Please say yes!


Well-Known Member

I am crushing hard on this guy who's office that I go to for business. He has flirted with me on and off, but nothing more. He did tell me to call him if I need anything, but he didn't give me a personal number. I would have to go through the office and don't want to do that. I went to this office today and he gave me the "look" as I was leaving. I soo want to approach him, but don't know how. Should I email him on Facebook (He's not a Facebook friend) or should I just wait until he does something. I really want to email him to subtlely let him know that I am interested. Should I? Help!
Hmmmm....if its that obvious, let him come to you. He will come...
When he gives you these looks what do you do?
Hmmmm....if its that obvious, let him come to you. He will come...
When he gives you these looks what do you do?

I usually give him the look back, but today he did it as I was walking out the door. So, I didn't give one back today.
He might just be flirty.
If you're really interested, make a commonality between you two known, if he's really interested he'll try to go for it. Hope you're outcome is favorable. :up:
If he was that into you he would have initiated something already. Sounds like he's already in a relationship or married because he's trying to keep the flirting at the office.
Leave him alone. He sound like he's married or in a relationship. He's just flirting. Sometimes, people flirt with no intentions on taking it any further.
He sounds lame; hinting at stuff but never any follow through. I wouldn't give him any time of day if I were you.

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I'm agreeing with the others.....He's just flirting 'cause he's already attached to someone else. I hate men that do this!

Bummer! These men!!!
you ladies slay me

so if i guy doesnt pounce on you that means he just not interested or married or in a relationship?

op: i would try to have a general conversation with him one that maybe could last more then 2 min this way you can get a feel if he is any of the above. Shoot the breeze with him talk about general things the news the weather anything to get him to communicate past looking at you and saying hi and bye
How about you try to develop an attitude of indifference towards him? Even if you are crushing, pretend you are indifferent, because you don't know if he is available or not and for some reason he isn't making a proper move.
Exchange polite greetings when you meet and limit it to that, or stick to business whe you converse. If he wants to talk about more or wants to pursue you, let him lead. I'm not a fan of women pursuing men and never have been. I firmly believe if he is interested in you, he will make it known.
I agree with everyone else. Don't make the first actual move. You can flirt subtley but do not offer your number or call him.

Usually if a guy likes you and doesn't make a move he's probably either too shy to make the "first" move, he's in a relationship, he's just flirting out of habit or he's just not interested.

Even if he likes you but he's shy he will still make a move as long as he knows you're interested. If he doesn't, then you probably don't want a wimp like that anyway LOL. Seriously though, he'll know this by YOUR subtle flirting.

I honestly believe that the majority of men love the chase. He'll think of you more like a prize if he had to put in some work to get you. Yes, you will hear some men say they like women to make the first move. But that's not the majority.
you ladies slay me

so if i guy doesnt pounce on you that means he just not interested or married or in a relationship?

where did you get pounce him from?

Dude didnt even give OP a personal #.

then again women acting like groupies seems to be the in thing now

do you OP..let us know how it goes being the one to put yourself out there instead o vice versa :look:
where did you get pounce him from?

Dude didnt even give OP a personal #.

then again women acting like groupies seems to be the in thing now

do you OP..let us know how it goes being the one to put yourself out there instead o vice versa :look:

but dude works in an office where she goes for business from that i just assumed they havent had any real time for communication past business situations this is why he said call me if you need something involving what line of business he is in.

now had the story went like ...i went to this accountant to get my taxes done and a cute assistant gave me a few looks and his home number dude:perplexed:perplexed:perplexed would have been called all types of things for trying to pick up someone while he was at work :yep::yep:

so to me if he is in his working environment he is playing his cards right by not getting to personal with her. It really doesnt mean that he is a creepy guy just messing with her and has a wife and ten kids at home. although he could be thats why i suggested a general conversation.
you ladies slay me

so if i guy doesnt pounce on you that means he just not interested or married or in a relationship?

op: i would try to have a general conversation with him one that maybe could last more then 2 min this way you can get a feel if he is any of the above. Shoot the breeze with him talk about general things the news the weather anything to get him to communicate past looking at you and saying hi and bye

:look: This dude has done NOTHING to show that he is interested in her. There are men that will flirt with grandmothers. Does that mean they want to be in a relationship with them?? Women need to stop setting themselves up for failure and a broken heart. :nono: We make this way harder than it has to be!!! If he wanted to date you he would have gotten your number or something. Period. He has had ample opportunity. At this point, if you are willing to approach him and risk him having no interest in you then go for it.
:look: This dude has done NOTHING to show that he is interested in her. There are men that will flirt with grandmothers. Does that mean they want to be in a relationship with them?? Women need to stop setting themselves up for failure and a broken heart. :nono: We make this way harder than it has to be!!! If he wanted to date you he would have gotten your number or something. Period. He has had ample opportunity. At this point, if you are willing to approach him and risk him having no interest in you then go for it.

