Well-Known Member
I don't really have a dead set reggie yet since my current is not working I am in experimental mode again:
Put hair in 6-8 large plaits.
Wash (clarifying AO green tea shampoo), deep condition, de-tangle in shower with shower comb and conditioner on wet-damp hair every 1-2 weeks.
After wash, Put Leave-In, set wash and go curly fro. I can't do any other style since my hair lengths are so uneven. Set curls with gel, I have 4 a/b mostly 4b hair.
Moisturize with S-Curl No drip Spray once or twice a day depending on how dry my hair is.
Aphogee two step every month.
That's about it. My hair was doing ok in the summer, just ok, and now it's not.