Shimmie, I am praying for you and your family. ((((HUGS)))) to you during this time of sorrow.
I can't imagine the pain of losing my mum. God bless you Shimmie. I'm glad your mum went to be with the Lord peacefully. *HUGS*
Earth has no sorrow heaven cannot heal.
My prayers are with you Shimmie, I firmly believe that God will provide you with the comfort you need.
oh no I am so sorry to hear this:cry:

It is devastating to lose a parent even if you are somewhat prepared for it.

Prayers to you Sister Shimmie..we love you
I know there are no words to express the pain of losing a mother. But I do know that Love never dies. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers!

I pray you will be engulfed in the Love, Comfort and Blessing of the Lord, Jesus Christ!

I've always seen you minister comfort & peace to those who were hurting on this board, and it's good to see that you're reaping what you've sown to others on here!! My prayer for you is Isaiah 61:3 -that the Father would bestow on you a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair...I pray that God would bring you and your family much comfort, much peace, and much strength during this very difficult time that you & your family are going through. I hope you continue to feel our prayers!! :hug2:

I know you don't know me but back in 2007 I was going through a terrible relationship. I was feeling so lost and distraught when I posted in the Christian forum looking for some advice and direction.

Well you gave me strength to tackle my situation head on and gave me what I needed with your sage advice.
Your kind words and your prayers are what got me through that dark period, those tough days and nights.
You will never know the effect that you had on my life by being there for me in my hour of need.

So now, during this trying time in your life, I would like to return the favor by offering you my prayers and my support.

I am so sorry to hear about your mother passing.
I know that you know she is with her King.
Be comforted in knowing that you will see her again one day and that she is happy and safe in the arms of the Lord.

Please continue to be strong and as always, keep the faith.
I will be praying for you and your family.

Your sister in Christ,

I've always seen you minister comfort & peace to those who were hurting on this board, and it's good to see that you're reaping what you've sown to others on here!! My prayer for you is Isaiah 61:3 -that the Father would bestow on you a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair...I pray that God would bring you and your family much comfort, much peace, and much strength during this very difficult time that you & your family are going through. I hope you continue to feel our prayers!! :hug2:

I know you don't know me but back in 2007 I was going through a terrible relationship. I was feeling so lost and distraught when I posted in the Christian forum looking for some advice and direction.

Well you gave me strength to tackle my situation head on and gave me what I needed with your sage advice.
Your kind words and your prayers are what got me through that dark period, those tough days and nights.
You will never know the effect that you had on my life by being there for me in my hour of need.

So now, during this trying time in your life, I would like to return the favor by offering you my prayers and my support.

I am so sorry to hear about your mother passing.
I know that you know she is with her King.
Be comforted in knowing that you will see her again one day and that she is happy and safe in the arms of the Lord.

Please continue to be strong and as always, keep the faith.
I will be praying for you and your family.

Your sister in Christ,

This is beautiful....Shimmie is gonna cry, I just know it :love3:
Shimmie, I can't even begin to express my sincerest condolences to you, who have been so kind and so giving to so many women here and in your real-life interactions. You are truly a blessing to so many women, and I am always convicted and inspired by the ways that you witness on this forum. You have encouraged so many women and I am always touched by the words you speak/type. I have deep respect and admiration for you. You are a true testament to the fact that if you teach a child in the way he should go, he will never depart from it. Your blessed mother taught you the way that you should go, and not only have you not strayed, but also, you have kept others on that same path. I will keep you in my prayers but I rejoice for the life that she led and the life that she continues to lead in the Lord. I rejoice that even when you don't feel equipped to handle the pain of her transition, that God will lift you up and strengthen you. I hope that we can help carry your burden as you have done for so many women here. I say this with much love and, again, will continue to pray for you and your family.
I just spoke to Shimmie, and she wanted me all to give you a message:

She said that the closer its getting to the funeral (Sunday - viewing & Monday - funeral) it's getting really hard for her. She has been so busy with so many things that she hasn't been able to get onto the forum to thank everyone, but that after Monday, she will be on to share with all of us and to thank each one of us, individually.

She said that she appreciates everyone and love you all so much. Please keep her in prayer the closer it gets to the funeral...she is having such a difficult time.

Also, she said that she has received the pm's you all have sent (she gets them in her email at home) and that she will answer them all as soon as she can.

God bless you all :love3:
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I didn't know Shimmie's mother passed away. :sad: Thank you, Nice & Wavy for keeping us posted and checking in with her.

I am praying for you and your family, Shimmie!
He who dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High

shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

He will cover you with his feathers,

and under his wings you will find refuge;

his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart

Psalm 91

Dearest Shimmie,
I pray you abide in that secret place. That place of comfort under the wings of your Almighty Father. May he comfort and protect you, and cover you with his feathers. May he keep you. May you find refuge there in his arms. I will continue to pray for you as Sunday approaches. If things get more and more difficult, I pray that you find that secret place where his perefect love and protection resides.
Oh Shimmie, i'm so so sorry for your loss :( :Rose: I pray that God strengthens you and your family at this time and as you trust Him that He fills your heart with a peace that surpasses all understanding. You will see her again ... and in a much better place.

Lots of love, hugs, kisses, and prayer,

Topsy x
:rosebud:The Plan of the Master Weaver[/I][/B]:rosebud:

My life is but a weaving between the Lord and me,
I may not choose the colors,
He knows what they should be,
For He can view the pattern upon the upper side,
While I can see it only on this, the underside…

Sometimes He weaveth sorrow, which seemeth strange to me,
But I will trust His judgment, and work on faithfully,
‘Tis He who fills the shuttle, and He knows what is best,
So I shall weave in earnest, leaving to Him the rest…

Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why -
The dark threads are as needed in the Weaver’s skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned.

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Shimmie, I'm so sorry for your loss!!! I pray that you will receive peace and comfort from God! (((hugs)))
Im kinda late finding this thread, but Shimmie you and your family are still in my prayers. Your post are always uplifting and inspiring. God Bless you sis.
Thinking of you and praying for you, Shimmie.
It's a very difficult time. But you know that God already provided for your comfort and your peace, not only for you but for all the family. Let His grace and the time heal you from this loss.

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that God will comfort you and give you peace and rest in Him. May his loving embrace surround you and carry you through this difficult time.

May God bless you