Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in them'


New Member
I have recently started preaching the gospel of LHCF to everyone I know. I showed my sister this site and some of your pictures and she is not convinced.

I have been saying how just because you are black it does not mean you have to have chewed up hair that breaks around shoulder length. I showed her some of the lovely pics of people with lovely hair. Her response is that 'Well, they are American they don't have hair like us (we are African) - most of them you will find they have some white person or something in their family tree and that's why they have good hair'.

I used to think that when I first started lurking on the site but seeing people's progress, and how much care they took of their hair changed my mind. I know the best way to convince her is by having lovely hair myself but I just shaved my hair and am starting my hair journey so it will be years before there is anything impressive.

Please if you know of any pics of 4c and dark skinned ladies with lovely hair and perhaps progress pics that may be enough to convince would you post them. Thanks
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

@Chioniso I use to be in your shoes when I first started. I just learn to let it go and focus on my own journey, sooner or later they will come around as you start to make progress in your hair journey. As to your question, Sera25 comes to mind, if I think of more I will post you a link.
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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

What about Selah? she is African and I believe waist length... will come back with her info unless someone else does first...

ETA: oops, edited to Sera! someone else came, thanks!
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Hey OP, i totally get where you're coming from but i agree w/ Firstborn2 above: focus on your own journey. others will come around when they are ready.

Personally, i don't believe there is anything you can say to or show someone that will change how they feel about their hair or the potential for black women to grow long hair. if they are curious point them to the site and they'll do their own research and come around in time.

Until then just do you :) Crusades are rarely fulfilling ;)
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Add my mom to the "needs convincing" list.

Everytime I show her a WL pic, she asks "Is she fully black?" :ohwell:

I'm like c'mon mom. We've been having these conversations since like 08'.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

:worship2::worship2:Wow these are some beautiful heads of hair. Thanks for posting those links!
Blackmasterpiece has gorgeous MBL type 4 hair.

Sent from my Super Kewl EVO... Please blame the phone for the typos
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Add my mom to the "needs convincing" list.

Everytime I show her a WL pic, she asks "Is she fully black?" :ohwell:

I'm like c'mon mom. We've been having these conversations since like 08'.

YOUR mom needs convincing ????? .... has she not noticed YOUR phenomenal hair :lick:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

OP, don't convince anybody.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I have found that humans pay more attention to personal experience than anything else...Show her--then she won't have any excuse...Well, she might but at that point--who will really care as you flip your hair and keep it moving :yep: :yep:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've recently reached LHCF level 3 and am now mixed with black, White mountain Apache, and Grand Jeep Cherokee.....and a side of shrimp Creole *flips long luxurious locks :gorgeous:
Well I AM biracial. My hair was sh*# when I didn't take care of it and had no knowledge of it. I colored,relaxed,and flat ironed constantly. It never grew past my shoulders..ever! But I now have knowledge and my hair is healthy and now past my bra. I hate when people automatically think because I'm biracial my hair is guaranteed perfect. It's very annoying!!!!

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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

YOUR mom needs convincing ????? .... has she not noticed YOUR phenomenal hair :lick:

Thanks SimJam!

When I BC'd she joked around and said that my hair would never grow back.

Now that it has, she says that its because I had a full head of hair as a kid.

Can't win. :lol:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Just let your hair speak for itself with it's growth and health and others will hop on the bandwagon.
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Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've recently reached LHCF level 3 and am now mixed with black, White mountain Apache, and Grand Jeep Cherokee.....and a side of shrimp Creole *flips long luxurious locks :gorgeous:

Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

kblc06 right now i'm still negroid but you are my exxxotical inspiration
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I would stop. All that stress causes hair to break. Let your hair results speak on your behalf. Give it a year or two :yep:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

@Chioniso I use to be in your shoes when I first started. I just learn to let it go and focus on my own journey, sooner or later they will come around as you start to make progress in your hair journey. As to your question, Sera25 comes to mind, if I think of more I will post you a link.

This is what i've learned, I will have to just prove it to them with my OWN journey. And that will speak for itself. Give me about 2 more years, and I'll show em! :yep:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Add my mom to the "needs convincing" list.

Everytime I show her a WL pic, she asks "Is she fully black?" :ohwell:

I'm like c'mon mom. We've been having these conversations since like 08'.

Ditto! My mum still thinks that in order to have long hair, you have to have "that kinda hair".
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Plenty of people here do have mixed heritage. No point in turning this into a thread where mixed people get bashed just to please skeptics. Some people's hair is going to grow to WL and others for whatever reason will not. It's okay.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Plenty of people here do have mixed heritage. No point in turning this into a thread where mixed people get bashed just to please skeptics. Some people's hair is going to grow to WL and others for whatever reason will not. It's okay.

I agree..

The bigger point I try to make to skeptics is that no matter what heritage they have, their hair can almost always be better than it is now through better care and products.

A lot of women are too set in their ways to experiment with different methods of hair care and would prefer rely on excuses and myths so they don't have to make a change.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

Ugh add my best friend to this list! She's relaxed and her hair is breaking off really bad from weaves and I showed her LHCF and every picture of beautiful relaxed hair I showed her that was longer than NL or SL was "mixed". It made me mad because she asks for my advice about her relaxed hair, and possibly transitioning since I'm natural now, and every tip I give her won't work for her because I've "always had that good hair, even when relaxed"... It's just so frustrating :nono:
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

I agree..

The bigger point I try to make to skeptics is that no matter what heritage they have, their hair can almost always be better than it is now through better care and products.

A lot of women are too set in their ways to experiment with different methods of hair care and would prefer rely on excuses and myths so they don't have to make a change.

Excuses, myths and lacefronts.
Re: Please help me convince my sister that you LHCF girls don't all have 'Indian in t

What??? I'm from the slapahoe tribe, stop playing...