Prayer Line Schedule: Updates Are Posted Here

Awww thanks for sharing, Shimmie. How amazing that you are able to discuss a similar experience. :yep: I feel better after reading your account. I will stop being a baby about it and go do what I've been putting off.

:kiss: Thanks for the prayers and encouragement. :love3:


Hey Baby Love... :kiss:

Get it tested. You are STILL the healed of God and you are STILL covered in loving prayers :love3: :circle: :love3:

However, it's time to get it tested.

Okay? :yep:

If it helps, I finally got a procedure today, that I had been 'avoiding' and putting off for a while. It all went well and it ruled out the 'concerns' that I had. Without going into a TMI explanation :lol: I was also having 'tummie' issues. I've lost 10 lbs since the New Year. 'NG', I was feeling so 'sick' for weeks, but I had to keep 'going'.

Anyway, after having to fast all day yesterday and take the horrible prep meds, all went well this morning. I don't remember a thing when they put me to sleep, just being gently awaken by the nurse and seeing my cousin (Dori :love3: ) next to me smiling and praying. I'm home now, still woozie and hungry. The first thing I had was my coffee :coffee: (Pumpkin Spice DECAF).

By sharing this experience, I'm trying to put you at ease about going forward with the procedure. I have an understanding; the bottomline is that you will have 'peace' when it's all over. It's interesting how I just underwent a similar experience. I pray that by sharing that it puts you at ease. :yep:

Again, God still heals and He is healing you, however sometimes we have to yield to His gift of medical intervention.

Sweet 'NG' you won't be alone, Precious Sister, 'we're' right here beside you and all in love.

Make that appointment, Love... Okay? :hug2:
Awww thanks for sharing, Shimmie. How amazing that you are able to discuss a similar experience. :yep: I feel better after reading your account. I will stop being a baby about it and go do what I've been putting off.

:kiss: Thanks for the prayers and encouragement. :love3:

Always, Baby Sis... always.

We 'all' have things going on in life; but we go through it encouraging one another. You're going to come through this victoriously. Just keep 'us' posted as we can keep you covered in prayer.

Father in Jesus' Name, we know that you are our ultimate Healer and there will never be anyone who can ever replace you in our lives. We bring before you our 'sister' Nathansgirl asking and thanking you for her perfect health and healing. We thank you for leading her in the paths of the right doctors who will take loving care of her and that her procedure will go forth without incident, nor any after affects in Jesus' Name.

Father thank you for allaying her fears and for taking care of the discomfort of the 'prep' meds along with the other necessary elements of the process.

Whatever the cause of her current symptoms, thank you for perfecting all that concerns and has been troubling Nathansgirl. Let her be free and at ease again in her total body, spirit and soul. We thank for sealing her completely in your Precious Blood, protecting her always. In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen.
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Hi Ladies, I just wanted to express my gratitude for your prayers last Thursday regarding a job. The very next day I got an e-mail from a recruiter about a position that I thought I had been passed over for. I had the phone interview today and he told me that he really liked my background and wanted to move me forward in the process. I'll hear the official word in a few business days, but I just wanted to give that update.

I don't have it yet, and don't want to presume, but I'm thanking God for the opportunity to interview, that the interview went well, and praying for His will, way, and provision in all things. And I'm really looking for opportunities that will develop into a vocation that glorifies Him. I won't be able to join tomorrow night, but if you could remember that request again, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Hi Ladies, I just wanted to express my gratitude for your prayers last Thursday regarding a job. The very next day I got an e-mail from a recruiter about a position that I thought I had been passed over for. I had the phone interview today and he told me that he really liked my background and wanted to move me forward in the process. I'll hear the official word in a few business days, but I just wanted to give that update.

