We cannot compromise with our emotions. It leads to sin and disobedience; it leads to hardening our hearts to God's voice. We will begin to 'block' Him out, for what He is asking of us, doesn't agree with our emotional perceptions.
Indeed as much as I love my children, I love their souls all the more.
Our emotions are how satan has deceived so many into compromising their stand with the Word of God; and even worse, 'missing God.'
God will also test us to see just how we are faithful to Him and what we believe Him to be in our lives.
Consider Abraham. God asked him to take Issac, his long awaited promise and 'sacrifice' him upon the altar. Broken hearted, Abraham agreed to obey the order of God. And at the very point when Abraham was about to carry out the procedure of 'sacrifice', God said, "Do not lay a hand upon the lad, for I have given you a sacrifice; a ram in the thicket."
Abraham had to trust God... period! Don't think for one minute that it was 'killing' him to have his son look up at him, knowing that his father was preparing him as a blood sacrifice. Young Issac knew what the procedure was. Issac was not put to sleep; neither was he hypnotised.
The little lad was fully awake and he knew from seeing his father performed this task many, many times, what was about to happen to him. Imagine the terror of seeing the knife coming upon him as his father raised it to complete what he was commanded to do. As heartbreaking as it was, Abraham, still followed the path of obedience. The pain of taking his son's life, killing him inside. Yet in his obedience, God stepped in with the Ram in the bush....
Any Christian parent, with a homosexual son or daughter who plan to marry into a dead zone, with another person of the same sex; one thing has to be considered.
THIS IS NOT A MARRIAGE! Not in God's eyes, God's ordain, nor that of humanity, period! The grief is not in not attending this 'farce' of demonic confusion, but in the loss of your son or daugher's soul.
As much as it grieved Abraham to place his son upon the altar of sacrifice, he still carried it out and God redeemed his son, Issac's life. Because Abraham chose not to succomb to his emotions and ignore the order of God, God then rewarded his faith by giving his son back to him.
As much as it may grieve a Christian parent to not 'be there for their son/daughter, it is better that they 'sacrifice' instead, the disappointment; the look of saddness in their child's eyes, for in turn, God will 'redeem' this son or daughter that satan tried to destroy.
Believe God as Abraham did. For did not God promise Abraham, Issac? Did not God tell Abraham and Sarah that their son would endure and be blessed; that nations would be named after him?
Parents when we have surrendered our children to the Lord, He WILL take care of them when we can't. In the same manner that we would not give our children drugs, we cannot support the sin of homosexuality and it's doom be it here on earth or in eternity.
God spoke to Abraham,
This is not your Destiny...
Likewise to our sons and daughters, "My child, this lifestyle is not your Destiny, neither is it your definement in humanity.
Take to another level. God turned away from Jesus upon the cross, momentarily, when the heaviest weight of the sins came upon Him. Yet He was always there, waiting for the very moment to redeem Him.
There comes in time in our lives when we must 'turn away' from our emotions for our children, for their greater good. We can't give in to the wims that satan has our children bound. Neither can we give into what others may say or think of us. Our focus must be to please and obey God. That's what Abraham did. He obeyed God, not folks opinions or emotions. There are no 'what if's about this.' We instead, must refrain from such and give in to God for the better of their lives.
The answer is 'No'... I would not go. Instead, I put my child under the Blood of the Real Sacrifice, the Blood of Jesus. I want my child redeemed.
The only one who disagrees is the devil; of which I could care less.