Post your height and how that affects your hair length.

I'm 5'7 (which is not tall to me), but I have long everything on me so it definitely makes my goals seem far away. I need about 10-11 inches just to reach shoulder length. I have a friend whi is 5'1 and those same inches are below APL on her.
I am 5'3''..there is not much to me, lol. I think I will get to waistlength faster becasue the distance from brastrap to waistlength for me is not far.
I'm 5'10" and I'm sure I'll have to have an additional 2-3 inches or so to reach my midback goal. More than my average height LHCF sisters. When I was in middle school I was about 5'8" with nearly waist length hair, so I know it's possible. Just wish my mom was close enough (and willing) to take care of my hair like she did back then.

While looking the mirror this weekend I noticed my hair strands were "small" so I called my mom and she told me I actually have 4a/b medium/fine strands. I always thought it was course - but no such luck. So I now I realize I need to be even more careful with my strands.
prissygirl114 said:
Girl me too...I'm only 5'4" and I would love to be at least 5'7" and it's weird because my mom is 5'10" and my dad is 6'3". So I always have heels on! I don't want my hair to get no longer and armpit length though

I guess I'm in the minority here. I'm 5'5 and some change and I've always wanted to be 5' tall or a little under. I know this isn't the case all the time with shorter women, but I have an obsession about having small feet. I've always wanted to be able to wear size 5 in shoes and it certainly wouldn't help in the hair length area either because the hair that I currently have on my head would be about mid-back on a shorter person as opposed to being about 1.5-2 inches to bra-strap length.

I never had a problem growing my hair to my shoulders, in fact, if I got my hair trimmed up to my neck by the stylist, it seemed that by the time I needed to get another touch up (during my relaxer days) I was always back at shoulder length. But that was as long as it would get. So being short would have probably helped me out back then.:p
5'10" and it will definitely take me at least a year and a half to hit BSL; not just becausee of height, but because I hear the scissors calling me....:look:
Just a FYI, the average height of women has been changed to 5'6

meaning I'm still a shortie at 5'5 :( I don't know y exact measurements' but i'll check and come back later
I am 5'7" with a long neck. I need to hit 26" to reach brastrap. I've got a while to go!! My best friend is shorter, my guess would be 5'3". Our hair measures the same and she is just about armpit length. Me, nowhere close!:lol:
I think ur right! I'm 5'10" And my sis is 4"11 and can quickly get to midback length...I've never been longer than APL.
I never really knew that height is important when determining hairlength goals. I'm 5'2" and it took about 5 months to get from the top of my neck to shoulder length.So I guess in another 5 months I'll be atleast armpit length?!?!:eek:
I am almost 6 ft 1inch. And I am long all over. So I can't wait to have long hair to match my height. I realize i might not reach BSL in 2007, but for sure in 2008. On my siggy pic, you can see the miles of back before my brastrap:eek:. Be encouraged tall sisters!!

My hair is 21.5 inches currently and will take 7 more inches until bra strap. :look:
Cooyah said:
Just a FYI, the average height of women has been changed to 5'6

meaning I'm still a shortie at 5'5 :( I don't know y exact measurements' but i'll check and come back later

Really?!!! Wow, I did not know this. I know with the last research study done in 2002 it was still 5'4. I guess new research has emerged! Interesting! :)
I'm 5'6" and BSL on me is 26 inches...midback length is 31 inches on me. I have a loooong neck and long torso and a long way to grow. :ohwell: Patience is a virtue! :yep:
Silkynaps said:
I agree with this. I'm 5'11" and I believe that if I were shorter, my hair would likely be down my back.
Same here.
I'm 5'11 and it feels like I will never reach even APL
This is the first time I'm happy that I have a short neck, at least that adds a few inches on the hair length..:grin:
I'm 5'6 with long legs, neck and seemingly torso. People see me on the track and expect me to be taller. I'm a mini version of my 5'10 mom whose hair grows really quickly, height doesnt seem to be a factor for her.

ETA: my measurements are: 18 inches for BSL and 23 inches for WL (forehead downward)
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I'm every bit of 5'9". From hairline to the bottom of bra strap is 25 inches on me. Mid back is another 2 almost 3 inches (27.5 inches) and waist length is 30 inches. I am trying to get to mid back but it seems like my hair is stuck at bsl. I thought getting to bsl was hard but it seems like getting the last couple inches to make mbl is harder.
caribeandiva said:
i'm 6 ft tall (yes really). i think if i was shorter i would be shoulder length already. i also think it's gonna take me an extra year to get to brastrap cause of my long torso. what do you ladies think?

That's true but when you finally do reach BSL, it will look so much better for it because they'll be more length. It will be that much more striking.

I'm only 5'2" and I have such a short torso that there's not much difference between MBL and WL for me. But don't feel bad, I thought it would take forever for my hair to grow around my big head and get to shoulder length. :lol:
KiniKakes said:
Really?!!! Wow, I did not know this. I know with the last research study done in 2002 it was still 5'4. I guess new research has emerged! Interesting! :)

No you're right, for the US it is 5'4. I was looking at the caribbean and europe....sawwy, at least I'm tall somewhere in the world. :p
I'm 5'11.5" and I don't have the measurement from my hairline anymore, but I did recently measure the back. It's 5" fom shoulder to APL for me and another 4" to BSL. I'm currently about 2" past shoulder. Like someone else earlier, the nape of my neck is about even with my earlobes also. It's 3.5-4" from neck length to shoulder for me.
i never actually realized how much height makes a difference on hair length on the body.
I have just seen someone hair who hair is 9inches long and she is FULL APL!

had i not have know the actual measurement of her hair i would think maybe her hair progress was quicker than mine when it isnt its just her body is much smaller
I am 5'10.5". I have a very long neck and long torso. On a shorter body, I think I'd be MBL already. I look at some of these ladies photos and I swear it look like its only 3 inches from their BSL to MBL. On me, its about 6 or 7 inches.

I should be at BSL by June though. But it's REALLY hard when you're tall
I am 5' 3" with a short neck and short torso this makes my hair appear longer against my body even thought it may shorter inch wise
Yes, height makes a HUGE difference. The average woman in the US/UK is 5'3.5-5'4 inches.....being 5'10 I'm WAY above average and therefore need more inches to reach these arbitrary LHCF lengths (ie BSL, etc). A tall person's entire body has different proportions than a shorter person's, but rest assured when you reach your goal, you UNQUESTIONABLY have LOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooGGGGGGGG hair!
I am 5ft 11 inches and it will take me forever to reach to BSL. My cousin is much shorter than i am insists on giving me "tips" cause she thinks my hair dont grow but I have a longer body than her .....
Agreeing with the poster who said long hair looks better on tall women. I'm 5'2 and I keep saying I want WL but idk about that...a girl in my high school was a shorty with long hair and I always thought of Cousin Itt when I looked at her, but she was PWT with greasy, unkempt type 1 hair so that may have played a part in that thought as well.