I don't have it yet, and don't want to presume, but I'm thanking God for the opportunity to interview, that the interview went well, and praying for His will, way, and provision in all things. And I'm really looking for opportunities that will develop into a vocation that glorifies Him. I won't be able to join tomorrow night, but if you could remember that request again, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Indeed we will remember you in prayer... :grouphug2:

Praising God for 'your gift' which will make room for you; placing you before important men, who will 'listen' to you and respect you. Giving all glory unto God. In Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen.
Hi Ladies,

I am feeling much better. Praise God!!

Even though things are going crazy, I still have this peace and praise on the inside. Things were breaking down all at the same time. My body was weak. Taking care of kids. Trying not to worry my husband. But God is there. That is what matters. He has not left us, it does not matter what we go through.

I shall not be moved.

I am thankful for this prayer line. God is moving and this lets us know to continue in His work, knowing that our labor is not in vain.

Talk with you all on Thursday.
Hi Ladies,

I am feeling much better. Praise God!!

Even though things are going crazy, I still have this peace and praise on the inside. Things were breaking down all at the same time. My body was weak. Taking care of kids. Trying not to worry my husband. But God is there. That is what matters. He has not left us, it does not matter what we go through.

I shall not be moved.

I am thankful for this prayer line. God is moving and this lets us know to continue in His work, knowing that our labor is not in vain.

Talk with you all on Thursday.

So glad you're feeling better :kiss:

Thank you ladies for prayer line on last night it was a blessing as always! Thank you all for praying for me regarding the typing assessment I took today at the IRS. I passed the assessment praise God! The requirements were to complete 5000 keystrokes/hour with 90% accuracy. I completed 7058 keystokes/hour with 99.7% accuracy! There is one more step in the process pray all goes well and that my paperwork is processed quickly.

(Edit) P.S.

This is a part-time job with the IRS. I have an Awesome full-time job but I'm saving for a down payment on my 1st home!!!
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Thank you ladies for prayer line on last night it was a blessing as always! Thank you all for praying for me regarding the typing assessment I took today at the IRS. I passed the assessment praise God! The requirements were to complete 5000 keystrokes/hour with 90% accuracy. I completed 7058 keystokes/hour with 99.7% accuracy! There is one more step in the process pray all goes well and that my paperwork is processed quickly.

Well GLORY to God who is ALL Mighty and Worthy to be Praised.

Speed and Accuracy ... both He gave you in Jesus' Name. :notworthy:

mst... You shall continue to excel in all that you do, in Jesus' Name... Amen.

All because you keep coming back to God asking HIM and you keep coming back giving Him all of the glory. God is so overjoyed over you. Indeed you are His child, His daughter, His Beloved and He loves to give all good things to you, with all of His heart.
at the highlighted, I'm glad that you said this because many of us consider how we will advance ourselves and make the most money when looking for jobs and we never give God or the 'kingdom' a thought...God knows your heart and I know that he will honor you with the job that you desire ...

Hi Ladies, I just wanted to express my gratitude for your prayers last Thursday regarding a job. The very next day I got an e-mail from a recruiter about a position that I thought I had been passed over for. I had the phone interview today and he told me that he really liked my background and wanted to move me forward in the process. I'll hear the official word in a few business days, but I just wanted to give that update.

I don't have it yet, and don't want to presume, but I'm thanking God for the opportunity to interview, that the interview went well, and praying for His will, way, and provision in all things. And I'm really looking for opportunities that will develop into a vocation that glorifies Him. I won't be able to join tomorrow night, but if you could remember that request again, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I really feel compelled to share my Praise Report from May 2011 it’s posted on another hair forum board but since I’m hearing that ladies on this site are praying for the same thing I was praying for last year I’ll post it here as well. I pray it encourages and blesses anyone who is in need of EMPLOYMENT!!!

I Got a Job in my Career Field (Praise God)!!!!!

