Possible reasons for lonei's major chop.....


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, since cutting my hair, I have been trying to figure out why it got so thin in the middle/ends so that i wont have to do such a major chop again.
These are the reasons I have come up with:

1. Whilst at uni I protective styled alot, be it pin curls/cainrows/wrapped. But when I finished a year ago and began work, going out more, I wore it down alot more.

2. In August 2004, i used Aphogee which made my hair frizzy/break, so i did a corrective with a lye relaxer; Motions (use to use ORS no-lye) to the whole hair except the last few inches. Lye was SUPPOSED to be much kinder on the hair. When the rollerset was dry, I was horrified, the ends were straight and the middle was so frizzy/underprocessed that the comb couldnt even go through it.

3. Rollersets were no longer and option so i began blow drying, hair would be everywhere on the floor, the bed. I would part it down the middle, and blow dry the back to either side, which is probably one reason why the middle broke. It still wouldnt be straight and would be very dry.

4. I did this damaging process for months, and finally realised that the Motions was underprocessing me, as the frizzy sections started from the roots. Wet combing was almost impossible and I had 0 patience.

5. In the meantime, my hair would get caught on my car seat, my coat/bag, work seats, people giving be hard hugs and all i would hear was 'snap'.

6. A friend of mine bought me some NTM from the US, and it worked a lot better for my rollersets. After a while, i began flat ironing after the rollerset with NO heat protectant (because I didnt want it to be weighed down).

7. The crunch was using those 3 inch rollers in may, that really made it thin out a lot more (explaination on page 2).

8. So now, July 2006, i had no choice but to do a major chop. I think I will keep my current regimen the same but not wearing it down so often, maybe only If I'm going out on weekends. Most importantly, i'm sticking with ORS relaxer and keeping far away from MOTIONS RELAXERS....

Just a word of warning, its not how much you make, its how much you keep....

What do you think of my reasoning?
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Lonie I agree with your reasoning. Heat will thin out your ends. I am brastrap and always try to wear protective styles. I met this new guy and I have been flat ironing my hair more than ever. I had to put a stop to that. My hair was breaking more. I had my sister who went to cosmetology school give me a trim and she is very good at it. I did a treatment after that with Emergencee and the breakage stop. What did I do? I started back flat ironing since that time I have stopped. I did a steam treatment the other night and the breakage seems to have stopped and I am 10 wks post touch up. I looked at your album and you are still one of my hair inspirations. I am glad you got rid of those ends. Maybe you should start back with your protective styles and no heat unless you rollerset.
brickhouse said:
Lonie I agree with your reasoning. Heat will thin out your ends. I am brastrap and always try to wear protective styles. I met this new guy and I have been flat ironing my hair more than ever. I had to put a stop to that. My hair was breaking more. I had my sister who went to cosmetology school give me a trim and she is very good at it. I did a treatment after that with Emergencee and the breakage stop. What did I do? I started back flat ironing since that time I have stopped. I did a steam treatment the other night and the breakage seems to have stopped and I am 10 wks post touch up. I looked at your album and you are still one of my hair inspirations. I am glad you got rid of those ends. Maybe you should start back with your protective styles and no heat unless you rollerset.

Thanks brickhouse. Until this lye grows out, I will have to rollerset then flat iron slightly because it is so frizzy that if I try to comb through it, it breaks. I cant wait till I have a head full of straight no lye, then I wont have to flat iron at all, like in the april 2004 album. I only flat iron once every 3 weeks anyway and i find that the blow drying breaks my hair much worse than the flat iron, if at all. How often were you flat ironing?
My hair was doing that exact thing.

I know it was because of the flat ironing and blowdrying. I cut my hair about 3 inches in May and it really helped. I am glad you wrote this thread. I really enjoyed it.
Hi Lonei,
your reasoning gets my vote! Last weekend when it was really hot, I decided to do a BC and had my hair shaved on a No1 setting. I was shocked at first, but I have gained so much confidence in doing so. For me it is a new beginning and a chance to avoid all the obstructles to healthy long hair.

Lonei your reasoning makes sense. I am going though the same problem. I have been relaxing with no lye box relaxer for ever without any problem. Then I switch to motion mild. From that moment the texture of my hair change and the hair bcome so frizzy. My hair grew a lot for one year doing the bunning method but then suddenly my ends start to thin out when i start strechting out my relaxer ( i was trying to go natural). I cut it and I am resarting all over again. I will stick to nolye relaxer from now on and relaxer every 3 months.
blackhair said:
Lonei your reasoning makes sense. I am going though the same problem. I have been relaxing with no lye box relaxer for ever without any problem. Then I switch to motion mild. From that moment the texture of my hair change and the hair bcome so frizzy. My hair grew a lot for one year doing the bunning method but then suddenly my ends start to thin out when i start strechting out my relaxer ( i was trying to go natural). I cut it and I am resarting all over again. I will stick to nolye relaxer from now on and relaxer every 3 months.

Wow, we went through almost the same thing, good luck on your journey and stay away from motions!!!
Maybe you can also try dusting every 8 weeks...I use heat and my ends are fine :ohwell: but I also dust when needed.hth
Lonei, you are still my hair inspiration. Your hair is still so beautiful and I am sure you will enjoy the journey of growing it back. It will look even more beautiful with the extra care you will provide........
Those are great reasons you came up with Lonei. I'm a little confused on the 3 inch rollers too...please do tell.

I know I already said it, but your hair looks beautiful! I'm glad we both made the decision to chop. :lol:
The same thing happened to me before I came to LHCF.

The middle of my hair in the back was thin and see through. It was because of blowdrying. I, like you, would part in the middle and blow dry to the sides. After blowdrying to the sides, i would comb all my hair to the front :eek: with my head bent over.

You see, it HAD to be super straight and swinging. Heat protectant? oh please! Never!

I suffered with thin, see through hair because of my styling choice. Oh, and i was relaxing ever 5 - 7 weeks. Bone straight. And, like you, I glided the relaxer down the whole shaft of the hair occasionally.

Good job Lonei. Your hair looks fantastic.

I would suggest regular dustings like Dee. I happen to dust every 2 weeks or so. But, that for me. May not work with others'.
This was an awesome post. I am going to start doing some preventive measures also. Thank you Lonei. Your hair is still awesome, BTW!
goldensensation said:
Lonei, can you explain what was so bad about the 3 inch rollers? Thanks!
Ditto. Inquiring minds want to know!

Thanks Lonei for sharing your hair experience with us. You are very inspirational and I repeat, your hair is gorgeous.
goldensensation said:
Lonei, can you explain what was so bad about the 3 inch rollers? Thanks!

Yeah, because they were larger, i thought it would be so quick to set and dry, like the 2 inch grey ones. So I used really large chunks of hair, making it impossible to comb through wet, especailly using the ponytail set, it took almost twice as long to put in. Then came the drama, it couldnt even fit under the dryer properly, I had a stiff neck, I couldnt look left or right and with all the moving around I was trying to do, some of the hair actually scrapped off some of the rollers from rubbing on the sides and top of the dryer. This is where I should have just taken it out, but I hate rollersetting so much, i couldnt be bothered. After 2 hours of hell, it still wasnt dry and it was a FRIZZ BALL. So instead of only flat ironing the first few inches, i did the whole length, without extra heat protection I think, and I was so frustrated and impatient. This is when i really saw how bad the ends look, and I know that session was a major contributing factor. The pics are in the may album in lonei3. So 3 inch rollers are not bad if you are patient and comb through the hair safely and mabye have a large dryer or airdry. But airdrying this texlaxed texture was more trouble for me. Sorry to confuse you all, i hope its a little clearer now...
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I had the same problem a few months after I started using a blowdryer. You would think the fact that I was seeing hair everywhere would have been a clue for me to stop.

But, you know I have heard so many bad things about the Motions Lye. I don't use that one, but since so many people give it a thumbs down, I won't touch it.

I was thinking of switching to Lye and I am so afraid to. Do you think that a Lye relaxer is bad. I just ordered Lady Velvet lye as my 1st test, but your post makes me want to just stick with my TCB Naturals No-Lye.
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HoneyDew said:

But, you know I have heard so many bad things about the Motions Lye. I don't use that one, but since so many people give it a thumbs down, I won't touch it. :mad: I agree, IMO Motions is horrible.

