Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in them'

Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I agree with other ladies, don't try to convince her.
If there's some bias she holds about her own people and their "ability" to manage their heads as they see fit, then the disbelief is just a symptom of the disease, not the disease itself.

ask her why she feels that "mixed blood" must legitimate someone's hair length, and why "full black" need such legitimization? Maybe then you can have a convo with her about this that isn't surface level.

here's hoping!

PS: if that doesn't work, let it be. when she gets tired of fighting, she'll quit. <3
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

kblc06 right now i'm still negroid but you are my exxxotical inspiration


Thank you darlin', but fret not. You too will eventually reach the highest pinnacle of exxoticalness. I'm truly surprised that with that beautiful puff of yours that no one hasn't at least asked you if you were Ethiopian or Sri Lankan :nono:.


You belong to the Slapahoe tribe!? You must be at least TBL. I'm trying to add Fijian to the list so I have a ways to go. Off to bathe my scalp in unicorn tears.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I've recently reached LHCF level 3 and am now mixed with black, White mountain Apache, and Grand Jeep Cherokee.....and a side of shrimp Creole *flips long luxurious locks :gorgeous:


Isn't there a LOT of African women on this board tho?:look:

Maybe u should show her the struggles that white ppl go thru with growing their hair on LHC and NC...then she'll see there's no such thing as "good hair".
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

There was one girl on youtube who had like a type z hair....very cottony and major shrinkage but it was about waistlength I think....maybe shorter but it was def long. Can someone help me find her youtube video(s)? I need inspiration....
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t


:lachen: Does your mom think you have "that kinda hair" ????

Believe it or not, yes! But only since my hair has grown longer. How does that even make sense? :perplexed
She used to RAKE the comb through my hair with the same "difficulty" as my sisters' (who is also in her 20's and her hair has always been above shoulder length) and we both have type 4 hair.
So apparently I must have always had "the kinda hair" that her sister and grandmother have/had; 'very soft, less coarse, with the ability to be long' :perplexed.
Believe me, my hair is exactly like my mums (type 4) hair!!! Hopefully, as I'm transitioning, she will see that... again.
I've tried to explain why my hair has suddenly gone from SL to WL and gently push her in the right direction with healthier haircare practises but it just aint working :(.
I'm always amazed how certain stereotypes about black hair continue to persist, especially from the older generations.
Op, hopefully when you reach your hair goals that will be enough to convince your sister, however that shouldn't even be one of your aims.
Just concentrate on getting where you want to be during your hair journey and if she is enlightened along the way, that'll be an added bonus!
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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I'm 4b and Nigerian. Born and (partially) raised there; my parents too! My family can trace our background far back, and so far, no known admixture. :) We're ethnic Igbo.
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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

^^ Cool I'm Igbo too
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

yaya24... I didn't know you were igbo... I thought you were Hausa... :)... @ OP .... Check out RusticBeauty on Youtube.... She is a kinky 4C, at least MBL, and her parents are Igbo, so no "mixed" anything....
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Well, I'll be the odd one out and say that while your friend's belief that all women on LHCF are mixed is a myth, like all myths it is rooted in some truth. Many African-Americans have some mixed blood. I'm not trying to be controversial; it's just the truth. If you say that, it is it's labeled "bad" or "denying your race," but there are reasons for the skin color variations among Af-Americans, who are generally lighter than people of direct African descent. There's slavery, yes, but there is also the prevalence of consensual interracial relationships and mixing with other minorities.

I'm sure this all affects hair growth and retention to some degree. There used to be threads about this type of thing all of the time, but they never ended well :look:.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Well, I'll be the odd one out and say that while your friend's belief that all women on LHCF are mixed is a myth, like all myths it is rooted in some truth. Many African-Americans have some mixed blood. I'm not trying to be controversial; it's just the truth. If you say that, it is it's labeled "bad" or "denying your race," but there are reasons for the skin color variations among Af-Americans, who are generally lighter than people of direct African descent. There's slavery, yes, but there is also the prevalence of consensual interracial relationships and mixing with other minorities.

I'm sure this all affects hair growth and retention to some degree. There used to be threads about this type of thing all of the time, but they never ended well :look:.

I am not disputing what you wrote, but want to point out there is a lot of skin color variation amongst people of 'direct African descent' with no admixture, even within the same immediate family. I have noticed people make a lot of assumptions and declarative statements about people of 'direct African descent' without ever bothering to do any research.

ETA: While I think retention will be harder for hair that is more highly textured, I am not convinced enough research has been done to determine that race is a determinate in hair growth. I will need to see a study where all the participants have the same regimen - wash hair daily, brush hair/massage scalp frequently; same diet and level of activity; same stress levels or lack thereof; and in similar health before I'll be convinced the hair growth rates are not attributable to other factors.
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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

When your hair is down your back they are still going to find away to dismiss you are 100% African/Black/Negroid.

You'll hear that you got your hair from your grandma's sisters auntie's brother's daughter :yep:

If they are superstitous, you will hear your mom looked at a white woman while she was pregnant :look: and that's why you got "good hair" :lachen:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Check out this beautiful girl with beautiful hair
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Like that matters! I DO have Indian in me (DNA test certified) and I STILL struggle with growing my hair. :lachen:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I had a long post written out, I just wanted to add that my comment was based on my experience with people of Nigerian descent here in Houston, who I realize do not represent the entire continent of Africa, versus other "black" family members and friends. Besides that, I'll leave the topic alone :look:.
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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Natural checking in. I'm not african, I'm black american but I have hair in the 4 range 4a and I'm beyond waistlength now. (I've done a few cuts since the last pic but still I'm past waistlength as of a blow dry this summer) The pic below was my last official length check for lhcf in Jan of 2011 (look to the middle and right as the first one was a year before that when I cut it). My next official length check is coming up late Jan or early feb 2012 depending on when I take down my next protective style.