Hello Ladies,

I just wanted to share my testimony maybe it will be an inspiration to someone else. So as you all have probably read already I completed my Master’s of Science in Human Resource Management in December 2010. I started searching for employment in HR months before I graduated. I’ve been on numerous interviews and most of the people interviewing me didn’t even have a Bachelor’s Degree. Human Resources is a very competitive field and the jobs are not that plentiful because many of the HR jobs are being outsourced and the people who are blessed enough to get employment in HR do not leave these jobs.

But getting to my point, I received a call on a Sunday two weeks ago that this company would like to fly me out to their company for an interview. So I interviewed for the HR position two weeks ago and flew back home. The entire time before and after the interview I was just praying asking God to give me divine favor with the people I interview with so I can get the job. So on this Friday April 15, a week after I interviewed for the HR position the Hiring Manger called and told me I got the job. The Hiring Manger informed me that she received over 700 applications for this HR position and only 5 people were interviewed for this position and I was one of those people. Needless, to say this was a blessing from God and I know my prayers were answered.

And that’s not it, the Hiring Manager informed me that when the President of the company was reviewing my application package before he signed off on it, the President increased my salary above the normal pay range. Due to the fact that I have an advanced degree in HR. The Hiring Manager said the President has never done this before (FAVOR). So this is a blessing in itself. Not only did I get the job of my dreams but my salary is higher than we initially discussed in the interview. I know I serve an AWESOME GOD who is able to do EXSEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY above ALL I can ask or think.

This company has an excellent benefit package also the company pays 100% of health, dental, life insurance and additional insurance premiums for all its employees (so this is more money in my pocket because insurance is expensive!). In addition, we have an excellent retirement package and the best part is we’re fully vested DAY ONE (most companies you have to work a few years before you become vested). I can go on and on but I’m going to wrap this up. Ladies, whatever you do put God first and pray/seek him in everything you do. Take it from me, God will answer your prayers it may not come to pass in your timing, but trust that God will answer your prayers RIGHT ON TIME AND IN DUE SEASON!!!

[FONT=&quot]Update (October 2011):

So I've been on my new job a little under 6 months now, my probationary period ends in November. I must say my job is going GREAT I work with an awesome group of talented people who are very supportive. This is the best job I've ever had and I thank God daily for my job. I plan on have a long prosperous career with this company and ultimately retire from here, if this be God's will. I know that this job and relocating to Texas was the will of God for me. God's hand of favor has been on my life like never before! Everything has been just falling into place. Like my pastor says "Its been a sweat-less victory and I give all the praise and thanks to God because its all of his doing. I can honestly say, a peace of mind is indeed PRICELESS! My work environment is very peaceful and productive so is my social and personal life (Thank God).

My job is so peaceful and my boss is a very laid-back and a drama free women (which is rare). I go to work, do my 8 hours and my work never comes home with me. I must admit my prayer life has increased
[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]


[FONT=&quot]I must apologize because God has been speaking to my spirit for over a month now about posting this Praise Report but I’ve just been to lazy to copy and paste it over to this site.[/FONT]

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Thank you ladies for prayer line on last night it was a blessing as always! Thank you all for praying for me regarding the typing assessment I took today at the IRS. I passed the assessment praise God! The requirements were to complete 5000 keystrokes/hour with 90% accuracy. I completed 7058 keystokes/hour with 99.7% accuracy! There is one more step in the process pray all goes well and that my paperwork is processed quickly.

:woot: I remember this prayer on Tuesday night-who says God doesn't answer prayer?! I had to dance in my office-fortunately nobody was in my office at the time!
Exodus 3:14

'I AM that I AM"

God is not changing, He is Who He is and will always be.


To Him, "You Are who You Are" ... Who you are to God will never change.

God is there standing in the midst of every challenge which tries to hinder you; standing before your enemies, saying "I AM" ... you can come no further, you cannot cross this line (boundary).

Whatever / Whoever you have to encounter, as God said to Moses as He was sending him off to encounter Pharoah's opposition, God is saying to you...

"Tell them, 'I AM' sent you.

