Please Pray! Sudanese Woman Sentenced to Death for Christian Faith

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
She was imprisoned with her 20 month old son for not renouncing her faith and was sentenced to death.

Hours after a Sudanese court sentenced his pregnant wife to death when she refused to recant her Christian faith, her husband told CNN he feels helpless.

"I'm so frustrated. I don't know what to do," Daniel Wani told CNN on Thursday. "I'm just praying."

This week a Khartoum court convicted his wife, Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, 27, of apostasy, or the renunciation of faith.

Ibrahim is Christian, her husband said. But the court considers her to be Muslim.

The court also convicted her of adultery and sentenced her to 100 lashes because her marriage to a Christian man is considered void under Sharia law.

The court gave her until Thursday to recant her Christian faith -- something she refused to do, according to her lawyer.

During Thursday's sentencing hearing, a sheikh told the court "how dangerous a crime like this is to Islam and the Islamic community," said attorney Mohamed Jar Elnabi, who's representing Ibrahim.

"I am a Christian," Ibrahim fired back, "and I will remain a Christian."

Her legal team says it plans to appeal the verdict, which drew swift condemnation from human rights organizations around the world.

In the meantime, Ibrahim, who is eight months' pregnant, remains in prison with her 20-month-old son.

"She is very strong and very firm. She is very clear that she is a Christian and that she will get out one day," Elnabi told CNN from Sudan.

Ibrahim was born to a Sudanese Muslim father and an Ethiopian Orthodox mother. Her father left when she was 6 years old, and Ibrahim was raised by her mother as a Christian.

However, because her father was Muslim, the courts considered her to be the same, which would mean her marriage to a non-Muslim man is void.

The case, her lawyer said, started after Ibrahim's brother filed a complaint against her, alleging that she had gone missing for several years and that her family was shocked to find she had married a Christian man.

She recently gave birth:

She needs our prayers now more than ever!
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Dear God,

Look with mercy and pity upon your servant Meriam Yehya Ibrahim who has stood up for You and held fast to her faith, even under pain of death. Like the Sadrach, Meshach and Abednego, you stood in the fire with them, and not a hair on their head was scorched. Lord, show Your great power and mercy. Reverse this decision and allow Your obedient daughter to practice her faith in peace.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, o prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Father in the Name of Jesus: We bow our hearts, asking for you to come to the rescue of this dear woman who shows no shame in Jesus Christ, our Lord and your faithful Son of Mercy.

Do not let these terrorists have their way. Rebuke them, renounce them, restrain them from being able to take the life of this woman nor the life of any other. This woman stands strong in her faith in you. She is a strong and beautiful testimony of not denying who you are and that of your strength and power here on earth as it is in Heaven.

Father calm her soul, her spirit, her heart. Set her free from the terror and the anxieties that lay in wait to torment her. Show yourself mighty and strong and let these enemies know that they do not rule, but you do as the Lord God All Mighty.

Hover over her with your tender mercies, let not the threats overpower her will to trust in you. Strengthen her heart, body and soul. Deny her not your rescue, nor the gifts of life and the gift of mothering her precious children and being a loving wife to her husband.

End this treachery now and please let it end with her life still flowing and growing upon the earth. She shall not be their trophy, but yours.

In Jesus' Name we praise, honor and thank you. Amen and Amen.
People that kill us believe that they do God service. I do not want this magnificent lady to die. This is a sign of the last days. Iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold. I believe that there will be some additional persecution because of our refusal to embrace the gay agenda. She and her children are in prison. She is refusing to bow to Baal. The pilgrims came to America because of the Church of England. This was Henry's creation (8th). The separation from the Catholic Church, made himself the head of the church and able to marry Anne Boelyn and finally get a divorce. I digress. They did not want to support a church they did not wish to obey. Recant or die. Do they plan to put the children to death? This is just horrible.
I'm not sure I follow Anne Boleyn analogy and am absolutely sure that I prefer these times over the ancient times of christian persecution. It was no joke. But I did hear that conversions were protected by their constitution. She should be released immediately. But, of course, they want to make an example out of her probably because there are many converting there.
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I'm not sure I follow Anne Boleyn analogy, but I did here that conversions were protected by their constitution. She should be released immediately. But, of course, they want to make an example out of her probably because there are many converting there.

Do you care to elaborate?
Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus. I call the attention of Daniel Wani and his wife Meriam Yehya Ibrahim. What this court is doing is evil in your eyes. Let the judge, the court, the assistants, all who are involved in the judicial system, get no rest in Jesus Name, if they have to get the Jacob treatment, the road to Damascus treatment, so be it. This is for all of those who are persecuted because of the Mighty Name of Jesus. We command Michael and the other warrior angels to got and encamp and her and her family and if the court insists on carrying out her sentence. Let they know that they are dealing the Mighty Jesus Christ. She and her family will be free in Jesus Name. She and her family will not die, but live and serve the Lord. Lord I pray that all who are praying for her, let our prayers be hot boiling prayers. Let the demons be troubled, let their paths be slippery and dark and let them meet our God, mighty in battle. We call upon the Lord of Hosts, the King of Glory. We thank you in the mighty Name of Jesus.
I just read something where the baby has been sentenced to death. I also saw that the Mother's in this culture are to breast feed the child for two years first. I guess they have to eat for two years. Then they will be strong enough to get murdered.
I just read something where the baby has been sentenced to death. I also saw that the Mother's in this culture are to breast feed the child for two years first. I guess they have to eat for two years. Then they will be strong enough to get murdered.

This just makes no sense. Kill the child? Neither the child nor the mother deserves this insane treatment.

Thank you for sharing as this gives me more to pray about. Neither this woman nor this child shall die at the hands of these terrorists. :nono:

In Jesus' name, I continue pray and to believe in His undying mercies. Amen.
This is just ridiculous. This is what you call a high moral tone. There is nothing moral about this. The child has to be nursed and weaned. Then...........we will execute it. The mind set of these folks. I am glad to be a Christian. Now this is what you call bondage.
UPDATE! Belle Du Jour

Sudanese woman sentenced to die for Christian faith to be freed, report says
Published May 31, 2014

The Sudanese woman sentenced to death earlier this month after refusing to renounce her Christian faith will reportedly be freed in the next few days.

A foreign ministry official told the BBC that Meriam Ibrahim, 27, is guaranteed religious freedom in the country, despite a judge's earlier ruling that she should be hanged for apostasy.

Ibrahim gave birth to a girl early Tuesday at a prison clinic in Omdurman, near Khartoum, one of her attorneys told by phone.

She also faces 100 lashes for adultery – for being intimate with her husband, Daniel Wani, who fled to the United States as a child to escape the civil war in southern Sudan, but later returned.

International outrage against Ibrahim’s sentence has grown significantly in recent weeks, as more than a million people signed online petitions protesting the sentence. One such effort on has garnered more than 630,000 signatures as of Friday, and Amnesty International officials have characterized the punishment doled out by a judge to be a “flagrant breach” of international human rights law. It’s also a violation of Sudan’s own Constitution, according to the State Department.

It is not clear what diplomatic pressure the U.S. can bring to bear on Khartoum. Although American taxpayers send roughly $300 million per year in economic aid, the help is largely in the form of food and medicine. Cutting it off would only hurt the people, and not the regime of President Omar al-Bashir, who has been indicted as a war criminal by the International Criminal Court.

Fox News' Joshua Rhett Miller contributed to this report
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I just saw this thread, but I had followed the story.
It is Amazing that she will be released. She never bowed down and was prepared to die for Christ. God is faithful.
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Praise be to God! He is faithful and most worthy of all praise.

I think she and her husband should leave Sudan though...
There have been breaking developments in Meriam Ibrahim's death penalty case over the weekend.

First, a senior Sudanese official stated that Sudan was set "to free" Meriam.

Now, Sudan is retracting that statement, saying instead that it will wait for a court to rule on her appeal.

There is no doubt Sudan is trying to stop the growing wave of international pressure.

As her attorneys in Sudan said, "It's a statement to silence the international media. This is what the government does."

We must not be silenced.

We're redoubling our efforts around the globe. Sudan is cracking under the pressure.

But if we let up, Meriam will be executed for her Christian faith and her two American children in prison with her will be turned over to radical Islamists.

Don't be silenced. Be heard.
It looks like she is now really free:

Praise God. He proved His faithfulness again.

Lady Belle :love2: Thank you for your steadfast faithfullness with this and all of the updates for us.

It's far beyond awesome to see what the power of prayer - yielding the ultimate power of God, can do, especially when it tears down the prison walls of even the most brutal of those who yield terror.

Father we bow humbly before you in thanksgiving beyond words for this miracle of setting this woman free for she chose to honor you and she stood for this faithfully. You delivered her as you did Daniel from the lions, the three Hebrew men from the firey furnace, your Apostles from the viper, the storms, prisions... and us from hell because of the Cross.

