Please continue to pray


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Good Morning Everyone

Yesterday was my last chemo. Praise the Lord.

Next week appt to see surgeon on my options. Also waiting on the results of my BRCA. To those not familiar it's stands for BReast CAncer susceptibility gene. There are two BRCA genes: BRCA1 and BRCA2. Normally, they help protect you from getting cancer. But when you have changes or mutations on one or both of your BRCA genes, cells are more likely to divide and change rapidly, which can lead to cancer. I'm praying I don't have it. I don't want to tell you what that means.

Please continue to pray for me. I still have radiation coming up maybe a month or so after surgery. It will be 5 days a week for 6 weeks.

Thank you in advance. You are very much appreciated.
Paying for you... continue to fight! Trust and believe God! As children of The Most High God we are always victorious through Christ Jesus! Keep depending on Him... He has all power in His hands. God bless you, sis.
Praying for you and your continued and protected healing, Dear One.

Truly praying for you with love. :love2:

Hello everyone. I just wanted to say thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes. God does hear and answer prayers. I had surgery on Monday and it went well. The surgeon took another biopsy of my lymph nodes and it came back negative. Praise the Lord I was so afraid of loosing them.
My right breast was removed 6 months after radiation the left one will be removed and implants will be added. So for the next 8 months I 'll be a unicorn. Lol
Once again I'm thankful and appreciative of all your prayers and good thoughts.
Precious @blqlady :kiss:

You are so brave and such a beautiful inspiration. And these are not words randomly written.

I am honored to be among the many sisters and brothers who are praying for you. Those here and those that you know 'there'. You are more than someone via the Internet. You are within our hearts and I can only wish and thank God for you to have the best of care and every beautiful and cherished desire of your heart.

BTW: You're rocking the one else can compare. :gorgeous:

Love always,
Our Dear Father, thank for bringing our sister and your darling daughter's body into a normal healing balance. Dear Father it is by you that we can declare and decree that any and all infections/inflammation and disorder is no longer allowed to take rule. Only your healing and your powerful healing and love for BlqLady makes all things about her body new.

Lord, remove the fears and comfort her tears. For no weapon of any form shall be allowed to prosper against her. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.