Prayer Request: I had a miscarriage.

(((hugs))) All I can say is that God know and he understands what you're going through. But if I can add pass this test. He might be seeing if you want a child more than loving him.

Take on the attitude Lord I know you can bless my womb and give me a child but if you don't I'll serve you anyway. I'll praise you anyway. I thank you anyway.

Sometimes when God doesn't give us our heart desire we can get bitter, but if you can stay in a grateful spirit and posture that anyway you work this Lord I'll praise your name. I believe in due season he'll give you your hearts desire.

I tried and tried and tried to get pregnant and it didn't happened when I felt it should have and I had to change my attittude and I began to volunteer with battered and abused children. I didn't have any children so I poured into children that needed love and one day it happened I was pregnant with a bouncing baby boy.

Be encouraged and stay thankful.
Very much like Dreamer said I would encourage you to take your mind off your situation. Begin to serve those in need. There's nothing like a good dose of serving others to really put your situation into perspective.

You have been blessed with a marriage of 10 years. Give Him thanks and praise Him for what you have. He loves you and wants you to be fruitful and multiply. But He also wants to know that you will remain faithful in every situation.

Praying for you. (((hugs)))
I understand everything you are going (my heart is extended to you). I know the need to want a child so badly as well. I also know that in heaven God has millions of children available and I know that he has one for you. Get as close as you possibly can to him surrender the need and want to him. Have faith ! !
Thanks for your prayers and all your kind words ladies. A few days after I started this thread I collasped because both of my lungs had blood clots in them. I was in the hospital for a week with 3 of those days in ICU. While it was the most scariest time of my life it was also the most precious. I saw God work on my behalf like never before and I literaly felt like he was holding me. I am at home now and every doctor report that I get so far has been excellent. My husband and I are closer than ever, my sister that relations were strained with was there everyday except 1 and supported me in such a way that I could have never believed she was capable of before and because of this our relationship has been restored. My mother in law whom at one time did not accept my marriage to her son because she did not want to let him go, has been staying with me everyday that my husband works. She has been cooking, cleaning, she went to the doctor with me, she washes my clothes, she does everything that a mother would do for me. As I stay at home and heal from my ordeal I see God working miracle after miracle. God is using the people that caused me the most grief in my life to help me and is restoring relationships that I thought were beyond repair. Ladies God is good please keep me and my family up in prayer and thanks again to you all.
Thanks for your prayers and all your kind words ladies. A few days after I started this thread I collasped because both of my lungs had blood clots in them. I was in the hospital for a week with 3 of those days in ICU. While it was the most scariest time of my life it was also the most precious. I saw God work on my behalf like never before and I literaly felt like he was holding me. I am at home now and every doctor report that I get so far has been excellent. My husband and I are closer than ever, my sister that relations were strained with was there everyday except 1 and supported me in such a way that I could have never believed she was capable of before and because of this our relationship has been restored. My mother in law whom at one time did not accept my marriage to her son because she did not want to let him go, has been staying with me everyday that my husband works. She has been cooking, cleaning, she went to the doctor with me, she washes my clothes, she does everything that a mother would do for me. As I stay at home and heal from my ordeal I see God working miracle after miracle. God is using the people that caused me the most grief in my life to help me and is restoring relationships that I thought were beyond repair. Ladies God is good please keep me and my family up in prayer and thanks again to you all.

Oh wow! You've been through it. Thank God you're okay. Just prayed for you.