I am going to relax...talk me off the ledge....

Shoot I am almost 2 years relaxer free (1 year natural) and my hair is about that length. I think you are doing well. I know I was striving for APL too but I don't think type 4 hair makes it to APL as fast sometimes. Anyways I agree with the people who are saying it's your decision.

BTW- you keep saying your ends are snapping. are you combing your hair while wet or dry? While natural hair dry combing, I don't recommend. I just recently got a conair knock off denman and went back to using that to de tangle my hair while it is wet and saturated in condish and I love it. De tangling is a breeze. I only comb or de tangle soaking wet hair with product for slip. Also how often are you DC and moisturizing and sealing?
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I am a work in progress...I know we all are! I am going to gather up some info, put together a regi and stick to it, I am also setting the goal to be SL by my birthday Nov 30!! Its on, I went and got some castor oil and plan on taking my weave down, saturating my hair with castor oil, deep conditioning, braiding and re-installing! Thank you all again. If you didnt know now you know you are the BESTEST!!!!! My favorite cousins!!!