Prayers for Jobs, Careers and Interviews

Sashaa08 it couldn't have been put more beautifully. You have a wonderful gift for praying. I love how you put it into words. I do believe that our Heavenly Father wants us to prosper. He wants us to be happy and to show others the way and to share and to care. Thank you sister. Much love from me to you.

What a nice thing to say! Thank you. :bighug:

Heavenly Father, I pray for every sister who is searching for an opportunity to improve her career and financial standing. We thank You in advance for the increase and we thank You for unmerited favor that You have granted to us in the eyes of the selection committee, the interviewers, our future co-workers, and our future employees and clients. I ask that when we receive our blessings that we will have the mind not only to give You thanks, but to share our testimony to encourage others. Bless us in a mighty way that "they will know that it was Your hand, oh Lord, that has done this." We are encouraged and we are persuaded that we have favor and that we are blessed in all that we put our hands to. Thank you for blessing us so that we can be blessings to other people. We know that You are pleased by our prosperity, not so that we can merely pay bills, be debt free, and have possessions but because we are made prosperous in every and all things so that we can be generous and bless others and that You will receive the glory and thanksgiving. We thank You for hearing our prayers, quieting all fears and uncertainty, and for opening doors for us. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Hello Ladies,

I want to thank everyone for their prayers. I was accepted into the program I applied for. My first reaction was gratitude and thankfulness. But I now am a little overwhelmed with nervousness; this change will be a BIG change for me for 2 yrs. I will be attending school full-time for 2 yrs. Therefore, I am considering roommates and part-time work. Which will be an adjustment, that I am ready to take on. Again, thanks for your prayers!!!
Heavenly Father, I pray for every sister who is searching for an opportunity to improve her career and financial standing. We thank You in advance for the increase and we thank You for unmerited favor that You have granted to us in the eyes of the selection committee, the interviewers, our future co-workers, and our future employees and clients. I ask that when we receive our blessings that we will have the mind not only to give You thanks, but to share our testimony to encourage others. Bless us in a mighty way that "they will know that it was Your hand, oh Lord, that has done this." We are encouraged and we are persuaded that we have favor and that we are blessed in all that we put our hands to. Thank you for blessing us so that we can be blessings to other people. We know that You are pleased by our prosperity, not so that we can merely pay bills, be debt free, and have possessions but because we are made prosperous in every and all things so that we can be generous and bless others and that You will receive the glory and thanksgiving. We thank You for hearing our prayers, quieting all fears and uncertainty, and for opening doors for us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

In the name of Jesus, Amen!! Praise God
Hello Ladies,

I want to thank everyone for their prayers. I was accepted into the program I applied for. My first reaction was gratitude and thankfulness. But I now am a little overwhelmed with nervousness; this change will be a BIG change for me for 2 yrs. I will be attending school full-time for 2 yrs. Therefore, I am considering roommates and part-time work. Which will be an adjustment, that I am ready to take on. Again, thanks for your prayers!!!

Congrats NYC! I am SO happy for you. Don't be overwhelmed. GOD gave you this opportunity to bless you and to show you that you could lean and depend on Him to strengthen you where you are weak and increase your wisdom. If you already had the knowledge and skill to do it by yourself, you would be relying on your own ability on not on Him. He wants you to know that He is your source and that He is perfectly capable of holding you up.
I got to this thread late..but praying for everyone and I will give thanks in advance for answered prayer,blessings and miracles.

Hello Ladies,

I want to thank everyone for their prayers. I was accepted into the program I applied for. My first reaction was gratitude and thankfulness. But I now am a little overwhelmed with nervousness; this change will be a BIG change for me for 2 yrs. I will be attending school full-time for 2 yrs. Therefore, I am considering roommates and part-time work. Which will be an adjustment, that I am ready to take on. Again, thanks for your prayers!!!

