Please help me understand


Well-Known Member
I am just in confusion and have been for a while on the spiritual aspect of depression. After reading this article about a pastor struggling with clinical depression with medication, and being a biology major I know that depression is attributed to "chemical imbalances" in the brain (hasn't everyone heard that?). But many Christians that I talk to say that it is a spirit. If it is a spirit or a demon can't it be cast out? When talking to physicians (I'm going into the medical field) many state that it should be treated just like another illness, such as high blood pressure or arthritis. I was reading the thread in off topic "Is suicide/depression spiritual or mental" (I can't remember) and many people stated both. I'm just in a bit of a confusion and I would appreciate your input. Also, in the church some people say that depression can be completely conquered by getting stronger in your faith and praying more. Also I've listened to sermons where it was stated that sin, unforgiveness, or bitterness harboring in your life leads to a disconnect from God, which can result in depression or a lack of joy.

I would love to hear the input from Christians who have suffered from clinical depression and what you think about this.

I'm sort of scared to post this, but here it goes....
I believe it can be both. There's the one side of the church the sooper ooper dooper spiritual folks that think everything is a demon and look at those who seek medical attention as having a lack of faith. They seem to forget the King Hezekiah wasn't divinely healed....God had the prophet fix a prescription for him. Then there's the other side that doesn't believe in divine healing at all and never seeks God for their medical issues but rather seeks doctors only. Asa was guilty of this.

IMO all forms of healing are from God. It is God who inspired the physicials to create things that kill disease and heal people. It's the Lord that guides that surgeon's hand and gave him that gift and skill. So with depression, it can be any number of things. I truly feel however that anti-depressants are not the answer as they're just a bandaid. Most depression is like to mineral deficiencies, nutritional deficiencies, and spiritual issues.

2 examples. When Saul caused the Army to fast, the men were nutrient deprived. Jonathan didn't know that his father had ordered the army not to eat so he ate some honey and immediately his depression was gone.

King Saul was sent a tormenting/depressing spirit from God in order to cause him to repent. David's worship i.e. playing of the harp caused the spirit to leave.

So we have both cases. I think the best way to deal with depression is pray to God for wisdom and discernment. Repent of any sin you may have in your life and ask the elders of the church to pray for you. Next clean up your diet. Go organic. If you can't afford it ask God to grant you wisdom with money in order to do it. I am convinced that the antibiotics and hormones they shoot these animals up with in addition to the hormones released and other issues these animals go through because they're slaughted inhumanely (i.e. not even close how the Lord instructed the children of Israel to do it), caged chickens, 15 to a cage with no room to move forced to lay eggs, milk, dairy etc. Is it any wonder people suffer from chemical imbalances?? Next cleanse your body. I highly reccommend the Master Cleanse. Not only is it a way to purge the impurities from your body, but since it is a time of fasting it can greatly draw you closer to God.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against medicine at all, however American medicine has become more of a bandaid approach than actual healing. Insomnia? Oh here's a pill for that (actually the Bible says restlessness is a result of not working hard enough). Have a headache? Here's a pill for that. It's not about finding the cause and enabling the body to heal itself as God designed it to.

Anyways, that's my tree hugger post for the day:grin:
I believe it can be both. There's the one side of the church the sooper ooper dooper spiritual folks that think everything is a demon and look at those who seek medical attention as having a lack of faith. They seem to forget the King Hezekiah wasn't divinely healed....God had the prophet fix a prescription for him. Then there's the other side that doesn't believe in divine healing at all and never seeks God for their medical issues but rather seeks doctors only. Asa was guilty of this.

IMO all forms of healing are from God. It is God who inspired the physicials to create things that kill disease and heal people. It's the Lord that guides that surgeon's hand and gave him that gift and skill. So with depression, it can be any number of things. I truly feel however that anti-depressants are not the answer as they're just a bandaid. Most depression is like to mineral deficiencies, nutritional deficiencies, and spiritual issues.

