Praying for your childrens future


Well-Known Member
Do you pray for your childs future? I do, and even the children that I pray she will have someday. I would like to take your answers and compile a list of prayers for our children. What are a few things you pray?

I especially pray that God will bless her with a good heterosexual Christian husband in whom she can be fruitful with.

I will be back to add more later.
Beautiful and soooooo needed. We must pray for our children and for the children, not ours with whom they will someday encounter, even into their 'elder years'.

When my children were much younger, God gave me His Word and instruction over them. First, I was instructed to 'Dedicate' my children unto the Lord. This is what Hannah did with Samuel and also based upon the scripture, that whatever we dedicate unto the Lord, He will keep it... and this is backed up in Isaiah 29... "I the Lord do keep it, I watch it night and day..."

Each night when they were asleep, I go into their rooms and pray over them, God's Word. As one of the scriptures, I prayed the full armour of God over them, (Ephesians 6).

:pray: They had the 'Helmet of Salvation' (the mind of Christ)
:pray: The Breastplate of Righteousness (the heart of God the Father)
:pray: Their loins were girded about with 'Truth' (Sexual Purity and Protection in Marriage)
:pray: In their hands and in their hearts they carry the 'Sword of the Spirit', which is the Word of God. A two-edged sword, which cuts. and tears asunder the attacks of the enemy.
:pray: They have the 'Shield of Faith' which quenches every firey dart (no matter what tries to come against them, no weapon formed against them shall prosper. They are protected, spirit, soul and body and unto God is all the Glory.
:pray: Their feet are shod with the preparation of peace (their footsteps are predestined, preordained, ordered of the Lord. They will always be at the right place at the right time, never early (to avoid impatience) and never late (to miss the move of God).

I would annoint them with oil and either kneel beside their beds, over them or lay on the floor beside their beds and pray God's protection over their lives.

Each morning when I woke up for prayer, I'd walk the floor thanking God for my Babies; I'd touch my 'belly' (the womb of Life), thanking God that my Seed is blessed and so is my Seed's Seed (my grandchildren and those to follow... my entire generation and legacy). Thank you Lord, for blessing the 'fruit' of my belly, the fruit of my womb, Jesus.

I'd pray over my son... that no matter where he'd be that he could never ignore nor resist the Holy Spirit of God. That he and my daughter would naturally follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit without resistance or a second thought...they will simply flow...with God and that no other 'spirit' could dwell in them. None. Only the Holy Spirit of God. My Seed belongs to God and none other...

I prayed for my daughter, that no unclean thing would attach its self to her. That God would bring a man into her life who would love her enough to marry her and to take good care of her and their children. And that's exactly what God Did.... and yes, my son-in-law is saved and loves the Lord with all of his heart. Praise God.

I prayed for my son, to remove the bond women, to cast the bond women out of his life (Galatians 4:30). That his wife would be a woman of virtue and loving faithfulness unto God and unto him. God did that as well.

Sorry for such a long post. I just have to share, that were it not for prayer and Jesus... Oh praise God... were it not for prayer and Jesus, our Lord and Saviour... There is simply no other way to endure this life than with God. Period. Praise God, Praise God, Praise God... He is so faithful to His Word and to each of us... Oh Praise God... Amen .. and Amen.
