PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Action?

Re: PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Actio

I take 5mg daily. Pre-PPB, my hair grew on average about 3/4 inch per month. This summer I exercised alot so maybe that is why it grew quickly. I also massaged my scalp nightly and rarely combed my hair. (Yep, I wore it a slicked back ponytail the entire summer!)

I am also taking all the vitamins listed in my signature with the exception of the flaxseed oil.
Re: PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Actio

Still constant results?
Is it better than SURGE?
Re: PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Actio

I haven't read all the posts so someone may have brought this to your attention or asked this question(forgive me, my contacts aren't in.) I noticed that PP make a 5 mg biotin vitamin and it comes in a bottle of 60. Instead of taking 5 of the 1000mcg (which would only last you 20 days) couldn't you just take 1 of these? It would be more economical (saves you a whole 0.27, lol) and less of a pain in the
Just wondering...
Re: PP Biotin Bristling, Itching, Follicular Actio

I finally finished my year supply of PPB! It wasnt suppose to last a year, but I stopped taking 5mg daily. Should I re-order? Any recommendations on another brand--perferrably in a 5mg pill.

Crysdon said:
How long have you been on the PPB?

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22 days now. This stuff works F A S T !!!

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Hot-diggity-dawg-dayum!!! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

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/images/graemlins/cry3.gif WWWWHHHHYYY!!!! Yall gonna send me to the po' house
I feel your pain Denali03. I read this thread on Sunday, and immediately ordered 3 bottles (but paid for one). Got the biotin today. PP is fast!
Yeah, I got my credit card out right now, KNOWING I'm broke! /images/graemlins/nono.gif

Hi, my name is Shauneen and I'm a PJ. /images/graemlins/cry3.gif
I had to do a search for biotin because I thought that I read where individuals experienced breakouts, so I wanted to check and see if this was true as I just started taking it yesterday. I purchased mine from an Adventist Book & Health store near my home.

I used to use the Vitamin Shoppe 5mg kind and I didn't see results, but now I see I am not the only one. So I purchased 800 mcg of Biotin by Thompson . The label says high potency. I am telling you I am experiencing this tingling and itching and bristling on DAY 2. I thought I was going crazy. I can say that it is not an allergic reaction, because I would have a rash and itch and have shortness of breath. This just feels like blood circulation or something. I also take it with my daily multi-vitamin (which does not contain biotin). I
that taking biotin with other b-complex vitamins helps.

<font color="blue">Best used with

Biotin should be taken with the B-group vitamins, but Vitamin C, Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B12 and sulfur are good companions to it. A tricologist will sometimes add biotin to the diet of a patient suffering from alopecia, to help with severe hair loss, but it must be in the right quantities to satisfy the inter-dependence of other nutrients - such as found in our Hair, Skin and Nail supplement </font>

I got that information from Here

I am excited about this and can't wait to see what results I will see in a month or 2.

ETA: My pills are 800 mcg each, but the directions state that you can take one tablet up to three times daily. Also, there are other ingredients in my pills: Cellulose, rice flour, silica, and steraric acid.
I will not order PPB.
I will not order PPB.
I will not order PPB.
Dang it! /images/graemlins/user.gif What's that PPB web address again?
ok! ok! I'm gettin me some of this PPB today! dang ya'll are no help to a pj like myself knowin I'm as broke as mike tyson! "How long does it take to get? Does it come via UPS or FED-X?
I am already taking GNC Women's Hair, Skin &amp; Nails Formula, Ultra Mega and fish oil. I better tiptoe on out of this one...LOL!
Ladies, I dont know if this counts or not..so please some one tell me. I have been taking a Hair, nail and skin vitamin (cheapo brand-Cayour), in addition to Folic and EPO, the HNS vitamin has 1000 mcg of Biotin in it...I just began to feel some itching going on this weekend.(been taking it for a month now.) I thought it was because my hair needed washing,(it was only 6 days from the last wash)I washed last night.. AND I"M STILL ITCHIN'.(crown area)..does that mean the vitamins are working or do i need to wash better?
Probably the biotin...many who noticed tingles noticed it after a while, not immediately...perhaps it has built up in your system...happy hair growing!
After reading this ENTIRE thread, I now know, i'm on the right track! THANKS LADIES!! I'm still on the wig challenge so it keeps me from scratching too much (dont want that wig moving around, while i'm trying to scratch) LOL! I noticed last night that I have about 1/2" of new growth, I just gave myself a kiddie perm on the 9th, so that's very exciting..I have 3 more months of the wig challenge before I check length...Wish me luck!
I have been having the same itching too. i get my hair done every two weeks and it usually starts itching by the 4th day after washing. my dantruff is really bad too!! But I don't care, trying to deal with it because I am getting about an inch per month. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Neen said:
Hi, my name is Shauneen and I'm a PJ. /images/graemlins/cry3.gif

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/images/graemlins/lachen70.gif /images/graemlins/rofl.gif /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif

You're preachin' to the choir, sister!
tammiematthews said:
I have 3 more months of the wig challenge before I check length...Wish me luck!

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BEST of luck to you! I am so glad to have found this thread! I thought the ichiness was something ominous. /images/graemlins/cry3.gif

Now I see that it may just be the biotin makin' my hairs grow out! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Okay....when I first found this hair saving website....I was really confused about the whole Biotin thing...which brand, how much, how often, mcg vs. mg, etc...well, I tried Whole Foods, Now, Dollar Store, Puritan Pride and Rexal.....well I can definately say that the Puritan Pride 1000 mcg is the best.....I was taking Rexal and Puritan Pride at the same time and ran out of the Rexal brand...well, I am only taking PP 1000mcg and after almost 2.5 months of taking the various biotin at 10mg a day.....I am finally feeling the bristling, itching follicular action....it is definately the PP biotin!!!
ok, I finally bought my pp biotin and started taken it on dec 2. As of today dec 10th my scalp is crawling &amp; itching like crazy!!!!!!! plus my nails are starting to grow alot!

IT'S WORKING YA'LL /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/bdance.gif /images/graemlins/trampoline.gif !!!!!!!
Nymphe said:
I am already taking GNC Women's Hair, Skin &amp; Nails Formula, Ultra Mega and fish oil. I better tiptoe on out of this one...LOL!

Word on that....i was taking 5000mcg from a store in my mall called vitamin world. It was way too expensive so i went to get gnc's hair skin and nails with 2500 mcg. I take it once daily instead of twice. Im not a pill popper. With the 5000mcg, my hair is unmanageable at 2 months. I'll see what the hair, skin and nails will do after 2 months. If it doesnt work, i will go ahead and get the puritan's pride one
Dang ya'll. I got 3 bottles of PPB. How come I'm not experiencing the bristling, tingling, itching, stimulating follicular action? HELP A SUSTA OUT!