God, the Great 'I AM' is already there.

So grateful and thankful for the ladies who are committed to pray on this Prayer Line. You ladies prayed for me last night and I had the best sleep...not one flash:grin:

Love you all!
So grateful and thankful for the ladies who are committed to pray on this Prayer Line. You ladies prayed for me last night and I had the best sleep...not one flash:grin:

Love you all!

Praise God... :yay:

and 'Chocolate'... :look:
Angels... don't forget your home assignment.

List all of the things you are to God...

"You ARE that You ARE"... Everything that you are to God is not changing.

Make your lists and share. It will be a wonderful faith boost.

Love and hugs...


Tuesday's Message:

"O' No it won't..."

Scripture Reference: Isaiah :love3:
Hey ladies. I have a couple of prayer requests for tomorrow:

*peace of mind
*divine direction in upcoming decisions
*physical and spiritual protection

Thank you, ladies. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Beloved Ones for Whom We Pray... :love2:

Hold on to the Word of God...

... how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

(Acts 10:38)

You are delivered and 'free' in Jesus' Name, from all that has oppressed you.
I am asking for you please pray for her. Her name is Tierra Clark
She is battling Leukemia, she went in for a bone marrow transplant today and had to be resuscitated but she is still fighting. Please don't quote pic. I will be taking it down. Thank you for your prayers...

BIZARRE twist to this story. It's been revealed that this young lady is not in the hospital. :perplexed Thanks for your prayers. I will share details later as they are still coming in. Sorry for wasting your time ladies......
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Praying for Tierra... :love3:

Covered by the Blood of Jesus... no evil shall befall her, no harm will come near her in Jesus' Name. Heal her O' Father God and she shall be healed. Praising the Name of Jesus. :amen:

... how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

(Acts 10:38)
Praying for Tierra... :love3:

Covered by the Blood of Jesus... no evil shall befall her, no harm will come near her in Jesus' Name. Heal her O' Father God and she shall be healed. Praising the Name of Jesus. :amen:

... how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.

(Acts 10:38)

I have just been informed that she is breathing on her own at 40% and it's expected to improve. I will post updates as I get them.
Hi Ladies,
Please pray in agreement with me that all of those who are participating in Lent this year will gain a closer relationship with the Lord and that their hearts and minds will be renewed and strengthened in Him.

Thanks. God bless!

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That's good news!! Thanks for the update. Please do keep us posted. :yep:

flowinlocks said:
I have just been informed that she is breathing on her own at 40% and it's expected to improve. I will post updates as I get them.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
I have just been informed that she is breathing on her own at 40% and it's expected to improve. I will post updates as I get them.

Praise God for His Breath of Life flowing into this precious vessel of His in Jesus' Name... :amen: and :amen:

Lord, we thank you, we praise you for the 40% and thank you for the 50, 60, 70,80, 90, 99 and 100% .... in Jesus' Name ... :amen:
You ladies are just wonderful! Thank you for your heart to pray and seek God's face for His people. I will continue to pray for all of you and what the Lord has in store for you. This prayer line is God sent!

No weapon fashioned against you, your family, children, finances, friends will ever prosper. In Jesus name. Amen!

Blessings, always....

You ladies are just wonderful! Thank you for your heart to pray and seek God's face for His people. I will continue to pray for all of you and what the Lord has in store for you. This prayer line is God sent!

No weapon fashioned against you, your family, children, finances, friends will ever prosper. In Jesus name. Amen!

Blessings, always....


Praise God for you... thank you so much for your prayers and most of all for your love... :love2:
Nice & Wavy, amen. I couldn't agree more! :yep:

You ladies are just wonderful! Thank you for your heart to pray and seek God's face for His people. I will continue to pray for all of you and what the Lord has in store for you. This prayer line is God sent!

No weapon fashioned against you, your family, children, finances, friends will ever prosper. In Jesus name. Amen!

Blessings, always....
