Prayers for Jobs, Careers and Interviews

Is it ok to make a promise to God. I was thinking of saying if I pay my tithes and offering for 6 months straight can he give a job before the year is over. Sometimes I am not sure of the limits we have in prayer.

We don't have to bargain with God and we shouldn't. God loves us unconditionally. He is God all by Himself. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Trust God. God wants you to trust Him with your whole heart. He wants to show you that when you think all hope is lost that He will make a way out of know way and still bless you.

I will tell you this...several years ago, I tried to make a bargain with God. He had been showing me something that He was going to bring to pass and everything in the natural looked like it wasn't going to happen. So, long story short, I backed out of my end of the "bargain." Guess what? God was still God and His word still prevailed. I'm not saying that you should deliberately not keep your promise if something doesn't look like it will come to pass. What I am saying is that God is still God and He blesses us even when we don't deserve it. If you are going to pay your tithes do it because you know that is what God wants you to do and not because you want something in particular out of it.
mrselle , thank you for your word of encouragement. I know when you are weak He is strong and I feel that I am at my bottom but maybe God doesnt think that. I will keep prayering though.
Me too!

Please add me to the list....I need God to move in the job department of my life. Yes, I have a job, but it's just not me anymore and I feel that I am in the wrong place.

Thank you!!
Hey ladies...

WARNING: This will be long.

I just wanted to tell you about the goodness of God. I'm sitting here shaking as I type this. It's really just an update to my previous posts asking for prayer for a job that I was interested in and a testimony to give God the glory.

Well, the application for this job was due on July 31st, and I had everyone that I knew praying that I would get an interview. I was able to put the name of a friend of mine in my cover letter (since he's kind of a big deal at the organization), but I knew that the name that I really needed was Jesus going before me, and speaking to the hearts of the interviewer. Three days later, I received an email stating that I had an interview the next Monday at 11:00 am. I was so excited, and I felt like God was making a way for me.

The interview came (this past Monday), and I didn't really prepare for it, because I wasn't sure what I needed to do. I have the basic questions of an interview forever etched in my mind. The only concern that I had was the population that I'll be working with (I'm a social worker) is a population that I have minimal experience with. So, I asked God to speak through me, give me the wisdom that I needed when the questions were asked to me. I was surprised when there were two interviewers, but I was simply myself. I didn't put on a show, or give the "right" answers. It felt very comfortable, and I've learned during my time of being unemployed that if I have to streeeeeetch the truth for a job, then that's not what God wants for me. God can give me the job where I am a perfect fit. That isn't to say that I didn't make myself seem wonderful, but I was very honest in my abilities and lack of abilities in certain areas.

They let me know on Monday to check my email on Friday because that's when they would let people know. Ladies, let me tell you, I've had everyone praying and I've been praying myself. And these past few nights, I said that I was going to wrestle all night long until he blessed me. I wasn't going to give up. I was crying. I was begging. I was praying.

This morning I woke up and came to check my email...and there was no email from the organization. So, I just played around on the internet. I watched some television, and continued to keep my spirits up. This seemed to be the longest week of my life. Well, my mom had to go to work at 1:00 today, and she asked me to come and take her to work. So, I grabbed my cell phone and headed out of the door when I noticed that I had a missed call. I looked, and I didn't recognize the number, so my hands started to shake. I decided to wait until after I dropped my mom off at work to listen to the message.

To speed things was a call from one of the interviewers. She asked me to call her back (which I did), and she offered me a job. I start on Tuesday!!! Thank you to those who prayed for me. And for those who are seeking employment, continue to trust Him. He's good...all the time!
CONGRATS GABeauty!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! I guess that means I am next in line for my breakthrough (of a new job).
Congrats! I'm a long time lurker, but I've been frequenting this thread as I am expecting God to bless job-wise for me as well. So, Congrats and Hallelujah!
Congrats on your new job. God is good. Ladies pray for me and I will remember to pray for all of you too. I have a job, but I have been looking for what seems like forever for a better job.
Mindtwister Praise God, I am happy for you.
Thank you very much:yep:
Thank you Sasha:yep:

Congrats GaBeauty, I'm very happy that you received what you prayed.

