Porn star speaks at church

i know many people (including pastors) think that the old testament is not relevant but it is, the ot taught that the temple or church needs to be sanctified for worship and only the priests of the Lord could touch certain things ... but today any old body can get up in the pulpit and talk, teach, preach and sing, God is not please with this

This right here. Nothing but truth. The entire Word of God is relevant. Nothing makes me angrier than people trying to disregard something in God's Word to justify their filthy lifestyles or twist it to make it fit their agenda.

(KJV)2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

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I'm not religious, but seriously what the heck?? :perplexed I came in expecting to see someone who had gotten out of the industry, but not only is he still in it, he doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon, if he isn't even moving in the right direction what was the purpose of this anyway? :ohwell:
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I'm not religious, but seriously what the heck?? :perplexed I came in expecting to see someone who had gotten out of the industry, but not only is he still in it, he doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon, if he isn't even moving in the right direction what was the purpose of this anyway? :ohwell:

Thank you! :yep:
I came in here expecting to read about a redeemed retired star.... They need to clean house. It looks like all the leadership is corrupt to allow this. They failed to protect the congregation from a predator. I can't even imagine how this was agreed upon. How does this edify God, or bring comfort to his people?
good question....great word... PURPOSE.

I'm not religious, but seriously what the heck?? :perplexed I came in expecting to see someone who had gotten out of the industry, but not only is he still in it, he doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon, if he isn't even moving in the right direction what was the purpose of this anyway? :ohwell:
Nothing really surprises me anymore, but this is all sorts of ridiculous.

But God sees all...