I was thinking of switching to Lye and I am so afraid to. Do you think that a Lye relaxer is bad. I just ordered Lady Velvet lye as my 1st test, but your post makes me want to just stick with my TCB Naturals No-Lye.

Lye-No-lye, Lye-No-lye. I use ORS now... but that Lye, just keeps calling me man... It just keep calling me :lol:
lonei said:
Thanks brickhouse. Until this lye grows out, I will have to rollerset then flat iron slightly because it is so frizzy that if I try to comb through it, it breaks. I cant wait till I have a head full of straight no lye, then I wont have to flat iron at all, like in the april 2004 album. I only flat iron once every 3 weeks anyway and i find that the blow drying breaks my hair much worse than the flat iron, if at all. How often were you flat ironing?

Sorry I am late. Had to go to work for a little while. I was flat ironing and blow drying every week. I bought a maxiglide and went crazy.:mad: I am going to stop blowdrying all together. Everytime I blow dry my hair I have hair everywhere.
HoneyDew said:

I had the same problem a few months after I started using a blowdryer. You would think the fact that I was seeing hair everywhere would have been a clue for me to stop.

But, you know I have heard so many bad things about the Motions Lye. I don't use that one, but since so many people give it a thumbs down, I won't touch it.

I was thinking of switching to Lye and I am so afraid to. Do you think that a Lye relaxer is bad. I just ordered Lady Velvet lye as my 1st test, but your post makes me want to just stick with my TCB Naturals No-Lye.

I think, if the TCB gives you the straightness/manageability you require, then stick with it. In my experience the grass was NOT greener on the other side. If you are still adament on changing, then do a strand test and monitor it for a week or so. I think that a lot of people equate the fact that some lye relaxers dont leave your hair bone straight with meaning that your hair would be more healthy. This wasnt the fact for me, when I used lye I had no idea that it didnt straighten as well. For me, the underprocessed texture meant more heat, matting hair and overall headache...think about it carefully babe
Hi Lonei,

Thanks for this post! It was really informative for me, especially since I'm struggling with the middle of my hair. I realized that the middle section is so severely underprocessed compared to the rest (frizzy, a pain to rollerset). I've done trims to even everything, but I'm not sure how to take care of the part that's still underprocessed.

I'm cutting back on heat and wearing it down. Would you recommend going over that back section next time I relax? I hate to think that I'm losing progress back there because of this.
OneInAMillion said:
Hi Lonei,

Thanks for this post! It was really informative for me, especially since I'm struggling with the middle of my hair. I realized that the middle section is so severely underprocessed compared to the rest (frizzy, a pain to rollerset). I've done trims to even everything, but I'm not sure how to take care of the part that's still underprocessed.

I'm cutting back on heat and wearing it down. Would you recommend going over that back section next time I relax? I hate to think that I'm losing progress back there because of this.

Its a catch 22, if you do a corrective, it might break, if you dont, the fact that its hard to manage and straighten means it might break too. Its only my roots that are bone straight so i am still dealing with this underprocessed texture. i cant do a corrective as this underprocessed hair is already a corrective. Perhaps if you have never applied a relaxer over this section before (unlike me) it may be strong enough to handle it. You have to weigh it up, if you are desperate, do a strand test and wait a while to see if there are any ill effects. Good luck and god bless you...
You sound like me...sigh. Underprocessed hair = matting = breakage. I'm glad it's getter better for you now. Your hair looks good :)

What are you doing to the underprocessed parts? I have underprocessed Affirm/Mizani/Vitale hair and I don't know if I should apply the Phyto over those areas for about 5 minutes next time I relax. They are very underprocessed and it has lead to breakage. I'm thinking it would be better if I took my chances and processed it again...since I'm getting breakage by NOT doing it...hmm
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Yeah I got Processed hair here, underproc there..
Motions just didnt work for me Period..
I have had some Lye Relaxers work well for me
I just have this grass is greener attitude (that I am working on)
so even when stuff works I will stray to find something better..

Im going to try a new relaxer this weekend and see how it works.. I think between me not smoothing/processing long enough and using relaxers that arent strong enough, some parts of my hair are dastardly :lol: