POLL TIME!!! are relaxed heads the new minority whats your status

whats your status?

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HELLO ALL whats really good... LOL:lol:

I am relaxed not bone straight but to much to be considered texlaxed
if that makes sense.I have been back and forth i unlike alot of relaxed ladies remember my har prior to my first relaxer 12 yrs old
I transitioned five months then caved i KNOW that IF i decide to go natural that i have to bc because two textures I can not handle :nono: but it seems that not to many ladies are relaxed on the forums anymore.
I would be REALLY hard for me to part with my lenght bsl healthy hair
I have discussed it with my husband he was like :shocked: :badidea:
BUT i could bc and wear my lace fronts/weaves and by the time the summer came he wouldnt even know ( i am the master of disguise) :sekret:mike myers aint got nothing on me :lachen::lachen: JUST curious about how many are relaxed, texlaxed ,transitioning or natural
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I'm natural but I get where you're coming from. It seems like everybody is either natural or transitioning or bcing. A lot of the threads that I see are usually about natural hair. Outside of the forums I would have to say that relaxed ladies are still the majority. I really don't care I like healthy hair. Sadly I never really see healthy hair outside of the forums. Relaxed or natural.

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no friend, they are not the new minority. this is a small sample of women coming on here. most of them just lurk anyway and don't want to join due to the fee.
relaxed heads seem to be the minority on the hair boards but definely not outside of here....And i am relaxed also. Im seeing more transitioning here lately it seems.
Are transitioners still considered relaxed or natural? And technically isn't texlaxed relaxed? If we add that up compared to all natural then the relaxed ladies appear to out number the naturals.
I'm transitioning, IMO I feel like in "real life" most people who relax feel like they know what they're doing which isn't true, or they either just braid their hairs away. As for naturals, most people aren't familiar with their texture so searching online for tips and styles might be the first thing they do. For transitioners, seeing on these boards that you can do so many styles with you real hair without always having a fro is definitely an encouragement.
I agree with the others, we relaxed heads may be the minority on the boards, but we're the majority IRL. I do see women going natural IRL though. Maybe 3 out of 10 BW I run into is going natural.
Are transitioners still considered relaxed or natural? And technically isn't texlaxed relaxed? If we add that up compared to all natural then the relaxed ladies appear to out number the naturals.

Well, I don't consider myself relaxed anymore since I've stopped using relaxers period. But, i do see your second point, because it's a matter of how long the relaxer is in.
When I Bc'd my man didnt know..I was the queen of wigs...even wore a wig during our "special" encounters..and @ night I wore a satin bonnet..so he didnt see my hair until I was back to @ least shoulder length (or close to it)...
When I transitioned I "warned" my husband that I was going to grow out my relaxer as long as I could stand it then BC. He gave me the side-eye at first:ohwell:, but I kept reminding him over and over so by the time I did my BC (which was 5 mths instead of 9 to 12 as I planned because I just couldn't stand the two textures anymore!!!!:spinning:)

But back to the poll -- I have "noticed" more people going natural, but I think it's because they are comfortable in approaching me because I am natural and I wear it that way 80% of the time. When I was relaxed I really didn't care much about hair boards or asking folks for hair info because I RELIGIOUSLY:meditate: got my hair professionally done. So I agree with the others that it may seem like it's the minority for relaxed heads, but I don't think so out in public.

RANT: Until salons actually train their folks to do natural hair all over the country and not just the big cities like they halfway do for chemical treatments, then I believe it may be a balance of both... you know, give folks a choice without heartburn... RANT OVER :lachen:
I've been natural for 10+ years. Over the past 2 years I have seen a significant increase in natural heads IRL but relaxed heads are still the overwhelming majority.
Are transitioners still considered relaxed or natural? And technically isn't texlaxed relaxed? If we add that up compared to all natural then the relaxed ladies appear to out number the naturals.

Texlaxed should be lumped with relaxed, IMO. But I agree about transitioners--they are on the road to natural but many of them revert back to relaxing so its hard to tell where they should go. Especially those who transition for 8 months, go to the salon, and right before they are about to BC change their minds and ask for a relaxer and roller wrap instead.

I'm not sure if transitioners are more likely to relax or go fully natural and BC though. I'm assuming the majority go natural. Maybe we need another poll for that!

