Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in them'

Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Ugh. I hate when people, especially relaxed heads, tell that tale that their hair, or generally black hair, doesn't grow long. Is that so? Then do pray tell, if your hair doesn't grow, what exactly is it that causes you to relax your, ahem, "new growth"? And if your hair doesn't grow, you'd never need a touch up! Folks need to focus in the real issue: RETENTION.

Ain't this a blip!!! I mean really. I can't stand that. It's like, um do you see all of that newgrowth in your head???? If you retain that growth, your hair will "grow" long. Simple. :ohwell:

Oh, I'm mixed with black and black. My mommy is currently rockin' her 4b/c afro and my daddy had 4a kinks. Hence, I'm a 4a/b. :grin:

**ponytail slaps OP's sister on the way out of thread** :giggle:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I had a long post written out, I just wanted to add that my comment was based on my experience with people of Nigerian descent here in Houston, who I realize do not represent the entire continent of Africa, versus other "black" family members and friends. Besides that, I'll leave the topic alone :look:.

Please do share your experience with Nigerians in Houston. I'm interested, or you could just PM me the details.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t


Thank you darlin', but fret not. You too will eventually reach the highest pinnacle of exxoticalness. I'm truly surprised that with that beautiful puff of yours that no one hasn't at least asked you if you were Ethiopian or Sri Lankan :nono:.
My goal is to be Mauri, Aborigine or Sri Lankan by June next year. I'm working too hard to stay plain ole black. Keep your fingers crossed for me hun:yep:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

@Chioniso I use to be in your shoes when I first started. I just learn to let it go and focus on my own journey, sooner or later they will come around as you start to make progress in your hair journey. As to your question, Sera25 comes to mind, if I think of more I will post you a link.

This is so true. I remember starting my journey and being frustrated by the ignorance of those around me. The longer my hair grew the more those same people thinking I was delusional about my hair growth, came around asking me for advice. Showing them video or hair photos may convince a view but your own journey will speech volumes to those unbelievers.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I understand how you feel, but some people just want to believe the lie that you must be anything else but black if have long hair.:rolleyes: You have to either accept the fact she wants to remain in darkness or set the example by growing your own hair long.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

OP, here are some YouTube channels of ladies that may fit what you are looking for:

Sunshyne from Hairlista is Canadian, but her heritage is Ghanian and Jamaican: (she is one of my biggest hair inspirations)

JoStylin' is Nigerian; here is her flat-ironed natural hair:

Here's a YouTube of Nigerian girl who is natural and growing her hair out. Her puff is lovely:

This Nigerian girl is relaxed, SL, but her hair is very shiny and healthy-looking:

Best of luck!
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I had indian in me, but he went to work this morning.

Lol sorry I just had to. Black women can grow hair just show her your self op with your progress.

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:dead: :lachen::lachen:. I wish I had some Jay Tavare in me :blush:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Nobody said anything about Kneechay? Her hair is gorgeous.

My family and friends did the same thing when I discovered LHCF, knowing full well they had seen my hair stop at SL all my life. Then all of a sudden my hair is long "because I'm light skinned." Ok, so what about my mom (pure 4a) and sister (pure 4b), who aren't? ESPECIALLY my sister, whose hair my cousins used to :nono: to her FACE when she was a kid? Now that she is BSL, her hair is "different" than theirs. Can't win for losing.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

OP i definitely agree, don't stress yourself trying to convince her..

its so funny because when i BCed, my whole family was like, "chile, you dont have rico suave hair like your father, you need to slap a perm on"

Now that i have some length the new thing is "hmm no wonder your hair is growing, you got a mix of your fathers hair" *rolls eyes*
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

The Op wanted dark skinned ladies with super lush, 4b hair... I have 'lush' hair...but I don't think I qualify as dark... :/ and I'm black...both parents are black and so are my grandparents...shouldn't that count??
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

OP, most people assume that because I'm Dominican that my hair has always been long and lush. Truth is my hair never grew past shoulder length the entire time I permed my hair... which is from 1981-2006!!! That's a mighty long time! Anyway tell your sister that having "indian" in your blood will not guarantee you long, healthy hair.

If you learn how to properly take care of your hair it will grow.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

OP, all you can do is worry about your own hair. Let your sister find her way. I tell you I have told people numerous times what to do to protect their hair. (AFTER THEY HAVE ASKED.) Like what not to use and these people don't listen. They do what they want to do and what feels good for them. I leave it alone as I see them cut their hair months after they "discover" something with bad ingredients that leaves their hair brittle and overprocessed. Now I just look at their heads and keep it moving.
OP, most people assume that because I'm Dominican that my hair has always been long and lush. Truth is my hair never grew past shoulder length the entire time I permed my hair... which is from 1981-2006!!! That's a mighty long time! Anyway tell your sister that having "indian" in your blood will not guarantee you long, healthy hair.

If you learn how to properly take care of your hair it will grow.
Cosigning. My hair is as long as it is today thanks to LHCF :yep: Mixed with Indian, btw.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Op, i don't try to convince anymore!! yeas i have mix heritage, but all my life my hair has never been longer than Sl (just touching my shoulder). My hair grew when i found this board, read books, watched YT videos an suddenly now my hair is growing because of the portuguese in me, duuuuuuuh! (my own mother has said that as well)!
People will always find excuses to justify their failure!:ohwell:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Ugh. I hate when people, especially relaxed heads, tell that tale that their hair, or generally black hair, doesn't grow long. Is that so? Then do pray tell, if your hair doesn't grow, what exactly is it that causes you to relax your, ahem, "new growth"? And if your hair doesn't grow, you'd never need a touch up! Folks need to focus in the real issue: RETENTION.

My mom claims that when she needs a relaxer, her hair is "turning back":rolleyes:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Ugh. I hate when people, especially relaxed heads, tell that tale that their hair, or generally black hair, doesn't grow long. Is that so? Then do pray tell, if your hair doesn't grow, what exactly is it that causes you to relax your, ahem, "new growth"? And if your hair doesn't grow, you'd never need a touch up! Folks need to focus in the real issue: RETENTION.

This always slays me:look: What's the purpose of a touch up for relaxed heads then? It's almost like they're staring at the truth but still can't see that their hair is growing. It's kinda sad when you think about it because it means the "myth" about being black (in re: to hair) is stronger to them than the reality staring them in the face.:yep: Great post.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

OP i definitely agree, don't stress yourself trying to convince her..

its so funny because when i BCed, my whole family was like, "chile, you dont have rico suave hair like your father, you need to slap a perm on"

Now that i have some length the new thing is "hmm no wonder your hair is growing, you got a mix of your fathers hair" *rolls eyes*

You just made me remember this lol

Ooh lawdy! I remember my cousin told me when she was younger and living down south some mean little nasty girl went to her and told her that my cousin thought she was cute and the only reason she had that hair was because of her daddy.

My cousin said well you have a daddy too, don't you? What happened to your hair? (And I think the girl didn't have a father or the mother didn't know who he was lol some crap)

That little heffen went home crying but she didn't bother my cousin anymore! :lachen:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

You just made me remember this lol

Ooh lawdy! I remember my cousin told me when she was younger and living down south some mean little nasty girl went to her and told her that my cousin thought she was cute and the only reason she had that hair was because of her daddy.

My cousin said well you have a daddy too, don't you? What happened to your hair? (And I think the girl didn't have a father or the mother didn't know who he was lol some crap)

That little heffen went home crying but she didn't bother my cousin anymore! :lachen:

:lol::lol::lol: Love it!
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

OMG, I am not light-skinned, but my hair is not 4C. i wish it was (the better to hold a style). Anyway, the back of me is in my avatar. Stronger hair retains better, IMHO, so if your sister has strong hair, tell her she's very fortunate!!
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

@yaya24... I didn't know you were igbo... I thought you were Hausa... :)... @ OP .... Check out RusticBeauty on Youtube.... She is a kinky 4C, at least MBL, and her parents are Igbo, so no "mixed" anything....

Wow, her hair is gorgeous: exactly my point, strong hair has its benefits!!