CONGRATS!!!! :grin:

Putting my name on the list. I am in one of the most painful crossroads in my career and walking a kind of hurtful incertainty. I've been working all day without eating...without a break ..trying to escape my feelings

I've been humbled,that's for sure and going to seek some immediate spiritual counseling just to try to stay focused and not succumb to despair....
Prayer gratefully humbly appreciated

Heavenly Father, I pray for every sister who is searching for an opportunity to improve her career and financial standing. We thank You in advance for the increase and we thank You for unmerited favor that You have granted to us in the eyes of the selection committee, the interviewers, our future co-workers, and our future employees and clients. I ask that when we receive our blessings that we will have the mind not only to give You thanks, but to share our testimony to encourage others. Bless us in a mighty way that "they will know that it was Your hand, oh Lord, that has done this." We are encouraged and we are persuaded that we have favor and that we are blessed in all that we put our hands to. Thank you for blessing us so that we can be blessings to other people. We know that You are pleased by our prosperity, not so that we can merely pay bills, be debt free, and have possessions but because we are made prosperous in every and all things so that we can be generous and bless others and that You will receive the glory and thanksgiving. We thank You for hearing our prayers, quieting all fears and uncertainty, and for opening doors for us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Love this prayer! :)
Heavenly Father, I pray for every sister who is searching for an opportunity to improve her career and financial standing. We thank You in advance for the increase and we thank You for unmerited favor that You have granted to us in the eyes of the selection committee, the interviewers, our future co-workers, and our future employees and clients. I ask that when we receive our blessings that we will have the mind not only to give You thanks, but to share our testimony to encourage others. Bless us in a mighty way that "they will know that it was Your hand, oh Lord, that has done this." We are encouraged and we are persuaded that we have favor and that we are blessed in all that we put our hands to. Thank you for blessing us so that we can be blessings to other people. We know that You are pleased by our prosperity, not so that we can merely pay bills, be debt free, and have possessions but because we are made prosperous in every and all things so that we can be generous and bless others and that You will receive the glory and thanksgiving. We thank You for hearing our prayers, quieting all fears and uncertainty, and for opening doors for us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Thank you Jesus!! Amen.
I wanna come over here with you ladies. I have been in the other Prayer Request thread. But anywho. I am still looking for a place of employment that I can go up in. I am a CNA at the moment in my 3rd year in college, still have a while to go. I applied to a major hospital in Houston, interviewed, just waiting on a decision at the moment. I am praying that it will be mine. Pray for me ladies, send them good vibes this way LOL. In Jesus name, Amen. But also I am kinda wanting to let them know that I am intersted. Is it okay or not to send some type of email or something? I just had the interview 6/26. Please help me ladies, I am just a baby:nono:IDK what to do....
I am in one of the most painful crossroads in my career and walking a kind of hurtful incertainty.

I was re-reading through the thread and came on a misspell.
The correct spelling is uncertainty.
Even though upset, LoL,I guess FAITH spoke up louder than FEAR.

walking a kind of hurtful..but... in certainty.:yep:
lol ..not uncertainty:spinning:

I am listening to you Lord

Praying for all my sisters
Ladies I just came by to let all you ladies know that you all are in my heart and prayers.
Ladies I just came by to let all you ladies know that you all are in my heart and prayers.
Thank you, and you are in mine. Whatever we are all going through we have to press forward and not give up! Stay in the moment and follow your dreams. I keep telling myself to believe, just believe!!!
Hey ladies,

I've been without a job since the end of June, and I recently applied for a job at a nonprofit agency here in Atlanta as a case manager. I really want this job! Everything had to be submitted by today (7/31), so I'm praying that I hear back from them by next week. I'm asking that if you read this post, just to say a little prayer for me.

Thanks ladies! I'll keep you updated.

Hi Ladies I have been unemployed since 6-26-08.
I am praying for God's divine favor for my new career as well as my business on the side which I will turn into my own business. I am going out next weeks wih resume's cover letters and applications. I thank you all for praying! God Bless:yep: Will post an update.
I am submitting a prayer request for my BF.

I am praying that he finds a better job soon so that he wont lose his apartment and I'm praying that God will touch his life in a special way. By bring him closer to God and putting all his faith in God also.

Let's pray in Jesus name

and I'm pray for you all also

Hi Ladies,

I graduate on next Friday August 8th and I haven't found a job yet. I've applied to a lot of companies and only had one interview. I'm trying to remain optimistic but some days I am scared nothing will come my way. I ask that you please say a prayer for me as well. My family wants me in Houston and I think that makes things difficult because I'm closing so many other doors, but I really only need one door to open for me. Thanks.
im also transitioning ladies so can i get prayed for as well.

