By the time I have rinsed my hair, neutralized it three or four times, used the acv rinse, and the chelating shampoo, trust me, there is no trace of relaxer left. Using the reconstrutor mix immediately after rinsing the relaxer is another great tip I learned here. Because the relaxer has such a high pH, the cuticles are lifted. By applying protein at this time, the ingredients enter the hair shaft where they can do their best work. I don't use a hard core protein like Aphogee; I don't use that product at all. I use the reconstructor that comes with the relaxer kit and to it I add silk amino acids, hydrolyzed wheat protein, and panthenol making enough to use twice - once when I first rinse the relaxer and once after the shampooing.
I do not know about caring for natural hair because I've been relaxed for a couple of decades or more. I think that it would benefit your hair because products that have a higher pH, and sometimes even just the water, can cause the cuticle to lift. Porosity Control is not a harsh product. Sally's sells little sample bottles for a couple of bucks - maybe you can give it a try and see. I know from reading the boards that other natural haired ladies use far less protein than relaxed ladies, and they use this or do acv rinses, so I think you'd be safe.
Wow - that sound slike a good product to use as an alternative to PC. It has a lower pH than PC which means it's more acid. How do you like it?
The reconstructor from the kit with added silk amino acids, hydrolyzed wheat protein, and panthenol - makes a GREAT after relaxer strengthening treatment that does not revert my hair. I do use Porosity Control. Joico makes great products; I'll just bet your hair obeyed.
I have not used the Joico, but in addition to the low pH, I think it also has ceramides which are excellent for hair care. Hmmm... maybe I'll give that one a try after I use my bottle of PC - how do you like it? Does it make you hair feel really silky after you use it? PC is 4.5 pH.
The bottle says to leave on for 30 seconds; I leave it on for a couple of minutes - not long. I don't sit under the dryer as I'm using it after the dc/rinse in the shower.
I hope I've answered everyone's questions. I am by no means an expert as there are ladies here with far more years of hair experience than I have. I'm very interested in a sample of Beyond the Zone Acid Shock and especially the Joico - both of these sound like very good products.