As for the disparity between naturals and relaxed, I think naturals are more likely to join hair boards because we don't have as many salons or sources of information for our hair and will go searching online (which is currently the ONLY place we can gather in any substantial way), while there is a whole black cosmetology industry specializing in relaxed hair and salons on every corner that are apt to relax someone's hair. Even braiders no little about natural hair. These stylists aren't giving out very good hair advice either but women wouldn't know that unless they ventured over to these boards, and for what reason would that be when the "relax every six weeks, roller wrap every 2 weeks, grease and wrap every night" regimen is the norm?
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I'm a long term transitioner. The entire back half has no more relaxed ends. And the front has about 1.5 inches left. My last relaxer was 15 months ago.
I don't think natural will ever be the majority 1.) it's called creme crack for a reason.. some ladies are truly addicted to relaxing (I'm an ex-addict) and 2.) To have natural, cute, and healthy hair takes a lot of time, patience and re-educating ones self on how to care for their hair. A lot of ladies don't know how to care for relaxed hair so they definitely wouldn't begin to know where to start with natural hair. I think relaxer will always be the majority.
I wouldn't say relaxed is the new minority. I think it all depends on where you live. When I go home to Pittsburgh it seems like everyone is relaxed but here is the DMV I see naturals everywhere.

I also think that the numbers will eventually even out. Its great that more women feel comfortable going natural. Before I think many women felt like they didn't have a choice but to be relaxed. Now we have options because there are products for both relaxed and natural. As time goes on, those who were natural may go back to relaxers and women who said they would never go natural may eat their words. I know I had to.
I wouldn't say relaxed is the new minority. I think it all depends on where you live. When I go home to Pittsburgh it seems like everyone is relaxed but here is the DMV I see naturals everywhere. :afropick:

I also think that the numbers will eventually even out. Its great that more women feel comfortable going natural. Before I think many women felt like they didn't have a choice but to be relaxed. Now we have options because there are products for both relaxed and natural. As time goes on, those who were natural may go back to relaxers and women who said they would never go natural may eat their words. I know I had to.:afro:
I don't think natural will ever be the majority 1.) it's called creme crack for a reason.. some ladies are truly addicted to relaxing (I'm an ex-addict) and 2.) To have natural, cute, and healthy hair takes a lot of time, patience and re-educating ones self on how to care for their hair. A lot of ladies don't know how to care for relaxed hair so they definitely wouldn't begin to know where to start with natural hair. I think relaxer will always be the majority.

I agree, Missjae09, although I so hate that term, "creamy crack" :perplexed...But I understand where the term originated and it makes sense. Living in Atlanta, I see all kinds of heads, many are natural, but many more are relaxed...
I think even if the 90% of this forum was natural, it would still probably only be true about half of BW in RL. I also think that once you start transitioning, becoming natural or even if your relaxed, but you know how to spot a good head of natural hair, you start realizing it all around you. At least I know thats true for me. One of my very good friends has been natural for as long as I've known her, but I didn't really start noticing it until I found the hair boards and started transitioning myself. I know, It sounds crazy, but its true. Also it seems that I'm in a sea of relaxed heads so much, that when I see somebody with natural hair, it stands out to me. So I dont really think that there are more naturals, just more people noticing them.
I don't believe that relaxed heads are the minority; however there seems to be a big emphasis on the term "natural hair." It is talked about by most ladies at my place of employment; hair boards and media. I have been on the natural hair journey for 28 months and have no intentions of going back to a relaxer.
I don't believe that Relaxed are the new minority either simply because there are so many naturals who have gone back to relaxing their hair :blush:

Maybe 10 years ago I wouldn't have thought this but now I really do think that "being Natural" is a trend right now and "natural" or "kinky-curly" are the new buzz words!
I am natural and agree with other posters, natural hair is very common on hair boards but IRL I am greatly out numbered. The only time I see multiple natural heads at once in my community is when I go to Whole Foods or an Indian Grocery Store. :look:
They are on forums but I still get the blank and bug-eyed stares when I wear my fro IRL.

It's the internet effect. People come to boards when they have questions about going natural or about managing natural hair so that's why it seems like everyone's doing it. But IRL relaxed hair far outnumbers natural.
i think women with natural hair are catching up to the relaxed women. on the forums, but in real life? nah, most women aint letting go of their precious affirm, mizani, motions, dark & lovely, or [insert preferred brand of NaOH in box/jar].

i personally think texlaxed should be lumped with relaxers...because, ummm your curl pattern is still relaxed even if its not bone straight...but then again alot of texlaxed/texturized ladies still mistakenly believe they're natural because their hair still has some curl to it :look::ohwell::perplexed:sad::nono: