Please help me advise my friend


Well-Known Member
I apologize for the essay, in advance.
Background info

My friend lives in California and I live in Texas. She is 5.5 months pregnant.
My friend's brother in law committed suicide on Thanksgiving Day. She had never met him.

Fast forward to this past weekend:

She texts me in the afternoon telling me her husband is going crazy and was yelling at her and asked her to leave. (She knows only 3 pple in CA including her husband). She went to her BFF's house and called me later that night telling me she was going back home.
I asked her why she was going, did he apologize? and if she and hubby had made peace. Says she has to go home and get clothes, medical documents, and medication.
What had happened: She said hubby came home and found her on the phone laughing during a convo with her BFF and accused her of betraying him and not caring about his feelings during his time of mourning.
I told her to try and talk to him before going there to see what state of mind he was in since it is not ok for her to be driving back and forth at night in her state of pregnancy. I did not hear back from her.
Sun: I try to text her, no response. I logon to Facebook and her BFF has left me a message that my friend cannot be reached via phone. (My friend has no FB, her husband made her delete it when they got married in July). I ask if she is ok, she says that my friend will have to explain things to me herself. My friend then texts me from a no. I did not recognize but identifies herself. She mentions needing a police escort to her house and that her hubby took her phone. By this time I am puzzled and ask her to call me or if I can call her.
I call her and she says that (Back to Sat nite) when she got home, he asked her for her car keys twice and she refused to hand them over so he got mad and asked her to leave-again! She said she was going to get her stuff and leave. He yelled at her to leave immediately. Her phone rang (her sis was calling) and he grabbed the phone when she pulled it out and said to her, "I pay for this phone and I am keeping it. Leave!" She said she left and drove to a truckstop where she called the police and told them that her husband was acting crazy and she needed to get some things from the house.
A police officer escorted her to the house where she went and grabbed some clothes and her meds. She then leaves to her BFF's place.

The question is, her late bro in law's wake is tomorrow(Tue) and the funeral is Wed, should she attend?
Her husband emailed her telling her that he needed her by his side. Her mother-in-law does not like her and she told me she doesn't want to go because the family keeps bickering and blaming each other for the death. Her husband also called her mother Saturday and told her that he was sorry for getting angry and yelling at her, but is yet to apologize to his wife for any of his actions.
Torn: I feel that she should go out of respect for the family but not because he needs her.
At the same time, I am thinking that she shouldn't go because he is selfish, knowing well that she is expecting his children (twins), and he asked her to leave knowing that she doesn't have family over there(parents and siblings in TX). To add on to that, her BFF lives 1.5 hrs away!!

I would like to hear from you ladies so that I can be able to give the best advice. Thank you all in advance.
Since she is pregnant with his child which means they are bonded forever, I would advice her to go out of respect for the family. But she needs to take someone with her (sound like the BFF is the only choice). She should avoid him and not be alone with him.

Although he never hit her, if she had to take the police with her to get her things, she should not undermine him.
I would advise her not to go. She doesn't need the stress. Her husband is obviously not concerned about her. What kind of man puts his pregnant wife out on the street?
Before making any decision about a wake or funeral, she needs to know where her relationship is going. You say they got married in July, it's December and she's already out of the house. I'm sure that he's been exhibiting 'strange' (i.e. overbearing) behavior before this/the death, but now she's using this incident as an excuse to cover for his craziness. She needs to document all of his foolishness just in case she needs to bounce for good.
He made her delete her FB page, took her phone, put her out and then when she tried to get clothes put her out again without clothes and meds and she's 5 months pregnant. No she shouldn't be worried about his feelings he sure isn't worried about her's or his unborn child. She needs to stay as far awhile from him as possible and think about her and her child's future and welfare. If she goes to the funeral and wake and then back home, this situation will not get better just worse. I understand stress but this is 100% crazy.
I would say go out of respect but because her husband is irrational, I wouldn't believe his apologies. I know he is hurting, but i would keep my distance.

Also if my name was on the lease or deed, I wouldn't leave my house unless I had a good plan in place to leave for good. Because she is pregnant, he should have been the one to leave.

Him getting upset with her is one thing, but asking her to leave, pregnant in the dead of winter with no support is just plain mean. (yes I know Cali is warm)

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honestly, i'm old school and i don't believe pregnant women should go to funerals. from what i understand, when ur pregnant, ur not suppose to be looking at death, if that makes sense.

but'r uh..imma come back n comment on this later. ran outta newports....brb.
If it was me, after being put through all of that by my own husband, I would not go. :nono: I would probably go to the house and get my things while everyone is at the funeral. If it was my friend and she really wanted to go, I wouldn't let her go alone. If she wants to forgive her husband and try to work things out with him, then she should go to the funeral. I think if she is just going out of courtesy to him but isn't sure whether she wants to stay with him or not, just being there will easily give the impression that she does want to work things out.
I wouldn't go. *** that mess! He's crazy and done put her out for no reason, his mama don't like her and there's going to be drama there? Plus, she pregnant! Why should she put herself through all of that?!? That's asking for more trouble. He doesn't need her support, he just doesn't want folks asking where his wife is and having to explain why she's not there. But he shoulda thought about that before he started being evil to her! She should use that opportunity to get the rest of her things and move back to Texas where she has a support system!
I wouldn't go for all the reasons stated above, but if she does decide to go, I would only go to one, not both.

but to be honest, after all of that mess, i might just skip em both and go visit a lawyer instead.
I would be cautious about giving too much advice. 9 times out of 10 she’s going to go back, sad to say but women rarely bounce in situations like this, it usually takes YEARS before they work up enough common sense to leave. So just be careful what you say. Since odds are high that he will somehow wiggle his way back in her life and they’ll pretend like nothing happen while you sit there like “wtf?” my advice for you to give her would be to attend the funeral, make sure she shows her face because if she doesn’t he’ll just use it against her… “you didn’t even love me enough to come to my brother’s funeral blah, blah, blah..”
She might as well go because she is going to end up back with dude.

I agree with the poster who said this is not new foolishness, he has been extra all along. I know that the suicide is a lot on a person, but gee whiz, kicking his wife out, taking her phone, controlling her life. This is what is in store for her and her kids for the rest of her life. Controlling BS.
Advise her to seek marriage counseling cus you know she's going back. He's a nut. Now he's a depressed nut since his brother just died. Ideally she should leave but I don't think that's going to happen. So if she stays they need counseling.
Thank you all for your input. I really appreciate it.
He texted her BFF (he doesn't have her new phone no.) asking my friend to go back home and that he was sorry, but I am not buying it. I told her it was her decision to make because she knows whats best for her, but she has to put her and the babies' interests first.
Sorry but he sounds like he has been cucko for a minute well before his brother's death. Hopefully she puts her peace of mind and her babies well being before his depressive, psychotic behavior.
. What kind of man puts his pregnant wife out on the street?

This is what I'm thinking. Grief, no grief. She's his wife. She may have been his greatest confidant had he comported himself reasonably. I would have preferred he leave for the night than put her out.

OP, I think that if she decides to go, she needs to take someone with her and this may be mean but I wouldn't sit with the family.
In can't win situations I shut up. The fact that she went back after his first time erratic behavior (regardless of why)means she might do it again. THEN you're the friend who told her not to go and now she's feeling awkward around you, may tell her husband and now their anger is displaced at you. If she can't see that being kicked out twice while pregnant with twins, no family around, having to drive 1.5 hours, walk on egg shells, and call the cops to help her get her things is a no no (and the last thing she should think about is being at the wake, perhaps she should think about taking her life in another direction...)...then you are not changing anything by telling her not to go, except maybe allowing yourself to be implanted in the middle of their mess.

I only advise people in situations where I think I actually stand a chance of being heard, otherwise it's a waste of energy. If I were you, I'd wish her well but tell her this is something for her to decide and that I'll be there for her either way. Yes women who are scared of their men, it is important not to turn your back. But in this case you're not: you're keeping a life line open (by telling her that you've got her back. Who knows what you could step into. With his erratic behavior, it may become directed at you now that you've come between him and his woman...and then she decides to go back hom yet again meanwhile you had to go through hell in the interim. I guess I'm just speaking from experience of family members with explosive men who go back again and again (regardless if it's just their explosive behaviors, or hitting it's all the same to me).
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the ladies have spoken. i wouldn't go because for one, she's pregnant and i firmly believe that when a woman is carrying a life, she should not be looking at death. especially since he committed suicide.

i wouldn't go. i would make up an excuse, but i damn sure wouldn't go. i would leave and stay at my mother's house until i've had the baby. then divorce his controlling ***.
Thank heavens she did not go. If she went she may have been a statistic. Do you know murder is the top cause of death for pregnant women? AND they are most likely to be killed by the baby's father?

She needs to RUN the other way AND FAST. She needs to leave and go back home to the arms of her family and friends. Also, she has to understand that if she goes back to him after he does this, the next time it will be worst. He WILL kill her.
Thanks all. She did not attend the wake, or go back to the house.

Whew.... Talk about a bullet dodged. Start talking some sense into your friend. She needs to go back to her family and get her life in order. Doing that may cause a lot of stress, but it's a lot more stressful to be with a husband that showing some serious warning signs of being abusive. She needs to put her babies first.
Um...I know I'm extra late but uhhhh she needs to go back home to TX...He put her out because he knows that is her greatest weakness, that means when ever he decides to pitch a bit@h fit he's going to put her out...Not even thinking about the fact that she is his WIFE, not even thinking about the fact the she is pregnant with his children...Please the second my husband put me out in the damn wilderness at night while I'm preg with his child is the second he signs the divorce papers. As you can tell I have zero tolerance when it comes to ****r@y...