leadership.

Elijah the Prophet made it plain to the children of Baal, if Baal be god, serve him; If God be God, serve Him.

The word of the Lord who tells us to trust Him no matter what it looks like, to show Himself strong and mighty....

"Wet it"

"Wet it again"

"Wet it a third time"

No water has ever stopped God's flame. No recession can stake your claim. God still rules your Destiny. And do not give up on your husbands (those present/those future). don't give up.... Wet it again a third time.

High on Jesus.... I'm meditating upon His Word.... :meditate: :pray: :notworthy: :love2:


You do not know how good this feels. I was in the bed and decided to take a quick peep before I fell asleep and look at what I found!
Bless His Holy Name...Amen

Thank you Shimmie for this message. I have been waiting for you to come back and give us part 2 before I responded. I so needed this on today! With so many things going on in the world - recession, famine, terrorist attacks, talks of suffering throughout the nation - I wonder what does the future hold? Not only for me but for my child? These thoughts have been running through my mind for the past couple of days and then ON THIS day God gave you a word that would bring peace and comfort to my troubled mind.

I am a child of God and it is in Him that I trust. I know that if He is brought me this far, He has no plans of leaving me!

Quick story - I was talking to my uncle on Thanksgiving and he was questioning his faith. He said that he grew up in the church but for some reason strayed away. He felt bad because he wasn't receiving the Word of God in his life like he should. He made a declaration on that day to start attending church again. Today, my boss was overheard talking about religion. He grew up Jewish but began practicing Buddhism in his late 20's. He stated that eventually he fell off the path and now he is questioning his faith and how to start over again. He has two small kids and stated that he knows that it is unfair to raise them without God's word. He is going to attend a non-denominational church and get back on track.

I believe that God is calling His people by name and its time to answer his call. Those that have turned away are hearing their masters voice and are ready to listen. God is Omnipresent, Omniscent and Omnipotent!!!

Nothing God does is without purpose. Whenever I am going through a trial my mind thinks of Joseph. Joseph went through so much but kept the love of God in his heart and knew that all the evil he endured was actually for his good.

Genesis 50:19-21
19But Joseph said to them, "Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones."Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

Thank You Seasoned Shimmie :)
This is so moving. Your entire post is on point and I have tears in my eyes as I'm typing. God has never forsaken us.

Natasha, it's the 'World' that's in recession...............Not God! My Lord! My Lord! My Lord!

Natasha, God is not the one receding. It's the World who has receded from Him and His Rule. Had the 'World' sought and taken heed to God and His guidance, there would be not recession. None!

And when you mentioned Joseph, that was the next Bible example that the Lord had given me. When I saw it in your post, I had confirmation that the Lord is truly in this message and not my 'decree'. Cause all of you know 'Shimmie'.... you know me. And I can be whirlwind. :blush3:

But Natasha my next post in this thread was the reminder of how God prepared Joseph for the famine in the land. Seven years prior God gave Joseph the 'vision' (the dream) and Joseph began to prepare and store up the necessary provisions. It was his very own brothers who came to him to obtain food. Joseph was a posterity for his family. He was set as their preservation.

God is doing the very same with us. Preparing and providing for us. None of God's children will be omitted, neither suffer. Praise God for using you to pump me up even more. Iron Sharpens Iron, Deep Calls Unto Deep. I'm so blessed to be on one accord with each of you here. For that means we are on one accord with the Holy Spirit.

I'm so humbled; so honored, so very blessed with the best of God's elect...... Each One of You! :circle: We are one in Christ Jesus.
Shimmie - you are truly a god-send to this forum!

May God continue to bless you and your family! Thanks for your words of encouragement:heart2:.

You do not know how good this feels. I was in the bed and decided to take a quick peep before I fell asleep and look at what I found!

My Lord! I'm looking at your 'siggy'.

"Dare to trust God in the midst of your disappointments."

:circle: :love2: :circle:

God is bringing 'us' all together in this.
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Shimmie - you are truly a god-send to this forum!

May God continue to bless you and your family! Thanks for your words of encouragement:heart2:.
And 'Loved' One so are you. You are a true and precious blessing and I wish your multiple blessings upon your and your loved ones, your family and the man in your heart and life. :yep:

Thou shalt also DECREE A THING, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Job 22:28

The Words, Thou Shalt also Decree a Thing, rose up in my spirit and I had to look it up for clarity, now this entire chapter of Job (22) is minstering to my heart and soul.

God is such a Awesome God! I know..... :yep: We say that a lot, a whole lot, but He is indeed an Awesome God.

Look at the gift and the power that He has given us. We can literally 'Decree' a thing and it SHALL be established. It SHALL come to pass.

I've lived this. Often I have 'Decreed' something and God brought it into existance; and without delay.

I've decreed my children as Children of God and not of this world. God brought it to pass. I have 'little ones' who know how to pray and will rebuke the devil in a heartbeat.

