Poll: Cathy Howse vs. Hair Lady

Ok, Pandora...

I let my last post on the subject be your words.

"cathy simply saw a gap in the market and filled it! hey, that's what true entrepreneurs do. go cathy, go cathy, go go go!" /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Mindymouse, let that be your last word on this thread. It's turning into an unnecessary battle and I'm going to have to close it if this continues.
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Now this is a prime example of what just said in my last post, she read the book 3 times yet still make that lying statement, that's what makes me beleive its a personal attack againt a black woman, selling products. And if you read the book you know that she is not just selling her product she said in the book, what a good conditioner should have in it and she states SHE had not found one on the market that met that criteria so SHE created her own.

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First of all, I never said anything about what products she sell. I CAN CARE LESS! Please don't confuse my post with someone else's. I have actually tried her products and LIKED the conditioner but not the Dew which I have expressed in many posts. I really think you are starting to take things too personally and believe that YOUR opinion is the only one that counts. I have mentioned on many occasions that what products work for someone else's hair may not work for another. And...I am being truthful. I stated how I feel and THAT'S MY TRUTH. Horray! It works for you and other's but your tone and responses seem to be just as disrespectful and with attitude... just like Cathy.

I also mentioned in my reply that she had nice hair, but you are so busy gaining ammunition that you didn't read that part. It's one thing to have disagreements but to call someone a lyer for having their own opinion is childish and one-sided. Even after Pebbles told you that you were making a personal attack, you continued to do so. You are right, this is a conversation you definately can't be objective with. But...no harm done Mindymouse, because it's not that serious for me.

I just saw your posts about the thread and agree how it is getting out of hand and also will not make anymore posts on this subject. I love this forum and so far it has been enjoyable.
Hey hairfanatic,

No problem. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I understand everyone's views here, I really do. I just want all of us to agree to disagree and enjoy our time together. /images/graemlins/smile.gif No harm done. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Hair Lady has links to websites where people can order the products, surely she gets some commission for that?? and, yeah she does sell videos and books as well. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
but i think there is a difference being that these are products by different companies and easily found in stores and not too expensive. like with shamboosie who highly recommended naxxus and dudleys because this is what he used his tone was nothing else will work but nexxus humectress whereas when she suggest products she recommends them not saying your hair is in trouble or there is nothing else on the market but my product. personally i like carolyn gray's method she suggest a lot of products but the point is to find stuff that works for you and just rotate it. of course she will come out with her own oil but from reading her site she is open to using things that works for you and admitting when it doesnt. God bless you all.
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azul11 said:
but i think there is a difference being that these are products by different companies and easily found in stores and not too expensive. like with shamboosie who highly recommended naxxus and dudleys because this is what he used his tone was nothing else will work but nexxus humectress whereas when she suggest products she recommends them not saying your hair is in trouble or there is nothing else on the market but my product. personally i like carolyn gray's method she suggest a lot of products but the point is to find stuff that works for you and just rotate it. of course she will come out with her own oil but from reading her site she is open to using things that works for you and admitting when it doesnt. God bless you all.

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oh i see what you mean. if i look at it from Cathys rationale for making her conditioner she didnt see a single conditioning product that offered protein and hot oil treatment and scalp stimulation. most people do them separately, protein treatment, preshampoo hot oil and then scalp massage once or twice a week. so why not combine all three in one conditioner?? maybe she is not saying your hair will fall out if you dont use her conditioner but her book does state that there wasnt a SINGLE conditioner that catered for black hair (strengthening plus lubrication plus scalp stimulation) and since there wasnt any on the market she made her own stuff...if i ever see a gap in the hair market i will go for it. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
again, i don't see anything wrong with cathy howse having and selling products. more power to her. i think we're getting confused on the real issue. if i'm not mistaken, someone asked whose methods were better. i still believe there is no wrong or right or absolute best for everyone. we all have to use trial and error to figure what works for us.

i think there is much to be gained by learning from all willing to share their advice. as a friend recently said, how many sistahs with long hair do YOU know who won't even tell you what they're doing? i ain't mad at cathy howse. i hope she makes a grip with her products. i know people that love them. i ain't mad at robin. i know people who have used her video and learned to braid their own hair. there is NOTHING wrong with trying to make money while helping others. like they say... a win/win situation!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

mindymouse, i understand your defending cathy since what you learned from her has helped you so much, but you seem to be a smidge on the militant side though, girl. no hard feelings! here ya go...

adrienne, what is your method?? is it curl activator and vaseline on the ends always to moisturize all the time??? an enquiring mind wants to know... /images/graemlins/grin.gif
thanks, crysdon! /images/graemlins/Rose.gif i actually think that my method is most similar to robin's because i also used braids in the beginning to grow my hair long enough for a bun. the only difference is i didn't wait as long as she does to put the braids back in, and i use curl activator instead of braid spray.

pandora, when i wore braids, my method was similar to robin's. now that i'm not able to wear braids, it's the curl activator and vaseline on the ends along with the baggy trick under the drawstring ponytail. i don't have a cute, short name for it yet. lol! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Thanks, Adrienne.

I told pebbles that I would be more cordial and not so blunt, so I'm ok now. I was'nt going to post here anymore but wanted to recognize your comment to me about defending Cathy, I don't want it to be construed as defending Cathy cause like I told Pebbles I don't know her and I only been on the program since late oct, early nov.

My thing was defending BLACK WOMAN. Period. Cause I don't like it when were catty with each other. I agree the thread was about preference. I just had got heated when I found she read the book and still posted an untrue statement about the 11 years.

But I'm LOVVVVEEEE errbody here and I just wanted yall to know that. I realize now that while on any message board, there will be all types. I'm totally at fault here cause I learnt this in Counseling Class that if you a hot button for a certain thing then you should not counsel an individual concerning it . I should have applied that here and kept shut.