We take you not for granted. In you we believe because there is no other God, other than you.
"Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, 27, reunited with her husband after getting out of custody, said her lawyer, Mohaned Mustafa El-Nour. An appeals court found that an initial judgment against her was faulty, he said."

Please keep ain't over. I hope they can leave Sudan with full U.S. passage. I couldn't previously put my finger on it because the articles were so scance, but it appears they are political scapegoats under the guise of being religious infidels. SMH. Jealousy and hypocrisy! N. Sudan and S. Sudan are on the verge of all-out civil war, again. Maybe they are using this to get help from the Arabized nations? I dunno. Call for more arms by showing how there are religious defectors? :nono::nono: They had money, christians and S. Sudanese/1/2 Ethiopian Orthodox. :rolleyes: Someone was looking to get them for a few years.

Fox News Excerpt:

Ibrahim's husband, Daniel Wani, holds dual U.S.-Sudanese citizenship, and Ibrahim's supporters argued that their children, including a daughter named Maya born in prison in May and a 20-month-old boy named Martin who was imprisoned with her, are U.S. citizens.

Sources close to the situation tell that Ibrahim was whisked away to a confidential location and that her lawyers will be meeting with representatives from the U.S. Embassy on Tuesday.

“This is a huge first step,” said Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee's Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organization Subcommittee. “But the second step is that Ms. Ibrahim and her husband and their children be on a plane heading to the United States.”

Ibrahim and Wani were married in a formal ceremony in 2011 and operate several businesses, including a farm, south of Khartoum, the country’s capital.

Wani fled to the United States as a child to escape the civil war in southern Sudan, but later returned. He is not permitted to have custody of his son because the boy is considered Muslim and cannot be raised by a Christian man.

Ibrahim’s case first came to the attention of authorities in August, after members of her father’s family complained that she was born a Muslim but married a Christian man. The relatives claimed her birth name was “Afdal” before she changed it to Meriam and produced a document that indicated she was given a Muslim name at birth. Her attorney has alleged the document was a fake.

Ibrahim says her mother was an Ethiopian Christian and her father a Muslim who abandoned the family when she was a child. Ibrahim was initially charged with having illegitimate sex last year, but she remained free pending trial. She was later charged with apostasy and jailed in February after she declared in court that Christianity was the only religion she knew.

“I was never a Muslim,” she told the Sudanese high court. “I was raised a Christian from the start.”

Sudan’s penal code criminalizes the conversion of Muslims to other religions, which is punishable by death. Muslim women in Sudan are further prohibited from marrying non-Muslims, although Muslim men are permitted to marry outside their faith. Children, by law, must follow their father’s religion.

The American Center for Law and Justice, which gathered some 320,000 signatures in an online petition for Ibrahim, praised the decision but called for the U.S. to help her.

"Her release from a Sudanese prison is a critical step toward securing her freedom and safety," said ACLJ Executive Director Jordan Sekulow. "We now call on the Obama Administration to examine all possibilities to ensure that Meriam and her two American children are granted safe passage and immediate legal status in the United States."

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JB, thank you so much for posting the story. I was able to copy these pictures of her from my daughter's Facebook page.

She is such a beautiful woman. I love her wedding photo. She's lost a lot of weight being imprisoned, as well as her baby. I pray and thank God for their nourishment and health totally restored. Thanking Jesus in His wonderful name. Amen.

They just rearrested her at the Khartoum airport!

Father we come against this terrorist nonsense in the Name of Jesus. You said in your Word that you would not bring us to shame. How dare they rescind this woman's freedom... how dare they!

In the name of Jesus' if this be true, Father I ask that you have her protected and released immediately in the name of Jesus! And I humbly thank you for this in Jesus' Name, Amen.
She should have been escorted by the U.S. Embassy. Why didn't they give her asylum? I'm so tired of this supposed "islamic honor." It's bogus. The woman is married and has a family. What "rights" does her family have over her anymore? The right to have vengeance? Honor...they want the right to kill her. They are evil and full of hatred.

On Tuesday, a man who says he is Ibrahim's brother, Al-Samani Al-Hadi, slammed the appellate court's decision and talked of vengeance.
"The family is unconvinced by the court's decision. We were not informed by the court that she was to be released; this came as a surprise to us," Al-Hadi said. "The law has failed to uphold our rights.
"This is now an issue of honor. The Christians have tarnished our honor, and we will know how to avenge it.
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In the event they are safely exited from Sudan, I ask that prayers continue for their continued safety here in the U.S. They will not be out of harm's way as there are plenty of people who would help their family carry out their honor killing here.