Post your height and how that affects your hair length.

I'm 5'4 with a long neck and a high nape line. Not sure if that makes sense but my hair doesn't grow down the back of my neck like most people. My hairline in the back is almost even with my earlobes while most peoples natural back hairline goes to midneck. Sooo, I always feel like I'm struggling and my hair seems see through because the hairline is so high.:( I really got screwed. :lachen: Thin hair, 4a, high nape hairline. My hair has always been one big struggle for me.
KiniKakes said:
Where do you guys start measuring your hair from--the crown or the forehead?

I started from the forehead - I don't even have enough hair to try to MEASURE front to back from like that, but I just slapped the measuring tape up there......
i'm 5'9'' and i always knew my height was a factor in how long my hair appeared to be, as well as my long neck. my friend who is considerably shorter than me helped me come into this realization this month. my strands of hair are longer than hers, but her neck is shorter and her hair is closer to shoulder length than mine ... <<sigh>> :ohwell:
KiniKakes said:
I'm 5'4" 1/2 so I guess that's about average. Havent measured my hair or anything, so i dont know how many inches I need. But yeah, i definitely agree that our taller LHCF sista's will have more of a challenge reaching longer lengths than those who are petite or average.

What she said:grin:
I am 5'7 and have a long neck legs limbs etc... :lol: . but for me it is the opposite while my hair is close to shoulder length I would never want to keep it past APL, I worn long extentions some waist length for years with my family schedule and age now it would be too much work for me.:ohwell:
height matters,

i am only 5'1 and my hair is somewhere between 19-20 inches yet its past brastrap length more midback when fully straight.

i still want to get the extra 4-5 inches needed to be waistlength but i think long hair looks more jawdropping on a tall woman anyday
Legend said:
Height definitely affects hair length. I'm 5'5" (average) with a long-ish neck, but full bra strap length is only about 24 inches (from my hairline). Fascinating!

However, I would trade longer hair for extra height any day! :grin:

Girl me too...I'm only 5'4" and I would love to be at least 5'7" and it's weird because my mom is 5'10" and my dad is 6'3". So I always have heels on! I don't want my hair to get no longer and armpit length though
HERE is an interesting thread we had about this topic before where ladies of different heights gave actual measurements to bsl, wsl, etc. Overall height may give you an idea, but you really would have to measure to each point separately because we aren't all porportioned the same. I'm barely over 5' 4" but I and another person in that thread (can't remember who it was right now) who is 5' 7" had the same distance to BSL. Some people get a lot of their height from torso, but some more from legs, etc.
For me BSL in 22 inches from hairline, WL is 26 inches from hairline.

From nape BSL is 12inches and WL is 16inches.

I'm 5'1 short torso look in my sig. BSL don't look far on me.
5'10 over here....with a pretty average torso but long neck & limbs, which makes my goal seem almost unattainable @ times:ohwell:
KiniKakes said:

Gee, we have a lot of tall ladies on the board! Thats cool. :) But making me wonder if perhaps I need to rethink my notion of what is "short," "average," and "tall" for women in society. I always thought the average woman in the US was around 5'3"-5'4", but that doesnt appear to be the case across this board.

Sorry for that digression ladies.... carry on! :lol:

I remember reading several years ago that the average American white woman is 5'4 and 144 lbs., and that the average Black American woman is 5' 4" and 150 lbs.

I didn't know there were so many tall women on this board, either. :)
I don't know about height, but I'm sure that if I were thinner my hair would seem longer. I truly believe my fatback (& shoulders) takes away from the length of my hair, at least to me. So I'm on a diet for not only my overall health, but for my hair as well.
BTW I'm 5'3 1/2"
plove said:
Short women with long hair look like their hair is trying to eat them.:lachen:

If my hair make it to WL i will cut back to BSL.
to much hair for a short woman like me.

I agree. I'm 5' 1-1/2" (5'2" on a good day :lachen: ) and I think APL is going to satisfy me plenty. But we'll see when I get there; I reserve the right to change my mind! :lol:
I'm 5'1.5 and my hair is:

Currently at about 18 or 19 inches in the longest part (17-18 in the shortest).
Will be APL at approx. 21inches.
Will be BSL at approx. 23-24 inches.

I've never measured mid-back even thought that's where I'd ultimately like to be. I'm focused on APL right now and then BSL since I'm not quite there yet. :perplexed

I guess in this case, it pays to be a shorty. :lol: And like one of the tall sistas said, I LOVE my height :) .
Originally Posted by plove
Short women with long hair look like their hair is trying to eat them.:lachen:

If my hair make it to WL i will cut back to BSL.
to much hair for a short woman like me.

Girl, I resent that as a fellow petite chick. :lol: I have a girlfriend who is currently at BSL with the thickest hair on the planet (like Lauren's hair on LHCF... sorry to shout you out Lauren, but you got a beautiful head of hair!). But her hair does look longer than most because she's only like 5'3. And you're right, her hair does look like it'll eat her up when she doesn't have it tamed! :lol:

skoloco said:
I agree. I'm 5' 1-1/2" (5'2" on a good day :lachen: ) and I think APL is going to satisfy me plenty. But we'll see when I get there; I reserve the right to change my mind! :lol:

:lachen: I'm like you, I say mid-back now, but since I have thick coarse hair, if I get a great even BSL, I may be really happy! And I feel you about that extra 1/2 inch since we are the same height! I claim 5'2 since that's my height with sneakers on. :lol:
I'm 6'0'' and I know my hair would look longer if I were shorter, but there's nothing sexier then a tall woman in heels with some swinging black glory going down her back. I can't wait!

chayil0427 said:
I'm 6'0'' and I know my hair would look longer if I were shorter, but there's nothing sexier then a tall woman in heels with some swinging black glory going down her back. I can't wait!


Girl, you're right... the ONLY thing that is sexier though is a petite woman in heels with that hair swanging. :lachen: J/K
It is not just height it is also length of torso and neck. I'm 5'7'' with a very long neck but a relatively short torso. BSL on me is about 26 inches from hairline to ends, but waist length is only about 29''.

It took me forever to get from APL to BSL but only two months to get from BSL to Mid back (27''), and I am about four months away from WL. Body proportions are funny:)
I'm 5'6.5, claim 5'7 every chance I My hair would def be longer on a shorter neck itself is 4 inches long.
caribeandiva said:
wow.. i had no idea there were so many tall women on this board. now i don't feel so freakishly tall anymore.

Nope you are not freakishly matter what you gotta!