You know that I love You, I adore You, I glorify Your name. I know that You love me. Now that i have found favor with you show me Your ways so that i may continue to find favor with You. You said if I have faith as small a mustard seed i can say this mountain, mountain be moved and it will be moved and cast out into the sea. You also said You would never leave me nor forsake me. I am holding onto Your promises. I am trusting You and believing You. You said you cause the sun to shine on good and evil. You also said according to the word it says Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he? Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. Lord, You know what im going through. Please give me what i need to not only survive but thrive. Let Your name be glorified. In Jesus name. Amen.

ps. Is not the word of God the will of God and the will of God the word of God ? i don't want to be selfish but everyone who included their prayers i offer up their intentions as well as the people who don't want to pray here but don't feel comfortable .
im not going to wait until You answer my prayers. i am thanking You right now. If i have sinned against You. Forgive me Lord. I love You.

thank you ladies
Well...just a little update (since I said that I would in my earlier post). I went to dinner with a friend last night, and she was in my same situation not too long ago...looking for a job. She was really encouraging and she said, "You know what GABeauty, what God has for you will be for you. You just have to know that He will put you where you are supposed to be. You could have typos in your resume and it wouldn't matter. You could think you bombed your interview and it wouldn't matter. If it's for you, then it's for you."

Fast forward to this morning, I was on a career website, and I decided to apply for one of the jobs on a whim. I've applied for about 30 jobs with no call backs AT ALL. I already had a resume and cover letter saved on the site, so I just uploaded them both. Well, right after I did that, I realized the cover letter wasn't generic. It was for a specific company. So, I just said "Oh well, that's just another company down the drain." Well, what do you know, at 3:00 pm this afternoon, a woman called me from the organization and talked to me for a while, and asked me to come in for an interview on Thursday. I get off of the phone with her, and the woman from the other job (that I initially asked prayer for) emailed me with a time to come in for an interview on Monday.

So, ladies, continue to keep me in your prayers. I'm thankful that when I need God to clearly show Himself to me, He always does.
Beautiful prayer, Mitcy!

im also transitioning ladies so can i get prayed for as well.

You know that I love You, I adore You, I glorify Your name. I know that You love me. Now that i have found favor with you show me Your ways so that i may continue to find favor with You. You said if I have faith as small a mustard seed i can say this mountain, mountain be moved and it will be moved and cast out into the sea. You also said You would never leave me nor forsake me. I am holding onto Your promises. I am trusting You and believing You. You said you cause the sun to shine on good and evil. You also said according to the word it says Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he? Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. Lord, You know what im going through. Please give me what i need to not only survive but thrive. Let Your name be glorified. In Jesus name. Amen.

ps. Is not the word of God the will of God and the will of God the word of God ? i don't want to be selfish but everyone who included their prayers i offer up their intentions as well as the people who don't want to pray here but don't feel comfortable .
im not going to wait until You answer my prayers. i am thanking You right now. If i have sinned against You. Forgive me Lord. I love You.

thank you ladies
Congrats, GABeauty! Keep us posted about your interviews.

Well...just a little update (since I said that I would in my earlier post). I went to dinner with a friend last night, and she was in my same situation not too long ago...looking for a job. She was really encouraging and she said, "You know what GABeauty, what God has for you will be for you. You just have to know that He will put you where you are supposed to be. You could have typos in your resume and it wouldn't matter. You could think you bombed your interview and it wouldn't matter. If it's for you, then it's for you."

Fast forward to this morning, I was on a career website, and I decided to apply for one of the jobs on a whim. I've applied for about 30 jobs with no call backs AT ALL. I already had a resume and cover letter saved on the site, so I just uploaded them both. Well, right after I did that, I realized the cover letter wasn't generic. It was for a specific company. So, I just said "Oh well, that's just another company down the drain." Well, what do you know, at 3:00 pm this afternoon, a woman called me from the organization and talked to me for a while, and asked me to come in for an interview on Thursday. I get off of the phone with her, and the woman from the other job (that I initially asked prayer for) emailed me with a time to come in for an interview on Monday.