Angels, here is where I wanted to bless you....... Woooooooo! I'm excited. Look at the rest of this verse...

"..... and the light shall shine upon thy ways."


Look what's in my spirit about what this says.

God's Favor is upon you

God is directing your 'sure' path

God's love is shining down upon you

God is watching over your path and your ways to perform whatever it is which you decree.
Whoooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaa :woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:

I am running with this. :woohoo2:

Isn't God's love wonderful? His Light is shining upon our ways. And to add this, When we commit our ways to Him, "He shall make our way perfect."

I'll be back with more. :yep:

I have to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to minister more of what God is saying about this. It's so wonderful. I am truly excited about this word. And yet, I've known this scripture for years. :lol: God always give us a new revelation; it's unending.

I'm excited about all of His word. And I'm very excited about each of you. For truly each of you are a pure and beautiful blessing to me.

Praise the Name of Jesus! Praise Him. :love2:

"Thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established....... :yep:

I decree salvation for those who are lost. For our President; although he says the name of 'Christ, I decree that he will know the name of Jesus and the voice and promptings of the Holy Spirit and will fully obey Him all the way.

thank you shimmie! yes God is Good :yep: and as for the bolded i'am taking as personal confirmation for some things in my life.......God bless you shimmie
Thank you for this, Shimmie. Thank you for being obedient to God. I read your posts yesterday. This morning on my way to work I was praying...praying about some things that God put on my heart last week....I came to this thread this morning and read the posts again and it all came together for me. God is doing something. I don't know what it is, but I am sticking close to Him and talking to Him and listening to Him and just watching. My prayer partner told me to watch *and* pray. That is what I am doing. God wants me to watch and pray. Thank you again.
Mrselle you post has brought confirmation to a word that has been in my spirit. Watch and pray. My eyes are more focused and clearer than ever! I feel a shift and a move from God coming!! I can feel it in my spirit and my eyes are open to what is about to unfold. :yep:

Thank you for bring that confirmation to the board. :) God is great and His name is worthy to be praised!

Thank you for this, Shimmie. Thank you for being obedient to God. I read your posts yesterday. This morning on my way to work I was praying...praying about some things that God put on my heart last week....I came to this thread this morning and read the posts again and it all came together for me. God is doing something. I don't know what it is, but I am sticking close to Him and talking to Him and listening to Him and just watching. My prayer partner told me to watch *and* pray. That is what I am doing. God wants me to watch and pray. Thank you again.
Thank you for this, Shimmie. Thank you for being obedient to God. I read your posts yesterday. This morning on my way to work I was praying...praying about some things that God put on my heart last week....I came to this thread this morning and read the posts again and it all came together for me. God is doing something. I don't know what it is, but I am sticking close to Him and talking to Him and listening to Him and just watching. My prayer partner told me to watch *and* pray. That is what I am doing. God wants me to watch and pray. Thank you again.

He IS truly doing something Mrselle....God really is. He's givng me something else for another thread to begin, for wives. I'm going to allow the Holy Spirit to 'season' my spirit a little bit more so that I can flow with whatever I 'sense' He's giving to me.

But it's strong in my heart and I'm yielded. God will confirm with His Word and by His Spirit whoever the message is for. :yep:

I love the Lord, He heard my cry; my cry reached even into His Temple.

What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve. The angels bow :notworthy: before Him, Heaven and Earth adore Him;
What a Mighty God we serve.

Praise Him!

satan can't take what God has given.....God's blessings -- His Promises, are Yay and Amen.

What the world didn't give us, the world can take it away. Bless His Holy Name, Bless His Holy Name forever.

This morning God gave me this to share with each of you"

The Scriptures say, "God freely gives his gifts to the poor, and always does right." God gives seed to farmers and provides everyone with food.

He will increase what you have, so that you can give even more to those in need. You will be blessed in every way, and you will be able to keep on being generous. Then many people will thank God when we deliver your gift.

What you are doing is much more than a service that supplies God's people with what they need. It is something that will make many others thank God. ----- 2 Corinthians 9:9-12 CEV

We are not forsaken by God. The World has forsaken its self; look at the big giants of the world, begging congress to save them. When they should be bowing on their faces and seeking God to save them, instead.

Only God can fix this mess. The government; neither our new Black (gift) President can fix it. Only God.

The answers are in Him, alone. So glad 'we' know Him. So glad. :yep:

thank you shimmie! yes God is Good :yep: and as for the bolded i'am taking as personal confirmation for some things in my life.......God bless you shimmie
Springbreeze, you are treasure and a sweet fragrance in Heaven. You bring a smile to God's heart, even while you are sleeping. You stand out among those in your family and God is honored that you continue to stand for Him when others choose not to.

To Him, this is aromotherapy surrounding His throne. Those who choose Him, over the world.