For all you other ladies i hope and pray you will have the desires of your heart.

What I have in my heart right now is being a good steward over what God has blessed with by doing my job well and improving my money management skills:)
Pray for me, husband is seeking a promotion at his job, he was promised one, but has been passed over constantly...he took the job because of the promise, He needs like a triple salary increase, to be honest. He was a manager and now is a subordinate. We would like the promotion to come from his current job because we love the schedule - we get so much family time together, we never did before.

We believe God will open a place just for him with the salary to go with meet all our needs and then some..Thanks in advance, and Congratulations to all of you on your success!
Well, I just wanted to inform you all that God is soooo good. I requested prayer earlier in this thread because I needed to obtain my license to keep my job. My job is just a great opportunity, but the test was extremely difficult. Needless to say, I prayed,prayed,and prayed(and studied,studied,studied) til I couldn't no more and I passed the test today! Yeah, I have my license and can continue on this journey to my career!!! Everyone keep your head up and I will continue to pray for you all.
PRAISE THE LORD!!!! I am so happy for you, Nikkipoo. :woot:

Well, I just wanted to inform you all that God is soooo good. I requested prayer earlier in this thread because I needed to obtain my license to keep my job. My job is just a great opportunity, but the test was extremely difficult. Needless to say, I prayed,prayed,and prayed(and studied,studied,studied) til I couldn't no more and I passed the test today! Yeah, I have my license and can continue on this journey to my career!!! Everyone keep your head up and I will continue to pray for you all.
Ladies, I am facing possible redundancy and I am praying God's will to be done. I would love the security of the job, but I am not sure if God wants me to move.

If I get made redundant, I pray for God's strenght to find the job he has laid out for me, If I get to keep my job, I pray he uses me within this job and I also pray for a pay increase that is much overdue
Ladies please continue to pray for me as well. I lost my job on the 3rd of July and I know God has a plan for me and He wants me to prosper and continue on with my education. I am a single mom with a child in college. I want my son to continue to go to school and do better than his mom. I am keeping my faith up but at times it can be rough. I am holding on to the promises of the Word on what God has for those that love Him. I know there is a lesson in all of this im trying my best. He knows I love Him and that im trying to turn over a new leaf and be the best that I can be.

Thank you Ladies in advance for your prayers for me.
Ladies, I ask that you pray for me. I lost my job July 25th and have been looking ever since then. My DH is supporting us with the help of his family and now mine. I can see the strain that the lack of finances is putting on us and today we had a big falling out and are barely speaking. I am just tired and I know that he is frustrated but what more can I do? I pray and believe that something is coming. I apply to a million jobs a day and hear NOTHING back. I know that God is going to bring about a change but I just don't know when. I will continue to praise him for what he has done for my family and is going to continue to do but I could use some additional shout outs, if you know what I mean.
I have girlfriend that is looking for employment too and I am lifting her up in prayer. I am excited to add my extended LHCF family to the prayers. I really believe that God is able and willing to provide the best jobs for all those that are diligently seeking them. I am convinced that God will supply your needs even in the in between times while you wait for that job to present itself. I am happy to join in prayer with this board to lift up our other sisters.
I have a interview either Tuesday or Wednesday! I have been Unemployed since 6-26-08
A job as Mentor to encourage inner city youths in my area to go to college. I have 3 degrees I need to put them in use. The pay is only $8.00 per hour and it is only up to 8 hours per week.