Again, I love you allllllllllllllllll...... /images/graemlins/smile.gif
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FORGIVE ME?? Again, I love you allllllllllllllllll......

[/ QUOTE ] Of course!! It's been cast into the sea of forgetfulness as fas as I'm concerned. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
OK, forive my ignorance but who is the Hair Lady? I am famility with Cathy Howe but not the Hair Lady.

As an aside, I was in Whole Foods last week and saw a pretty extensive collection of Crown and Glory products. I actually bough the hair oil for African hair (that name cracks me up) and another product which is like a pomeade, but has no mineral oil/pertolatum. All of the products had wonderful ingrediants klike various oils and herbs that we speak about frequently. Is the Hair Lady related to these products in any way? I would like to know more about her technique.

You can find out more about the hair lady from this site


I am currently growing my hair in braids. I follow some of the methods but not all. I have read Cathy Howse's book (borrowed of a friend) and yes she has some ideas but overall I pick what I like.
I personally tried the Cathy Howse Method a couple of years ago, with Success. But even as I read the Crown and Glory Technique I see many parallels, and (even though she wasn't mentioned) Wanakee's.

It seems that all these methods are very strong about KEEPING THE HAIR MOISTURIZED. Now Crown and Glory believes in braids as a "protective" style, and Wanakee was a huge advocate of Protective styles so that is another similarity.

Cathy Howse does not mention protective styling but she does advocate (like the other two women) moisture, moisture, moisture.

I think if you are a beginner to hair care, Cathy Howse book is a great primer to get you started on developing a routine for yourself.

But I have to say, I like the methods of all three ladies because basically they say the same things:

1. Wash hair every 3 days, or at the VERY least once per week

2. Make sure to condition after every wash


now they do disagree on how often to trim, protective styles etc. But I think the top 3 things they agree upon will really help someone to RETAIN length. As for protective styles, I am a fan, they work for me /images/graemlins/grin.gif So I can't choose (LOL) I think both their methods make sense, I think it just depends on what you have time for.

Also, someone here asked "If you don't shave your armpit hair for a year would it be down to your waist" The answer is no. The reason is because the body hair (eyebrows, eyelashes, arm hair, and pubic hair) grow and shed at completly different rates than scalp hair, so they (body hair) can not really be compared to scalp hair. For example eyebrow hair will only last about 5 months, then they shed and the growth starts again, which explains why eyebrow hairs don't grow to our chins.

I was also relieved to read that the Telogen phase (the resting phase) of hair only lasts for 3 months. This opens my eyes to the possiblity of how long a person's hair really can grow. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Anywhoo, in short (LOL) I think both methods are great and then a person can tweak them to see what works specifically for them.
Thanks smlwndr for the question, and thanks to Londongirl for posting the link. I also didn't know who the hair lady is and was going to get around to asking eventually. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I prefer Cathy Howse's method of hair growth because she teaches you how to take care of your own hair. Prior to reading Howse's book, a conditioner was a conditioner to me. I did not know the difference between Protein, Rinse, Moisture and etc.

I find that Robin's method is more of relying on braids to obtain hair growth, but that's just my opinion. But, how can braids grow one's hair. Hair grows anyway right?! Do you guys believe Robin's hair would have grown that long without the assistance of braids if she cared for her hair? Do you think the braid reduced hair breakage on the ends? If it did, wouldn't one who took great care of their hair (ends) be able to retain the same amount of length as Robin w/Braids?

&lt;----Need expertise hair advice regarding questions above.
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I just had got heated when I found she read the book and still posted an untrue statement about the 11 years.

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I said that I was through posting but since you insist on picking me out, I have something for you. Maybe this will help you to see where the information came from...Cathy's Own Mouth.

Click on the link and scroll down to the bottom where she states

"Eleven years later. This is the photo from the inside cover of the 2000 edition: Ultra Black Hair Growth II - the only proven black hair growth system!" And...if you look at the "after" picture that you posted, she actually says..."12 years later-September 2001".


I think that Cathy Howes said that she started her hair journey in 1986 or 1987. From her pictures, her hair is pretty long by 1993. She even says herself that it did not take her that long to grow her hair. I believe that's what Mindymouse is basing her statements on. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks LondonGirl! OK, I really need to proof read my posts before sending them!! I know I said I was ignorant, but I didn't mean that I couldn't spell. What the heck is "famility"?? I meant familiar. /images/graemlins/smile.gif lol.

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I think that Cathy Howes said that she started her hair journey in 1986 or 1987. From her pictures, her hair is pretty long by 1993. She even says herself that it did not take her that long to grow her hair. I believe that's what Mindymouse is basing her statements on.

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That's true Pebbles but I'm not basing it on how long it is now but basing this statement on the after picture that was posted.
I think braids help to grow hair because you stop messing with it. You don't have to style it, comb it , brush it or apply heat to it. All these processes are avoided and therefore braids help to conserve your hair ends and allow your hair to retain it's length (Therefore you can SEE the growth)

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Do you guys believe Robin's hair would have grown that long without the assistance of braids if she cared for her hair?

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I think braids eliminate the need for hair to be constantly handled which is the key point to the crown and glory technique. I do think that it is a possibility(slim but possible)that her hair could grow long without the braids but the braids are an aid.

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If it did, wouldn't one who took great care of their hair (ends) be able to retain the same amount of length as Robin w/Braids?

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Theoretically yes. I guess some ladies who have had success using other non-braiding methods would be better placed to guide you.

My only problem has been chewed up ends which I undo with an elasticizer.
Thank Pebbles, I was just going to say that.
I think in the book she said after 11 years she's still growing.