Please talk me off the ledge....


Well-Known Member
because I really want to BC soooooo badly. After seeing all of these ladies Bcing I've gotten the itch and it just won't go away (I mean why postpone the inevitable???). I was hoping to make it to June, which I think will make me one year w/out a relaxer (I really don't remember when my last relaxer was). Here are some pics. Do ya'll think I have enough new growth to BC. I have an odd elongated face so I'm worried that I may look really odd with really short hair.....:lachen:


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I think that your hair is beautiful and if you feel like you're ready then go for it.Now,since it's Winter and some people like to be in protective styles then maybe you could get some braids and by the time it's time to take them down you would be closer to your original Goal Month...Good luck.

Btw..Your face looks fine Girl..
I am sure others will chime in here, but I will say that it is a mind set you have to change versus your hair.

You have to be comfortable and confident with whatever you decide to do. I don't think it would be a ledge to talk you down from or if you need to be talked out of it. More of how are you mentally going into this decision.

We have many women who have gone BC and love it. I don't believe we have many that have said they hated it and won't do it ever again.

Ask yourself are you ready to do this?
Do you have the support you need if you choose to BC? That answer is yes, because no matter which way you go we will support you! :yep:
Am I ready to deal with the BC and all its adventures?
Do I at least think I have the stamina and patience this is going to require in dealing with this adventure?
I think once you really determine these answers you will know what to do.

Be blessed and enjoy your decision whatever you decide we are right along side you ALL the way. :grin:
I think that your hair is beautiful and if you feel like you're ready then go for it.Now,since it's Winter and some people like to be in protective styles then maybe you could get some braids and by the time it's time to take them down you would be closer to your original Goal Month...Good luck.

Btw..Your face looks fine Girl..

Thanks...:blush: See... I'm thinking about doing the braids thing until it get swarmer. The problem is that I'm so frustrated right now with my relaxed ends because they are overprocessed, and breaking. I just feel like they are holding me back.
I am sure others will chime in here, but I will say that it is a mind set you have to change versus your hair.

You have to be comfortable and confident with whatever you decide to do. I don't think it would be a ledge to talk you down from or if you need to be talked out of it. More of how are you mentally going into this decision.

We have many women who have gone BC and love it. I don't believe we have many that have said they hated it and won't do it ever again.

Ask yourself are you ready to do this? yes
Do you have the support you need if you choose to BC? That answer is yes, because no matter which way you go we will support you! :yep: My, family, friends and SO aren't too supportive about me cutting my hair
Am I ready to deal with the BC and all its adventures? yes
Do I at least think I have the stamina and patience this is going to require in dealing with this adventure? Yes (i'm actually looking forward to it). I bced my litter sister a couple of days ago and I've gotten to see the difference in her hair fisthand.
I think once you really determine these answers you will know what to do.

Be blessed and enjoy your decision whatever you decide we are right along side you ALL the way. :grin:

Really good advice.. thanks
Do it- even if you realize you don't like short hair after you've done it - you still have enough hair to do the braid thing for a while until you get comfortable wearing your natural hair out.
I'm not going to talk you off the ledge, in fact, I think I might encourage you to jump. :grin::grin::grin: If you are tired of your relaxed ends then go ahead and do the BC, just be prepared to wear a TWA or BAA (BIG *** Afro), depending on how much you cut, until you figure other ways of wearing your beautiful all natural hair.
Let me first start off by saying that your hair is beautiful. :)

I was just like you, except I went ahead and took the jump by just shaving it all off!! :shocked: I don't see the harm in doing the BC now. ;)