2 examples. When Saul caused the Army to fast, the men were nutrient deprived. Jonathan didn't know that his father had ordered the army not to eat so he ate some honey and immediately his depression was gone.

King Saul was sent a tormenting/depressing spirit from God in order to cause him to repent. David's worship i.e. playing of the harp caused the spirit to leave.

So we have both cases. I think the best way to deal with depression is pray to God for wisdom and discernment. Repent of any sin you may have in your life and ask the elders of the church to pray for you. Next clean up your diet. Go organic. If you can't afford it ask God to grant you wisdom with money in order to do it. I am convinced that the antibiotics and hormones they shoot these animals up with in addition to the hormones released and other issues these animals go through because they're slaughted inhumanely (i.e. not even close how the Lord instructed the children of Israel to do it), caged chickens, 15 to a cage with no room to move forced to lay eggs, milk, dairy etc. Is it any wonder people suffer from chemical imbalances?? Next cleanse your body. I highly reccommend the Master Cleanse. Not only is it a way to purge the impurities from your body, but since it is a time of fasting it can greatly draw you closer to God.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against medicine at all, however American medicine has become more of a bandaid approach than actual healing. Insomnia? Oh here's a pill for that (actually the Bible says restlessness is a result of not working hard enough). Have a headache? Here's a pill for that. It's not about finding the cause and enabling the body to heal itself as God designed it to.

Anyways, that's my tree hugger post for the day:grin:

Thanks for bringing this fact back to my attention and thanks so much for replying...this topic has been on my mind for a while...
I've dealt with some very serious demonic depression. Panic attacks full blown. I believe it was all due to a spiritual force. But, the battle was going down in my mind. And I am sure if someone did test on me they too would have seen some type of chemcial in balance.

However, I believe the spiritual force causes a physical reaction and can be shown though abnormalties in the body.

I've been good for a while now..all GLORY TO GOD! He truly did bring me that peace that passes all understanding.

We all know how panic attacks are expressed in a physical reaction. So this stuff was deep. Especially how it all can be triggered with a thought. That's why God talks about guarding the windows to your sould. And thinking on things that are true, honest, just, pure ya know.
Thanks for sharing your experience with me...from the responses that I've been getting and reading about the general consensus seems to be that depression/anxiety is a two fold problem.
I am just in confusion and have been for a while on the spiritual aspect of depression. After reading this article about a pastor struggling with clinical depression with medication, and being a biology major I know that depression is attributed to "chemical imbalances" in the brain (hasn't everyone heard that?). But many Christians that I talk to say that it is a spirit. If it is a spirit or a demon can't it be cast out? When talking to physicians (I'm going into the medical field) many state that it should be treated just like another illness, such as high blood pressure or arthritis. I was reading the thread in off topic "Is suicide/depression spiritual or mental" (I can't remember) and many people stated both. I'm just in a bit of a confusion and I would appreciate your input. Also, in the church some people say that depression can be completely conquered by getting stronger in your faith and praying more. Also I've listened to sermons where it was stated that sin, unforgiveness, or bitterness harboring in your life leads to a disconnect from God, which can result in depression or a lack of joy.

I would love to hear the input from Christians who have suffered from clinical depression and what you think about this.

I'm sort of scared to post this, but here it goes....

You have to have your spiritual armour on too, here is a good site to explain it to you. I highly recommend you reading it.

And yes, certain spirits can torment you and cause certain emotions within individuals. Sometimes, it may be an chemical imbalance and other tiems it may be spiritual. I think most of the time, it is spiritual, which is why stats show so many on anti-depression related medicine still ARE depressed.

It's not necessarily that you are possessed but oppressed by certain spirits which need to be cast from being around or attached to you in the Name of Jesus, which he has given us the power to do and talked about in the new testament of God's Word. In his name, we will cast out demons, In his name, we can lay hands on the sick and they will be healed.....

And yes, unforgiveness also can block God's forgiveness in your life for things you've done after salvation too. It is in Mark 11:23.