BUT I think you should focus more on texture than mixtures so to speak.

My hair is 4a and DRY as the day is long for two reasons: genetics, combined with illness (grave's disease/thyroid disease and anemia) and with enough moisture infusion and low manipulation I'm on my way I hope going towards my final goal of classic if I can help it!:yep:). The reason I mention texture is as you know the curlier and kinkier, the more fragile...add to that the fact that I have thin strands (fine) even though I have dense hair/more strands per diameter though they are fine (which could lead to no hair gain as people in the past have been known to pull a comb through it fast in frustration practically shredding my fine strands). So I have tons of challenges but here I stand and so too can you and your sis (if she believes). It's either get to believing or kim imo you can't change her mind.

I'm only providing my insight for you in case perhaps she has you doubting (even the tiniest bit). Take heart. Know that everyone has excuses, I for sure have been told that it was impossible (tons of Grave's patients have shaved their head and given up, combine that with anemia and fine but kinky strands and you'd think I'd never get to my goals).

Know that you can be the example for her by just SHOWING. That's what I've done. AND even then she could still try to find an excuse as to "why" you've grown your hair because sadly that happens sometimes:nono: (I know people are now pointing to examples for me too, instead of facing the reality of the obstacles I've had to overcome to still achieve success). And tbh it was easy (low manipulation, tons of moisture, and also detangling properly)...but I had to stop listening to stylists who knew better and do what I was taught from the beginning (by my grandma) and reminded (by lhcf). I can't wait till you achieve your goals. I'm interested in what your sis will say then :rolleyes:
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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

That's a load of malarky. My best friend and I both have Native American roots, and she permed, cut colored, bleached and did lord knows what with her hair & It always grows back long and strong. I have never don't anything to my hair (except get a weave) and my hair never went past shoulder length (well it did once after a year of wearing weaves but broke off because I wasn't taking care of it). It all comes down to genetics and how you take care of your hair, but convincing 95 percent of people that is next to impossible.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

CharyAlm0nd;14718387[B said:
]That's a load of malarky[/B]. My best friend and I both have Native American roots, and she permed, cut colored, bleached and did lord knows what with her hair & It always grows back long and strong. I have never don't anything to my hair (except get a weave) and my hair never went past shoulder length (well it did once after a year of wearing weaves but broke off because I wasn't taking care of it). It all comes down to genetics and how you take care of your hair, but convincing 95 percent of people that is next to impossible.

What is????
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

What is????

I should've read my reply before posting it. The idea that any african american with hair at waist length is mixed with something is what I was referring to as malarky.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Chioniso Even three years down the line when your hair is long there is no guarantee that she will come around. Some people are just really sceptical and set in their ways.

When I first came across the boards with my ear length, relaxed, dyed and chewed up hair I was showing my friend (Jamaican) and cousin (Kenyan and Congolese) pictures from the site and all they could say was "well how do you know they aren't mixed". I'm like hello! I'm mixed look at my hair. Then years later my cousin wants to say my hair only grew because I have "mixed hair". I had to remind her that firstly there is no such thing as mixed hair and secondly my hair is kinky not curly and silky and that her hair used to be longer than mine...

You just have to let her come around on her own
I know how you feel. My Mom still perms her hair from root to tip every 6 weeks. I tried to intervene, but she tells me she "needs" her hair "neat" and bone straight & can't put up with all the "fly-aways" and "kinks" like me :rolleyes:

I tried to convince my cousin to stop flat ironing her hair everyday. The next day she posted a picture on Facebook showing her fried thin-ended, barely shoulder-length hair from the back with the caption "Long Hair, Don't Care. I got this..." :lol: On top of that my sister informed me that this cousin thinks I'm wearing a weave :rolleyes:

So.... I'm done trying to convince my family! I just continue taking care of my hair & wait for them to come to me with questions.

This method has worked for my sanity. As a result, my Aunt is transitioning to texlaxed and vows to never perm her daughter's hair & my baby sister is considering transitioning to natural. I love it :yep:

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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Yes, it's true that most folks have a little something something extra up in there...but let's be real, that does NOT mean you're going to have this magnificent head of hair.

I've seen more hispanics and whites and plenty of biracials with a chewed up head of hair. Hairline looking like it's running away from their forehead screaming "Give me free!"

Hell, I'm holding out for being "just black". I don't need those other issues.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

This is the thing - plenty of people who would make sure you know they are not just black, all of a sudden want to be just black if you ask about there hair. Which is it?

The title of this thread makes no sense. How and why should we convince someone's sister that there are no lhcf'ers with "Indian" in them when the Americas are full of black people with "Indian" in them? Is there a black purity test people need to take to join this place - that some of us missed.

Some black people have long hair and others do not.

All hair takes care and maintenance to look its best.

Just because you're from the continent of Africa doesn't mean you can't be mixed. There are people of all races living in Africa. The majority pop of Africa north of the Sahara is mixed or white. And people have been intermingling/marrying for thousands of years.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

^^^ I think the point is that whether we are mixed or not doesn't make a difference. While genetics do play a role, hair does grow and maintenance is key!
I had indian in me, but he went to work this morning.

Lol sorry I just had to. Black women can grow hair just show her your self op with your progress.

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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I'd rather have enough Indian blood to get a monthly check from a Native American casino ... :look:
Ugh. I hate when people, especially relaxed heads, tell that tale that their hair, or generally black hair, doesn't grow long. Is that so? Then do pray tell, if your hair doesn't grow, what exactly is it that causes you to relax your, ahem, "new growth"? And if your hair doesn't grow, you'd never need a touch up! Folks need to focus in the real issue: RETENTION.