She is not engaging with this man in a normal enviorment HE IS AT WORK at his job making a living doing whatever should he be giving out his home number while doing it

should a women openly accept a man advances while he is on his job i think guys that hit on women while working are board and just doing whatever to past the time.

like ups workers, train conductors, bus drives, utilty workers and construction workers
^Simple suggestion to lunch to discuss "so and so" would have suffice.

If he wants to get with OP while still maintaining professionalism, he knows what to do

this sudden madness of women "helping" men play their roles is hilariously sad to me
She is not engaging with this man in a normal enviorment HE IS AT WORK at his job making a living doing whatever should he be giving out his home number while doing it

should a women openly accept a man advances while he is on his job i think guys that hit on women while working are board and just doing whatever to past the time.

like ups workers, train conductors, bus drives, utilty workers and construction workers

We really need to stop making excuses for men! "He was at work so he couldn't holler?" :perplexed Come on. There are many discreet ways that he could have approached OP if he was interested in her. Let's be real! If a man wants something he will get it by any means necessary.
^Simple suggestion to lunch to discuss "so and so" would have suffice.

If he wants to get with OP while still maintaining professionalism, he knows what to do

this sudden madness of women "helping" men play their roles is hilariously sad to me

and to me he did the most professional thing "call me if you need anything on my job"

this way he could not have been accused of hitting on her or whatever or possibly taking advantage of her situation you dont even know what his office policies are he could have be fired for even giving her a look

oh i get it so a man in a professional situation should put his profession on the line to try to get to know a women he sees come in and out his office ( sounds like a winner)
FelaShrine;16573055[B said:
]^Simple suggestion to lunch to discuss "so and so" would have suffice.[/B]

If he wants to get with OP while still maintaining professionalism, he knows what to do

this sudden madness of women "helping" men play their roles is hilariously sad to me


OP doesn't have to flat out ask for the man's home telephone number or openly flirt back to see where his head is at.

If she extends a friendly invite and he turns her down, then she has her answer with her dignity in tact.
We really need to stop making excuses for men! "He was at work so he couldn't holler?" :perplexed Come on. There are many discreet ways that he could have approached OP if he was interested in her. Let's be real! If a man wants something he will get it by any means necessary.

so call me if you need anything wasnt discreet SHE DOESNT HAVE BUSSINESS WITH HIM directly so why would she need him

i'm dont make excuses for no human being but im not a part of the all man are the same hatting anything thing that looks like me club yall want to go in on ole dude cause he was at work and like i said if the situation was the exact opposite yall would have still went in the same way.

what would have been an acceptable approach to you
so if i guy doesnt pounce on you that means he just not interested or married or in a relationship?

Yes, yes and yes...

I was in our building parking lot (back in my stellar employment days).

I was walking to my car, a guy ran up towards me, trying to introduce himself. I gave him the if-you-dont-get-out-of-my-face-look; didnt deter him. I caved/gave him the number.

We dated off and on ~ coincidentally he was my best catch, in life...

So, yeah if they want you, they pursue you - simple as that :yep::yep::yep:

OP doesn't have to flat out ask for the man's home telephone number or openly flirt back to see where his head is at.

If she extends a friendly invite and he turns her down, then she has her answer with her dignity in tact.

exactly this is why i suggested a brief conversation
Yes, yes and yes...

I was in our building parking lot (back in my stellar employment days).

I was walking to my car, a guy ran up towards me, trying to introduce himself. I gave him the if-you-dont-get-out-of-my-face-look; didnt deter him. I caved/gave him the number.

We dated off and on ~ coincidentally he was my best catch, in life...

So, yeah if they want you, they pursue you - simple as that :yep::yep::yep:

but you were in your building parking lot you were not sitting at your desk trying to work
Aww.. this thread dashed my hopes:nono: I'm crushing hard on the Garda guy who I see maybe once a month for 2-5 minutes. But for those 2-5 minutes, I'm in heaven...:grin:
^Simple suggestion to lunch to discuss "so and so" would have suffice.

If he wants to get with OP while still maintaining professionalism, he knows what to do

this sudden madness of women "helping" men play their roles is hilariously sad to me

Thank you :clap: I couldn't agree more.
so call me if you need anything wasnt discreet SHE DOESNT HAVE BUSSINESS WITH HIM directly so why would she need him

i'm dont make excuses for no human being but im not a part of the all man are the same hatting anything thing that looks like me club yall want to go in on ole dude cause he was at work and like i said if the situation was the exact opposite yall would have still went in the same way.

what would have been an acceptable approach to you

An acceptable approach would be to walk her to the exit where they could have privacy and express his intentions. Not hard, not unprofessional. Him flirting and then saying bye when she leaves means NOTHING. People flirt all the time.

Yes, yes and yes...

I was in our building parking lot (back in my stellar employment days).

I was walking to my car, a guy ran up towards me, trying to introduce himself. I gave him the if-you-dont-get-out-of-my-face-look; didnt deter him. I caved/gave him the number.

We dated off and on ~ coincidentally he was my best catch, in life...

So, yeah if they want you, they pursue you - simple as that :yep::yep::yep:

The bolded is really the bottom line. If other women don't want to believe that then oh well. :lol: I'm done with it.