So, ladies, continue to keep me in your prayers. I'm thankful that when I need God to clearly show Himself to me, He always does.
Im joining this as well. I accepted a position but I have a misdemeanor and hope that it is not snatched back when my background check comes up and I have another interview today.
Well...just a little update (since I said that I would in my earlier post). I went to dinner with a friend last night, and she was in my same situation not too long ago...looking for a job. She was really encouraging and she said, "You know what GABeauty, what God has for you will be for you. You just have to know that He will put you where you are supposed to be. You could have typos in your resume and it wouldn't matter. You could think you bombed your interview and it wouldn't matter. If it's for you, then it's for you."

Fast forward to this morning, I was on a career website, and I decided to apply for one of the jobs on a whim. I've applied for about 30 jobs with no call backs AT ALL. I already had a resume and cover letter saved on the site, so I just uploaded them both. Well, right after I did that, I realized the cover letter wasn't generic. It was for a specific company. So, I just said "Oh well, that's just another company down the drain." Well, what do you know, at 3:00 pm this afternoon, a woman called me from the organization and talked to me for a while, and asked me to come in for an interview on Thursday. I get off of the phone with her, and the woman from the other job (that I initially asked prayer for) emailed me with a time to come in for an interview on Monday.

So, ladies, continue to keep me in your prayers. I'm thankful that when I need God to clearly show Himself to me, He always does.

God is so GOOD! I am so happy for you! Thank you for encouraging us here!:yep:
Well...just a little update (since I said that I would in my earlier post). I went to dinner with a friend last night, and she was in my same situation not too long ago...looking for a job. She was really encouraging and she said, "You know what GABeauty, what God has for you will be for you. You just have to know that He will put you where you are supposed to be. You could have typos in your resume and it wouldn't matter. You could think you bombed your interview and it wouldn't matter. If it's for you, then it's for you."

I really needed to hear that. I have been extremely worried about my current job position. I have to pass my licensing exam or I will lose my job. For some it could be an exam, but for me its my livelihood/independence. It would be my way out of a bad relationship and would allow me to stand on my own two feet. I am praying for not only myself, but for everyone who needs prayer at this time.

God Bless,

I just want to say God is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to give Him PRAISE in this place for He is a WONDERFUL God! I am overjoyed, Ya'll just DON'T KNOW!
Ok lemme settle down: well I HAVE A JOB! as of 30minutes ago I HAVE A JOB!!! Can you just PRAISE HIM with me!?!?!
I just want to say God is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to give Him PRAISE in this place for He is a WONDERFUL God! I am overjoyed, Ya'll just DON'T KNOW!
Ok lemme settle down: well I HAVE A JOB! as of 30minutes ago I HAVE A JOB!!! Can you just PRAISE HIM with me!?!?!


I am SO happy for you!! :woot:
I want to join too. I had a job interview today for a job I'd forgotten I applied for. Initially I wasn't interested it the position, but once I got to the interview, spent some time with the supervisor and got a better understanding of the position I'm REALLY, REALLY interested and if the opportunity is right (it certainly appears to be right) then I want this job. The interview went really well. It's been five years since I've been on an interview, but I'm not too rusty and I have a lot more self-confidence than I did five years ago. I would definitely be making more money, but that is not all I'm after. I want more of a career path, not just a job and I think this position would help me develop a better career plan for myself. Please keep me in prayer. If this is the job that God would have me to take then I will take it. I'm just so excited that (1) I was called in for an interview. That means my resume must not look too bad. (2) That I am being considered for a position that is so much more than what I'm in now. This lets me know that I am certainly capable of doing more. (3) This reminds me that I'm not stuck.
I started this thread and was hoping I would come back with a praise report but no I dont. I did not get the job and I am hating my job everyday I come in. I am bored out of my brain. I cannot stand my boss who is a micromanager queen. I am not sure what to do. I have looked and applied all over the place and nothing is coming not even a call. The thing that is frustrating as a christian is that you know that all God has to do is breathe not even speak into your situation and things will change. When will he breather, speak, clap into my life. Sasha008 gave me the prayer of psalms 138 but dag this walk of faith is no joke.

Is it ok to make a promise to God. I was thinking of saying if I pay my tithes and offering for 6 months straight can he give a job before the year is over. Sometimes I am not sure of the limits we have in prayer.