I say " I leave it to the WILL of the FATHER! Only b/c I applied for 35 jobs and boy did not hear from 32 of them. I only heard from 3 of them including this one.
I will keep you all posted. If I get this Job I will only work 2 hours per day for 4 days a week. I still will be able to Claim Unemployment Benefits! So, I Leave it Now in the WILL OF MY FATHERS HANDS! Thank you all for your prayers.
Ladies please continue to pray for me as well. I lost my job on the 3rd of July and I know God has a plan for me and He wants me to prosper and continue on with my education. I am a single mom with a child in college. I want my son to continue to go to school and do better than his mom. I am keeping my faith up but at times it can be rough. I am holding on to the promises of the Word on what God has for those that love Him. I know there is a lesson in all of this im trying my best. He knows I love Him and that im trying to turn over a new leaf and be the best that I can be.

Thank you Ladies in advance for your prayers for me.

You are def. in my prayers Mitcy!
I'm def joining this thread. I've been looking for a job since I moved to Chicago, its so hard, I applied to so many and went to so many interviews, even jobs I really didn't want. I don't know what it is, but they never call. So like a few months ago I was talking to a prophet and he said my feet are blessed and that I will have many blessings and that I will be receving a lot of money, and he was telling me all my problems I was having, so right now, I'm focusing on having faith and praying that God lead me into the right direction on the job I should be applying for, because I thiink I have been looking at the wrong jobs...So right now I'm operating on faith and its so crazy because I havent really had a full time job in 3 years and I still have food to eat and a roof over my head...
Thank you Lord Jesus I got a call back for a job today. I will keep you guys posted on the outcome. I was feeling so bad yesterday and that call was so welcome.

Thank You Jesus
I am trying hard to keep faith.

I do mainly author appearances though I am/will teach music part-time at two's not steady with the forthcoming Jewish holidays..but will pick up full speed after that..

I was praying so to my friends in between out reach marketing calls..knowing God has a good reason for this ...a higher purpose

but then this afternoon,I got an email from a school that had a referral from a happy previous client and they want to book my author program.......
need so many more of those...
as its really rough right now in the belly of the whale as he is swimming against tide
but God delivered Nineveh and God delivered Jonah and God will deliver me (us) :)
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I'm focusing on having faith and praying that God lead me into the right direction on the job I should be applying for, because I thiink I have been looking at the wrong jobs...So right now I'm operating on faith and its so crazy because I havent really had a full time job in 3 years and I still have food to eat and a roof over my head...

amen....bless you
I'm still out here and not working a traditional job. However, thanks to a thread over in the career forum, I have joined up with ChaCha. It isn't a lot of money---right now---but it is income. I am still basking in God's blessings. He hasn't allowed me or my kids to be without ANYTHING. I am still loving the automobile that he blessed me with and waiting patiently for the job that I can drive it to.
This is the third time I tried to get a 'b' job that had my name on it!
Perfect hours ..part-time..&...temp....would allow me to write.decent pay ..would not interfere with appearances.....pays weekly and provide stability while I build my business w/out anxiety

well I was blessedly screened from a zillion calls for a job everyone wants...and got called for a coveted interview

well..get there today in the pouring rain..AND the male receptionst cops an attitude and won't let me interview!... some silly technicality but he lets a physically impaired older woman interview for the same job! I argued but it was clear from his carefully blank expression that I was being made to "pay" for a bill that I had not spent...he was making me pay back for something and deriving some pleasure from my anxiety and finally I had to let it go.This was not to be my job..for
whatever reason

and then I had to pray for him because he walks with a the woman he allowed to interview...and who knows who knows ..why he let her interview and not me..even though I was scheduled ..the door closed

third time with this company

I had to say...okay your hands
and by the way,Lord....I sure don't feel like writing tonight....that feels like a ugly horrible joke tonight...because it is not bringing in any cash....

sorry to on faith ..Lord you wouldnt take me this far...
shall I bring to birth and close the womb? yes I will work on my novel tonight..knowing when the cloud will move just as it did for the Israelites
It will for me too....I love you Lord
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