Prayer Request: I had a mental breakdown today...


Well-Known Member
Yea I havent been feeling great as of late, just down about life in general...

No one to talk too, etc etc... But it seems everyone wants to talk to me... NO, I dont want to hear about your bad news, I have enough internal turmoil I have to deal with, and when I want to talk no one listens, story changes, or people have to interject their feelings on matter... just freaking listen already... Like I do for you, letting you vent or whateva it may be...

People always come bearing the bad news, never at least telling you what exciting or joyful may have happened in life, nope you are not useful in those situations and are forgotten... Le sigh, just not feeling in the best of spirits, and I know you choose your state, god has been blessing me, i need to look forward focusing on goals, etc etc.

I just feel like I am not enough...

sorry if it seems like wallowing in own misery... :perplexed

Lol, I know just rambling bu this all stemmed from a call had with Aunt earlier about my father, and how I need to be there for him, talk to him about his ways...

That is a whole nother story in and of itself though...

Hi sweety,
You are cherished, you are enough, you are worthy. You are beautiful.
It's OK to cry. It's OK to be down sometimes.
Sometimes we have to realise that we cannot help and we alone cannot do anything. Some situations, only God can do something about. When the burden is too heavy, we can run to Jesus and He will aleviate our pain.

Jesus love you and is there for you. If you want to talk or vent you can talk to him or us on this forum.

With love,
Dearest Anjel...

The love and care you have given to others can only come back to you in multiples of .loving blessings that no one can take away. For you, I pray the loving peace of God to flood your heart and soul.

Prsying for you snd for your Dad as well. :love2:

In Jesus' Name, Amen
Praying for you and please take time for yourself. I used to be the one everyone relied on, asked to fix things until I said enough. I began to love me and remind myself God loves me. Take the relationship with your dad one day at a time. I had to learn to forgive my dad and slowly build the relationship. It's not perfect but we are both working on it. You cannot change someone's behavior, you can only pray and talk. Let God do the rest.
zCast all your care on Jesus but in the meantime I will keep you in my prayers. Remember God already working things out for you.
Hey :wave: @LiftedUp, Thanks, for checking up on me!

Things are looking alive.. I usually just randomly get caught up in feelings, instead of taking time to just reflect on thoughts, talk to god and release the situation to him...

I was really putting self through it, for what reason again, no exact reason, just wallowing in own misery... as of late instead of focusing on what people need from me, I am focusing on what I NEED FROM ME...

I presume that most of negative thoughts, had a deeper meaning, not satisfied in respect to where I am at in life... And letting, well blaming all the outside negativity for depressing state...

I figured, I need to choose to be happy at all cost, before I couldn't, like literally have a happy face... It was a lingering grimace. Just disgruntled for no exact reason... I guess too much social media and being in that comparative state...

For last couple of days, I been trying to pinpoint what is needed, and getting back to a relationship with God, no cliche but it is truly improving state.... in addition to changing some habits, setting and going after goals, and not just serving self lip service, etc. I may not get everything I put forth accomplished on that day, but just the sheer attempt and completion of some tasks does make a difference... Baby steps... :yep:

Thanks EVERYONE for kind words and sharing comments..
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Hope you continue to do well! :yep:

Hey :wave: @LiftedUp, Thanks, for checking up on me!

Things are looking alive.. I usually just randomly get caught up in feelings, instead of taking time to just reflect on thoughts, talk to god and release the situation to him...

I was really putting self through it, for what reason again, no exact reason, just wallowing in own misery... as of late instead of focusing on what people need from me, I am focusing on what I NEED FROM ME...

I presume that most of negative thoughts, had a deeper meaning, not satisfied in respect to where I am at in life... And letting, well blaming all the outside negativity for depressing state...

I figured, I need to choose to be happy at all cost, before I couldn't, like literally have a happy face... It was a lingering grimace. Just disgruntled for no exact reason... I guess too much social media and being in that comparative state...

For last couple of days, I been trying to pinpoint what is needed, and getting back to a relationship with God, no cliche but it is truly improving state.... in addition to changing some habits, setting and going after goals, and not just serving self lip service, etc. I may not get everything I put forth accomplished on that day, but just the sheer attempt and completion of some tasks does make a difference... Baby steps... :yep:

Thanks EVERYONE for kind words and sharing comments..